Archive for January, 2020

The CIA and the Roswell Box

January 25, 2020

via The CIA and the Roswell Box

The CIA and the Roswell Box

January 25, 2020


Written by Grant Cameron
Thursday, 12 July 2012 19:02
“There is clearly an endless supply of such stories, and they are always volunteered to people who are prone to believing them but have no ability to check them.” Jacques Vallee

In a July 8th story run in the Huffington Post 35-year CIA veteran Chase Brandon spelled out for reporter Lee Speigel how he came to learn that the 1947 Roswell crash was an extraterrestrial event. He stated that he learned this while walking through an area at the Langley headquarters.

“It was a vaulted area and not everybody could get in it,” Brandon told Speigel. “One day, I was looking around in there and reading some of the titles that were mostly hand-scribbled summations of what was in the boxes. And there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell.”

“I took…

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Jet fighters, Helicopters, My Mary Plane, etcetera — It sounds like WWIII out there! Wormwood Nibiru Planet X Vistancia Peoria Arizona

January 24, 2020

via Jet fighters, Helicopters, My Mary Plane, etcetera — It sounds like WWIII out there! Wormwood Nibiru Planet X Vistancia Peoria Arizona

Jet fighters, Helicopters, My Mary Plane, etcetera — It sounds like WWIII out there! Wormwood Nibiru Planet X Vistancia Peoria Arizona

January 24, 2020

My Blog

My Benevolent Friends are infinitely patient with me.

As I don’t always do as they wish, as they prompt.

Now is not the time to be second-guessing,” I’ve been told by a very attractive young woman. She seems a bit frustrated and bewildered with me.

Second-guessing! Are you kidding me?! I’m having trouble with first-guessing!

But mostly they are very gentle with me. That is, unless they really need for me to get outside and take some pictures.

Then they pull out all the stops, and it sounds like WWIII out there!

Jet fighters, helicopters, sometimes I get my Mary plane (my blue and white one), but making a very loud noise that would NEVER come out of that plane.

When this happens, I know I’m supposed to take a lot of pics, I don’t know why, but it becomes clear when I have a look the next day.

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Glimpses of Disclosure (X-Conference 2004 Paper)

January 21, 2020

via Glimpses of Disclosure (X-Conference 2004 Paper)

Glimpses of Disclosure (X-Conference 2004 Paper)

January 21, 2020


Written by Grant Cameron
Thursday, 29 July 2004 23:00
Since the modern age of Ufology began in 1947 there have been a number of occasions when people representing various segments of the government have approached people in the media and in the UFO community. They have offered up clear glimpses of information that indicate the UFO phenomenon is and extraterrestrial phenomena and that the government has known it right from the beginning.

The importance of these government approaches is that the government was not required to do it. They simply could have continued to carry on as if nothing had happened.

I am not going to spend my time dwelling on the possible government motives for these glimpses. My intention is simply to list the examples and allow interested people to discuss it later. The possible reasons for what is going on include,

  • Steering investigators away from the truth.
  • Undermining…

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May 2016 – San Francisco Hot Springs

January 16, 2020

via May 2016 – San Francisco Hot Springs

May 2016 – San Francisco Hot Springs

January 16, 2020

100 Hikes Near Silver City, New Mexico

Pamela Morgan and I met when I was a Realtor and I helped her find a home. We’ve hiked many times before so when she contacted me recently, I was happy to get back on a trail with her.   Catching up with Pamela included hearing about her three week trip to Thailand and riding an elephant, comparing notes on elderly parents, hearing about her new venture offering Stress Management (more on that later), and her K9 work with Grant County Search and Rescue (GCSAR).

The whole day was full of interesting conversation but the K9 training had me especially fascinated. Trained dogs aid searches by helping to determine the direction of travel of the lost subject which narrows the search field dramatically. The GCSAR K9 unit currently has four handlers and 6 dogs that train weekly. While on our hike, we tested Pamela’s dog, Riley. I walked ahead for several…

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August 2014 – Sacaton Creek

January 9, 2020

via August 2014 – Sacaton Creek

August 2014 – Sacaton Creek

January 9, 2020

100 Hikes Near Silver City, New Mexico

Up a Creek

Hiking with Nancy and Ralph Gordon along Sacaton Creek.

I’ve known Nancy Gordon since I moved here 14 years ago, but neither of us can remember when we met. It’s one of those small-town relationships where you know common acquaintances, have attended common events, and have just drifted into knowing each other. I recall passing her and husband Ralph during my 100 hikes. It was hike number 98 and we were climbing the back side of Tadpole Ridge, and Nancy and Ralph were coming down the trail. We stopped briefly and talked and then continued on. So when I saw Nancy at the post office recently, I asked if she would be one of my victims — er, subjects.

The Gordons have lived in Silver City for 22 years. Ralph has a master’s degree in teaching and most recently taught in Lordsburg before retiring. Nancy, who calls…

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