Archive for May, 2018

Jon Lord’s most famous songs collected

May 31, 2018

Jon Lord - The Official Website

The Jon Lord Collection is a new volume of vocal scores and piano arrangements of some of Jon Lord‘s most famous songs and instrumental pieces. Jon Lord’s genre-defying music is presented here for the first time in a form which makes it readily accessible to musicians and music-lovers alike.

Included are some of Jon’s most celebrated solo songs, most importantly his autobiographical Pictured Within, composed to lyrics by Jon, and made famous by the incomparable performances of Miller Anderson.

The collection also includes works written in collaboration with Sam Brown (Wait a While, One from the Meadow, The Sun Will Shine Again), together with a more recent collaboration with Steve Balsamo (All Those Years Ago).

Jon’s genius for improvisation meant that his own performances were constantly evolving, and with most of the compositions included here, Jon never got around to actually notating…

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407(5a) Trivial Refutation of the Schwarzschild Metric

May 31, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans

Many thanks to Horst and Gareth for these comments. I will shortly revise and repost UFT407 along these lines. The Thomas half works through in to all aspects of classical dynamics.

Fwd: 407(5a) Trivial Refutation of the Schwarzschild Metric
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

This is a very remarkable refutation of the Schwarzschild metric. Eq.(15) means that the velocity is increased by a gravitational field which is consistent with (20) where phi(t) is increased by omega*t. However, according to (16), this is equivalent to an additional potential energy which makes the H atom less attracted by the earth, so this is the contrary effect.
Critical voices could object that the term 2MG/r in (15/16) is not a potential energy but an additional part of kinetic energy with inverse sign of a potential energy. This argument can easily countered by adding the potential energy term -mMG/r to the hamiltonian. Then this potential…

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To Horst

May 28, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans

Best wishes to your mother from all of us here! Thanks for checking 408(1) and 408(2). I will have rewrite and repost UFT407 and can see many possible refutations of the de Sitter theory because the Thomas precession occurs in so many places in H atom spectroscopy.
To Horst
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

Thanks, my mother is a bit infirm with her 91 years but relatively well. I will give her a visit again in about 2 weeks.
I checked the notes 408(1) and 408(2), they are o.k.
For paper 407 there seems to remain a problem with note 407(5). In eq.(4) of the note the factor c should stand in the numerator instead of denominator. This gives a much smaller term for <U_g>, it is in the order of spin-orbit coupling of H but should be detectable if it existed. Then the arguments in paper 407 had to be…

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May 26, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans

Documentary of Adelina Patti
Many thanks to Kerry. We had a family gathering once in Graig y Nos Castle, organized by my cousin Stuart Davies. Maybe Steve and yourself would like to meet the family.

Date: Sat, May 26, 2018 at 11:29 AM
Subject: Adelina
To: Myron Evans <myronevans123>

There is a documentary on Adelina now on s4c from 11.30 to 12.30. Channel 4.


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Fwd: FOR POSTING: Long Essay One

May 26, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans


Thank you Myron. This indeed will be a very useful communications piece. I am already testing it out.

Very best,


Steve Bannister Stephen C. Bannister, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Economics University of Utah

On 5/24/2018 7:18 AM, Myron Evans wrote:

Many thanks!

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FOR POSTING: Long Essay One

May 26, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans

This long essay summarizes the dramatic collapse of Einsteinian general relativity and its replacement by ECE and ECE2, interest in which is currently at a record high. This collapse was described by Professor Emeritus Alwyn van der Merwe as “the post Einsteinian paradigm shift”. It is a historic shift in thought, brought about by the methods of the knowledge revolution.


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Courtenay Wind Farm (applicable to other wind farms worldwide)

May 22, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans

Very good to hear from Mark Duchamp. He has my full support as Civil List Pensioner. The ecology of Betws and Mynydd y Gwair has been badly damaged by wind turbines. Ultimately, those responsible will be brought to justice and the turbines demolished. my year long study shows that turbines are useless in Wales. The ecology of Gelliwastad has been essentially destroyed by motorized and equine vandals. These should also be brought to justice.

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P60 of a Civil List Pensioner

May 21, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans

A Civil List Pension is a Pension from the Civil List voted in by Parliament to the Head of State and others on recommendation of the Prime Minister who is also First Lord of the Treasury. The P60 is issued by the Treasury. My formal employer is Queen Elizabeth II. There are currently fifty five or so Civil List Pensioners. The Royal Society of Chemistry nominated me, and the international referees were Prof Emeritus Alwyn van der Merwe, Prof. Bo Lehnert, Aademician of the Royal Swedish Academy, and the late John B Hart. Bo Lehnert informed the Chair of some Vigier Conferences, Richard Amoroso, that I had been nominated several times for a Nobel Prize. There is no reason to disbelieve this. The Civil List Pension is the higher honour of the two.

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Note 408(1): The Dirac H Atom as a Thomas Precession

May 21, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans

Many thanks to Co President Gareth Evans for these kind remarks. Much appreciated. The energy levels of the Sommerfeld and Dirac H atoms are the same, but the Dirac atom gives the spin orbit fine structure by using the SU(2) basis. The energy levels of the Schroedinger and Bohr atoms are the same, but the Schroedinger atom gives the orbitals and much more information than the Bohr atom. The effect of the vacuum on the Dirac atom is the Lamb shift, so this can also be thought of on terms of the Thomas half. The energy levels of the Schroedinger H atom are the Thomas half multiplied by the Einstein rest energy m c squared. This analysis can be extended to all atoms and molecules, and in ECE2 it is developed into a generally covariant unified field theory in a space with finite torsion and curvature. The Thomas half is…

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Note 408(1): The Dirac H Atom as a Thomas Precession

May 20, 2018

Dr. Myron Evans

This note shows that the Dirac H atom is also a Thomas precession, and gives the relativistically corrected Thomas half in Eq. (22). It is well known that the Dirac atom gives the correct spin orbit structure for atomic H but the Sommerfeld atom does not. Llewellyn Thomas developed the Thomas half theory in the same golden age of physics. So all atoms and molecules can be described in terms in terms of the Thomas half in a completely new way, on the non relativistic and relativistic levels. This is a major advance in understanding, accompanied by the fact that the Thomas half is now understood in terms of a generally covariant unified field theory, ECE and ECE2. These major advances are being made all the time, and the millions of colleagues of the ECE school know all about them. These colleagues have effectively discarded the old guard of physics…

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