Archive for April, 2011

All that was lost in the Genesis Garden was regained in the new heaven and new earth of the Revelation.

April 28, 2011



/ˈvaɪsrɔɪ/ [vahys-roi]



a person appointed to rule a country or province as the deputy of the sovereign.

1515–25; < Middle French, equivalent to vice- vice- + roy  king < Latin rēgem,  accusative of rēx

—Related forms

vice·roy·ship, noun
Father in Heaven, hear my prayer.

Thank you for sending Your Emissary to help me to put this into words.

May it please You, Lord. May I accurately depict Your Meaning.

And may I not omit any Word You have conveyed to me.

I ask this in Jesus Name. So Be It.

As you read the following, please distinguish what I quote, as opposed to my own interpretation, which is fallible.

Also distinguish between God’s Words, in the singular, as opposed to “They” in the plural.

They” are God’s Viceroys and Speak with the Authority of God.

They Speak with One Voice, I hear just one voice, but it’s clear to me They Speak in unison.

I asked how They should be characterized, and They said, “Viceroy.”

I wasn’t sure of the meaning of the word, so I looked it up. It fits.

God doesn’t speak directly to us very often, so please take heed.

The Dream

My husband and I are together witnessing what transpires.

That, in itself, is a good omen. I am not alone in this. None of us are alone.

This next part is the hardest one to put into words.

This famous quote will help to set the scene.

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.”

Yes, dear ones, merely players. That’s you and me.

In my dream, as my husband and I watch, all of the players go down below, so to speak.

Like we’re on the ground floor, but we can see the various goings on between the people one floor down, as in a basement.

But nothing like a basement, a whirlwind of activity, all good.

The volume of the area where these people are going about begins to contract.

Distances between them and time is shortened.

They are forced to “confront” others who, before, they had plenty of space and time to avoid.

I think to myself, because I’ve played a small part in this, “They’re going to be mad at me.”

But they’re not, just the opposite. The people don’t resist this coming together, as it were.

They’re happy they’re finally facing what had to be faced. Happy to see each other.

And they don’t notice me at all.

Scene Change (God Speaks)

Speaking to our present situation and tribulations, He says:

Everyone experienced SOMETHING.”

Now, here’s the weird part, God is speaking through me.

In other words, His Words are coming out of my mouth. And everyone hears something different.

I hear His Message for me, but He’s not just telling me.

He tells all who are gathered.

You’d think that would be embarrassing, but all are treated equally and get the same “treatment.”

His Message for me:

She has denied Me so many times, I’ve lost count.”

Without missing a beat, I turn to my husband who is seated to my left and say,

Boy, that wasn’t easy to take!”

Even though I am speaking all of God’s Words, I only remember His Message for me.

God is finished. Now I only hear His Viceroys.

I am taken aback by His Words. What could He mean?

My thoughts turn to Peter and his three denials.

But there are no parallels between my life and Peter’s.

I become increasingly distraught. I think the Viceroys take pity on me.

And I hear:

It’s just (pause) We’re on a timetable.”

That’s the message I keep hearing lately. Time is of the essence.

I believe we are being coaxed, nudged.

We are still free-will beings. But we are being told time is short. So get ready.

For what, I’m not sure.

Perhaps I haven’t always disclosed my Source. I won’t do that anymore. If I believe I’ve been given a message from God or His Viceroys, I will say so.

If I’m not sure, I’ll say that, too.

Lord, I pray I have served You well. And that Your Judgment of Your poor servant will soften.

Written this 28th day of April, in the Year of our Lord 2011.

God-Conscousness. by John Van Auken.

Let’s take a closer look at the significant activities and discussions leading up to and following the crucifixion.

It begins at the Last Supper. That Passover night and meal has its origins in ancient Egypt on the night the Angel of Death came upon all incarnate beings in Egypt, exempting only those who had the blood of the lamb upon the doorpost of their house (Ex. 12:12-13 — symbolic of the doorpost of their consciousness).

This freed the seekers from bondage to the ruler of Earth, allowing them to go to the Mount of God and the Promised Land.

So, now, Jesus and his disciples relive this moment, breaking bread and sharing wine together — symbols of breaking flesh and shedding blood. As the evening unfolds, Jesus becomes troubled.

He says, “And now my soul is troubled because my hour has come upon me. And what should I do? Call to my Father in heaven and ask Him to deliver me from this hour? No, for this hour have I come.”(John 12:27-28)

Yet, a few hours later in the garden he is troubled again, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death… Abba (literally, “Papa”), Father, all things are possible to Thee; remove this cup from me; yet not what I will, but what Thou wilt.”(Mark 14:34-36)

This is the outer man wrestling with the great transition from self-determined, physical man to God-centered, spiritual man. The physical, outer, earthy self does not inherit the kingdom of heaven.(1 Cor. 15:50)

The spiritual, inner, heavenly self inherits the kingdom. Thus, the deep meaning behind the ancient Hebrew concept of the blood-sacrifice relates directly to the subjugation of flesh to the spirit. Breaking through the flesh encasement (shedding the blood) yields the spirit and gives it its rightful place as the dominant, true self.

As the process is completed, the physical self cries, “Why hast thou foresaken me?”(Matt. 27:46)

But the intuitive soul says, “Into thy hands I commend my spirit,”(Luke 23:46) and gives up the flesh life for the spirit life.

Now we enter into the tomb, the cave, the coffin — death, sleep and the dark unconscious.

Then, by the unseen powers of the Spirit, we rise again, reborn. Only now we are predominantly spiritual beings manifesting physically, rather than physical beings with spiritual attributes.

As Job was restored a hundredfold, as Jesus came again to eat fish and honey with his disciples on the beach after his resurrection, and all that was lost in the Genesis Garden was regained in the “new heaven and new earth”(Rev. 21:1) of the Revelation. So will we be restored.

The Tree of Life, the Water of Life, and the new dwelling will be given to us to “take freely.”(Rev. 22:1-5 and 22:17)

In the ancient Egyptian temple of the Great Pyramid, the coffin in the upper chamber is empty. When the women came to anoint Jesus’ body, they found that the tomb held no decaying body. All initiates of the ancient mystery schools were taught there is no death.

That is, there is no death when the spirit is present and predominant.

When we lay aside our personal, earthly, physical interests — even though we feel “forsaken” — and commend ourselves into God’s hands (the Spirit’s life-giving and wisdom-giving power), we rise up again, a new person, one with God, God-conscious again — fully integrating body, mind, soul and spirit and attuning them to the Great Spirit, the Elohiym, God.

Now what was separated is rejoined. What was lost is found. What was dead, lives. This is spiritual breakthrough.

“Dost thou seek to enter into the glories of the Father? Whosoever will may come, may take of the water of life freely — even as flows from the throne of the Lamb. …If ye will accept, the blood cleanses from all unrighteousness. Saves self from what? To what are ye called?

To know that only from the falling away of self may ye be saved — unto the glorifying of self in Him may ye be saved. Then, whosoever will, come!“(#281-16)


Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” St. Francis of Assisi quotes (Founder of the Franciscan order, 1181-1226).


Uploaded by on May 7, 2010

The words to this wonderful hymn were written by St. Francis of Assisi in 1225. The music was added in 1623 by Pe­ter von Brach­el (“Geist­liche Kirch­en­ge­säng”). This arrangement is by Fernando. Vince Gill (Amy Grant’s husband) and Dan Tyminski (from Alison Krauss’ band Union Station and also from O, Brother Where Are Thou) sing harmony here. The female soloist is Marsha Skidmore. The song is about the wonders of the earth that God created and is an anthem of praise and worship to Him.


The Last Battle By Clive Staples Lewis


It still seemed to be early, and the morning freshness was in the air. They kept on stopping to look round and to look behind them, partly because it was so beautiful but partly also because there was something about it which they could not understand.

“Peter,” said Lucy, “where is this, do you suppose?”

“I don’t know,” said the High King. “It reminds me of somewhere but I can’t give it a name. Could it be somewhere we once stayed for a holiday when we were very, very small?”

“It would have to have been a jolly good holiday,” said Eustace. “I bet there isn’t a country like this anywhere in our world. Look at the colours! You couldn’t get a blue like the blue on those mountains in our world.”

“Is it not Aslan’s country?” said Tirian.

“Not like Aslan’s country on top of that mountain beyond the Eastern end of the world,” said Jill. “I’ve been there.”

“If you ask me,” said Edmund, “it’s like somewhere in the Narnian world. Look at those mountains ahead – and the big ice-mountains beyond them. Surely they’re rather like the mountains we used to see from Narnia, the ones up Westward beyond the Waterfall?”

“Yes, so they are,” said Peter. “Only these are bigger.”

“I don’t think those ones are so very like anything in Narnia,” said Lucy. “But look there.” She pointed Southward to their left, and everyone stopped and turned to look. “Those hills,” said Lucy, “the nice woody ones and the blue ones behind – aren’t they very like the Southern border of Narnia?”

“Like!” cried Edmund after a moment’s silence. “Why, they’re exactly like. Look, there’s Mount Pire with his forked head, and there’s the pass into Archenland and everything!”

“And yet they’re not like,” said Lucy. “They’re different. They have more colours on them and they look further away than I remembered and they’re more .. . more… oh, I don’t know…”

“More like the real thing,” said the Lord Digory softly.

Suddenly Farsight the Eagle spread his wings, soared thirty or forty feet up into the air, circled round and then alighted on the ground.

“Kings and Queens,” he cried, “we have all been blind. We are only beginning to see where we are. From up there I have seen it all – Ettinsmuir, Beaversdam, the Great River, and Cair Paravel still shining on the edge of the Eastern Sea. Narnia is not dead. This is Narnia.”

Jewel the Unicorn was a loyal follower of Aslan during the Last War of Narnia.


Send me the woman to fight for me (Send me Roxy Lopez)

April 22, 2011

If you believe this is about Dems vs Repubs, then you took the wrong pill.

I guess this is as good a place as any to say this.

I am not a Truther. I will never believe that President George W. Bush murdered his own people or had any prior knowledge of what was about to manifest.

And even if he did, that doesn’t mean he or anyone could have stopped what had been foreseen from happening.

This is not a good analogy, but while we were witnessing the events of 9/11, more than one of my students approached me to tell me that they had dreamt of the towers falling.

I have foreknowledge of future events sometimes, too.

That doesn’t mean I can do anything about it.

Why do I go here?

Fellow humans, we are being tested in a big way.

We need all hands on deck.

It will be hard enough to convince our fellows that chem trails (aerosol crimes) are real.

Let’s not waste time, we’ve no time to waste.

It’s hard enough to discern the information from the disinformation.

And we humans are all too easily distracted.

A friend of mine who is a Truther once agreed that it’s divisive.

This is life or death.

Let’s reach out to our neighbors, especially those on the other side of the political fence.

(BTW I believe President Barack H. Obama was born where he said he was and may have lost his natural born status at some point. I DON’T CARE! This is hardly the time.)

All of this crap pales in comparison to the crap in the air which is falling on our families and our beautiful island earth.

We can ill afford to alienate any of our fellow citizens with divisive issues.

I am pleading with you!

Come on people now. Smile on your brother. Everybody get together. Try to love one another. Right now.


Good Friday 2011

P.S. If you wish to contact me, just leave a comment. All comments are moderated and I won’t publish unless you specifically ask me to. Some interesting folks have left comments of late, then I’ve been able to email them. If you already have one of my email addys, don’t assume I’ve read your email, as I NEVER check my email. I hate email. But if you leave a comment, I’ll know to look.


There appears to be something wrong with my editing capabilities.

Every time I try to add image or video, no matter where on page, it get’s saved to top of page.

I don’t know if this is just me or WordPress blogs in general.

Anyway, for now, instead of embedding, I will provide links.

Oh, well.

And don’t forget to look at comments section, as I will add additional info down there.


Okay, 4shared image links don’t appear to be working, either. But you can copy and paste links into your browser to view Roxy Lopez images.

For the time being, anyway. I’ve had 4shared images mysteriously vanish before.

So, whoever you are who’s been tasked with keeping an eye on me, hi there!

Roxy Lopez Images: 

    • 720 × 576 – GMOD Morgellons – Photo Journal

“Do Toxic Chemtrails Really Exist?”

Roxy Lopez Links:


Roxy Lopez on YouTube

Uploaded by on Nov 1, 2010

IF YOU SEE A CHEM WEB please do not touch it! The lab that tested the chem web , lab tech broke out in a Morgy rash on her face! Jerry neimen of McCook Nebraska catches a chem web on film as it is falling from the plane! The web is sent to a lab in Cyprus, and tested for nano fibers (Morgellon’s Disease) by Caroline Carter. We follow the evidence ON film in this 3 part mini documentary. This is Part I of III









Musica for Roxy Lopez

Got your money on the table
And the devil in your eye
Who is that woman with the crooked smile?
You got to go with what you feel
A little loving is a dangerous thing
Black is the ocean – a burning sky

Her nature’s wild – hard to beat the right stuff
It´s mountain high – river deep the right stuff

Got your pearls on a string
And your skin’s so bare
Over your shoulder there´s a world out there
You got the nerve – you gonna win
Boy you´re playing with a dangerous thing

So it goes without saying
She´s the queen of the nile
Lion woman with the crooked smile
You got the nerve – who´s gonna win?
Boy you´re playing with a dangerous thing

Send me the woman on a bended knee
Emerald eyes in desert heat
She´s mountain high – river deep the right stuff

Send me the woman to fight for me nature’s wild – hard to beat
She´s mountain high – river deep the right stuff

Beware Bête Noire!


3-D Holographic Display Using. Strontium Barium Niobate l. Christy A. Heid, Brian P. Ketchel, Gary L. Wood.


04 22 2011 chem trail heavy thru sunset


Ralph Cicerone, president of America’s National Academy of Sciences

rosettasister Says:
April 25, 2011 at 1:59 pm


Dr. Detlev W. Bronk
National Academy of Sciences
Washington 25, D. C.



Cicerone geo engineer “National Academy of Sciences”


Plan B for global warming?

Environment: “Geo-engineering” is the direct use of technology to counteract climate change. The idea is highly controversial

Mar 8th 2007


Indeed, most geo-engineering schemes sound half-crazy and tend to have both technical and aesthetic complications.

Deliberately polluting the stratosphere would make the sky less blue, although sunsets would probably be prettier.

Blocking out the sun would help to cool the planet, but it would do little to address other nasty side-effects of high carbon-dioxide levels, such as the acidification of the oceans.

Many greens oppose the whole idea in principle.

Ralph Cicerone, president of America’s National Academy of Sciences, has said that geo-engineering inspires opposition for “various and sincere reasons that are not wholly scientific”.

But it does seem reasonable to worry that the illusory hope of a scientific fix might undermine the adoption of policy solutions, such as carbon caps and carbon quotas, designed to address the underlying cause of the problem.

And then there is the danger of unintended consequences.

Climate change is arguably an experiment which mankind has unwittingly found itself performing on the planet.

To start a second experiment in the hopes of counteracting the first would be risky, to put it mildly.

Can’t you just see this …

Only a select few know

what’s in the chem trail stew


the ends justify the means, but what ends? and whose ends?

Again, only a select few know the ultimate agenda, whatever that is.

But the good old boys MUST protect humanity from the effects of global warming.

The plan proceeds, black ops, paid for by drug money?

All involved stay mum. The greater good, after all.

Most involved not aware they are pawns, too.

Because there’s a lot more going on than just saving humanity and our home planet from global warming.

Believe me, whatever these Morgellons “creatures” are wasn’t on the agenda when the good old boys were sold this bill of goods.

Hey, I didn’t sign up for that!!!



Dr. Wm. R. Deagle ???

“morgellons is caused by a silicon based nano machine life form that does not originate on Planet Earth”


[PDF] Mark C. Suchman, Sociology and Law, University of Wisconsin …

“principles, however, becomes unclear in a world of self-replicating nano- mechanisms that operate invisibly in an only partially understood micro- environment”

3. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, nano-mechanisms will test established assumptions about responsibility and control.

Traditionally, legal liability for mechanical devices can outlast ownership, but can be attenuated by unforeseeable circumstances or by the intervention of a third party’s will.

The viability of these principles, however, becomes unclear in a world of self-replicating nano-mechanisms that operate invisibly in an only partially understood micro-environment.

One might imagine

governing the control of nano-mechanisms

by analogy to defective products, or to toxic emissions, or to speeding vehicles, or to straying livestock

— but the implications of these analogies are not entirely congruent with one another.

Moreover, a parallel set of complexities and contradictions surround the control of nanospace:

Who is responsible for policing the boundaries between “open range” and “enclosed territory” at the nanoscale?

Can negligently maintained nanospace pose an “attractive nuisance” to passing nanites?

Does a state maintain territorial rights to the nanospace within the bodies of citizens traveling abroad?

  1. We have to face this, good people.

    Either we are being attacked by our government and our military

    – or –

    They are powerless to do anything about it


    Lack the courage to be honest with us.


To Be Continued …


Seven weapons applications of the covert global sprayed aerosols program — the chemtrails program

April 15, 2011

The phrase “Oderint Dum Metuant” is associated with Caligula, the First century Roman emperor whose name became synonymous with depravity, madness, cruelty, and tyranny. It translates “Let them hate so long as they fear.”

Although Mr. Carnicom prefers to use the term “aerosols”, the global covert operation spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere is also known as the “chemtrails program”.

In a Jan. 10, 2011 assessment of the current impact of the global aerosol-spraying program, Mr. Carnicom stated, “The vitality and viability of human existence and life on this planet, as it has been known to exist, is under threat.”

A private citizen who has pursued research of the covert aerosol spraying program since 1999, Mr. Carnicom was the Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center Employee of the Year, Supervisor of the Year, and he received the Geodetic Sciences Departmental Award for outstanding technical, managerial, and cost effective performance.

Note: Please do not be entirely dismissive of the following. I’m not buying all of it, either. As with most information of this nature, there’s some truth to it. I believe this is how the truth is kept hidden from us, information intermingled with disinformation.

Until I experienced chemtrails for myself, I wouldn’t give them the time of day.

So the questions remain, who is spraying us with what and why?

The answers are probably stranger than strange.

Don’t be surprised if this is the answer you get:

I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to be Destroyed by Me.”

Be alarmed, but don’t be surprised.

Seven weapons applications of sprayed aerosols 

In the ExopoliticsTV interview, Mr. Carnicom details seven weapons applications of the covert global sprayed aerosols program that are being used to carry out over-all the goal of “absolute control” over the global human population.

These seven weapons applications of the sprayed aerosols are:

1.  Biological operations, including the use of apparent bio-warfare, such as Morgellons disease, in the sprayed aerosols, constituting war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.

2.  Military Operations, such as advanced radar applications, anti-missile Star Wars applications.

3.  Electromagnetic Operations, including HAARP directed energy scalar weapons and mind control weapons applications, constituting war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.

4.  Environmental modification and weather wars.  Mr. Carnicom stated he has concluded that the covert aerosol-spraying program has transformed the atmosphere of the planet into plasma capable of sustaining weaponized applications since its acceleration in 1999.  This constitutes a violation of the 1978 Treaty against Modification of the Environment.

5.  Geophysical operations, including tectonic (earthquake) warfare, constituting war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and the Geneva conventions.

6. An advanced surveillance system capable of covert surveillance of the entire human population.

7. Detection of exotic propulsion systems, including detection of off-planet or interdimensional UFOs.


Isolated view of current open and active skin sore on the back of the subject.

The extraction at a magnifcation of 60x.
Notice the numerous embedded fibers that are now visible.
Any similarity to a hair fiber is lost at this point of observation.

Additional images here:

Note: If you are a Morgellons victim, please see my post just prior to this one regarding  the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) and be sure to seek other “cures.”

Uploaded by on Feb 27, 2011

Clifford E. Carnicom, an acknowledged expert on the global covert spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere (also known as “Chemtrails”), stated in a March 1, 2011 exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the covert aerosol-spraying program had transformed the Earth’s atmosphere into a plasma for carrying out weaponized applications such as

bio-warfare (including Morgellons disease),

electromagnetic operations such as HAARP,

weather warfare,

tectonic (earthquake) warfare,

mind control,

advanced surveillance technology, and

detection of advanced propulsion technology including UFOs.

“Citizens should not be trying to reverse engineer a global covert operation.”

@ 36:10



“Our atmosphere has been altered.”

“very thin, fragile shell”

“seven applications”

“overall purpose”


“a manisfestation and expression of control”

Who are the Controllers? (I’ve been calling them Manipulators.)

@50:55 your physical environment

biology, energy, genetic evolution

“These are the fields that I must consider in the end as being a probable target and agenda.”

“Aerosol Crimes”

@55:15 “Where are you, where are you, human beings?”

“It is quite apparent that at a national level, that is, within the boundaries of each country, that the issues behind this appear to be managed in a way that prevent and marginalize the viability of the arguments.”

(This is why I say that we must fight this at the state and local level. As our U.S. representatives are either ignorant, intellectually lazy, or have betrayed us. Big government is NOT the answer. Secrecy is NOT the answer. And we’d better start asking whose side these debunkers are on.)

Tribunals of Conscience

(It’s important, I think, to hear Mr. Carnicom’s words, as opposed to how the interviewer portrayed them in his article. I am very grateful to Mr. Webre, but I fear some will turn away from his extreme rhetoric. And it’s just this “turning away” which is literally killing us.)



R.E.M. — Green


Let’s be cool about it – As much as my warrior nature wants to slit someone’s throat, somehow I think getting angry plays into their hands, especially if you’ve been chosen for Morgellons. So my advice to you and myself is teach yourself balance and center.

Pick a number and ring the bell / Let´s be cool about it / Oh we´re cool about it now / Stone woman – the pain is gone / And the pleasure has just begun”


Uploaded by on Jul 29, 2008

Chem/contrail Timelapse – 73 Planes Before Breakfast


“a part of a medical experiment”


This seems far-fetched. Whoever is spraying us seem to be in a big hurry. And in your face. And they don’t seem to fear being found out. How do we convince others this is really happening when they won’t even believe their own eyes?

Who is doing this and why? Many believe our government too incompetent to be behind this.

Either our military behind this or they are incapable of stopping it.

So who and why? Many won’t believe there is a worldwide conspiracy to sicken us and our planet.

But we are getting sick and so is our planet.

I want to believe these are unintended consequences.

How do we get past this is real and we are really getting sick?

The people cannot fathom the reality of this without knowing who and why?

There has to be a reason Dan and Marcia keeping quiet about bioengineering.

They each have an agenda. And while I am sure they love one another, I am not sure Marcia wants what Dan wants.

Dan should stop playing G-d.

They are a part of the problem. It is the secrecy which is killing us.

I cannot trust their judgment any longer, which is not to say they do no good. They do a lot of good.

They are powerful people. How can they allow this to happen?

Dr. Dan


Dr. Marci (SoF)



Dr. Edgar A Lucidi MD practices ophthalmology in Corona Del Mar, California. Dr. Lucidi graduated with an MD 54 years ago.

Uploaded by on Mar 13, 2011

Dr. Edgar Lucidi MD says that the chemtrail death dumps that are being sprayed on us are a part of a medical experiment to find out how many people get sick and die.


Contact Information for:

Mike Caraway and Bridget Conroy

Mailing Address:

PO Box 54297

Phoenix, AZ  85078




Mike Caraway:

Bridget Conroy:


Uploaded by on Jan 15, 2010

more air poison, could you please check out this link and sign the petition. Thank you! stay safe!



I am no expert on Morgellons or on “la bobina di Tesla,” but I couldn’t find this translated elsewhere.

So, I want to include here.

“il terribile morbo di Morgellons” — “this disease is not caused by a parasite or has genetic origins, but is caused by nanomachines that settled in the body”

La bobina di Tesla

The Tesla coil


We publish a study of friendly Alessandro Cestaro inherent in one of the many inventions of the Serbian scientist, a naturalized American, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).

Tra queste invenzioni, assume particolare interesse la bobina di Tesla, perché risulta, da alcune testimonianze, che questa apparecchiatura, insieme con lo zapper, sia lo strumento più efficace per contrastare e forse per debellare il terribile morbo di Morgellons.

Chief among them is of particular interest in the Tesla coil, because it is, by some accounts, that this equipment, along with the zapper, is the most effective tool to fight and perhaps to eradicate the terrible disease of Morgellons.

Infatti tale patologia non è causata da un parassita né ha origini genetiche, ma è provocata da nanomacchine che si insediano nell’organismo: per neutralizzarle può quindi essere efficace creare un’interferenza elettromagnetica.

Indeed, this disease is not caused by a parasite or has genetic origins, but is caused by nanomachines that settled in the body: to neutralize them can be effective to create a disturbance.

Come sempre, questi consigli non sostituiscono in alcun modo e per nessun motivo le prescrizioni e le indicazioni del proprio medico, cui bisognerà rivolgersi per qualsiasi problema.

As always, these tips do not replace in any way and for any reason the requirements and directions from your doctor, so you have to go for any problem.

Per procurarsi una Tesla coil di bassa potenza, qualora se ne ravvisasse la necessità, occorre rivolgersi solo a personale esperto e qualificato.

To obtain a Tesla coil low power, if it sees the need, should contact only qualified and experienced personnel.

Per leggere il documento corredato di immagini, clicca qui (formato PDF).

To read the document containing an image, click here (PDF format).


Additional resources:


Finally, there are other enormous concerns regarding our safety and well-being, because there is absolutely NO PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE in place. That is the elite insider’s plan: grave harm! We MUST address these vital issues on a grassroots level, because those in charge are the ones causing us such extreme injury. We will need the help of independent scientists and health-care providers.  It is a given that we no longer have any real air “quality.” What we are breathing with every single breath is a hazardous, now plasma-state, spew.(1)

This impacts our immune system at the celluar DNA level. How will the thousands of tons of aerosolized poisons in Chemtrails, sprayed around the world, interact with radioactive materials (especially those with a long half life)?

What might be the detrimental synergistic interaction(s) among the nano-Morgellons-fibers (that Clifford Carnicom has been researching microscopically for a decade(2), found in human, animals, and environmental samples), the nano-particles of fiber-coated aluminum, and now-unknown quantities of various radioactive particles?


1. Clifford Carnicom discusses the plasma state and other vital environmental issues in a recent web interview:

2. “The Biggest Crime of All Time.” March 1, 2011:

Google News Chem Trail

Google Blog — chem trail morgellon carnicom fiber


Uploaded by on Mar 9, 2009

In May 2005, snowshoefilms interviewed epidemiologist Rosalie Bertell (Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart) in New York City. Questions covered a wide range of topics, including ‘chemtrails.’ The 7-part interview was posted on Archive, and subsequently posted by others on youtube.

Here’s a 2009 updated edit of that interview, with chemtrail footage from Sister Bertell’s Mother House in Yardley, Pennsylvania (2007) and video from Chautauqua, N.Y.

Note: Cliff Carnicom (LA, May 17 2008 Chemtrail Convergence) calls attention to 3 aspects of chemtrails: ionized metalic salts, organic fibers, and dessicated red blood cells. It is our view that these dessicated blood cells are used to disseminate mycoplasmas — in particular, weaponized mycoplasmas such as fermentans incognitus.

See snowshoefilms’ video of microbiologist Garth Nicolson for an explanation of how mycoplasmas could be disseminated via aerosol spray for genetically targeted populations (most of us).

Note also, Sr. Bertell references ‘global warming’ as if it might be human caused. Whether or not that is so (we doubt it), chemtrails have been officially advanced as a mechanism to combat ‘global warming’. Most likely, they contribute to local warming.


I don’t know if I’ve ever been so angry in my whole life. Mostly I am angry at myself for taking so long to wake up to this reality. I really have to learn to center myself.

Where are you, where are you, human beings?!

Chemtrails or Contrails: What is causing these strange clouds in our skies?


Uploaded by on Mar 10, 2011

The discussion turns into what kind of airplanes are being used in Chemtrailing. Aviation expert Mark McCandlish joins in the conversation as Roxy and Michael continue with their input as well. Various scientific experiments as well as military operations are discussed and information on some the places where Chemtrail flights are mentioned.

Uploaded by on Mar 10, 2011

Michael Murphy, Mark McCandlish and Roxy Lopez lay out the evidence that animal life is being impacted by this Chemtrail activity that has been going on in secret for several decades. Planetary Engineering is discussed in detail in which it is obvious that several corporations are making efforts to replace Mother Nature in weather development.


Xtra! Xtra! Germany 1st Country to admit Clandestine “Chemtrails” Operations!

German Scientist Exposes Chemtrails As Military Operations
From Dick Eastman

A TV news report from Germany has confirmed that the German Military is manipulating the climate in Germany. As a result scientists have filed a lawsuit against the government for climate manipulation.

The video concludes, “We can state with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails) comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals. The purpose of chemtrails, which are well documented over the United State and other parts of the world, according to researchers, is to manipulate the weather.

Karsten Brandt, German meteorologist states, “The Federal Army is Manipulating the Meteorological maps.”

Mr. Brandt in the interview, “I was surprised that this artificial cloud was so wide-spread. The radar images are stunning considering the needed tons of dispersed elements – although, the federal army claims that only small amounts of material were propagated. The military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful.”


Australians Against Chemtrails: Join the fight with A.S.P..

Our website is:


Uploaded by on Oct 1, 2010

News report of Breda Murphy from Kildare who chained herself to the railings at Leinster house Dublin in protest of chemtrails


Uploaded by on Aug 12, 2010

This video contains a collection of screen captures depicting Chemtrail Spray Operations showing up on National Weather Service Doppler Radar over various cities in the Western US.

The video describes in detail why the linear cloud formations are not persistent contrails resulting from jet engine exhaust since cirrus type clouds can not be detected by Doppler Weather Radar.

More Detailed analysis can be accessed on my website at http://WatchTheSky.Org


Uploaded by on Mar 9, 2009

Contrails only form at very high altitudes (usually ~26,000 to 30,000 feet) where the air is extremely cold (less than -42 degrees C) and the relative humidity is near to 72 percent.
Le scie di condensazione sono le scie rilasciate dagli aerei, formate dal vapore acqueo e gas di scarico immessi nellatmosfera fredda dai motori caldi degli aerei. La loro formazione è legata a specifiche condizioni atmosferiche:

– Temperatura inferiore a -40 °C
– Umidità relativa non inferiore al 70%
– Quota di almeno 8000 metri.


Sprayers? Fuel additive?

by qbit on Feb.10, 2009

Both, actually.

Militaries of the world have a long and sordid legacy of dispersing toxic materials on the unsuspecting public (investigate Project SHAD/112). We need to dismiss the notion that aerial spraying and jet fuel additives are somehow mutually exclusive.

Chemtrail researchers have identified at least two current, secret dispersal programs.

  1. Cloud seeding metallic aerosol, including barium, aluminum, strontium, calcium or other metal salts. The most likely source is a fuel additive such as DuPont/Octel Stadis® 450 static dissipator, which contains dinonylnapthalene sulfonic acid and barium and/or calcium salts [1,2]. The two “Trade secret” additives in Octel’s MSDS for Stadis 450 are almost certainly barium or calcium salts.
  2. Morgellon’s fiber organism. Some chemtrail researchers believe that a this organism, GMO, or nanotechnology may be related to airborne fibrous material. Its not entirely clear that these fibers are coming from aircraft, or that they are indeed related to Morgellon’s organism. However, evidence for the existence of this organism is strong.


  1. Stadis 450 antistatic additive MSDS [pdf].
  2. High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program Test Plan and Data Review, Dinonylnaphthalene Category [pdf].


Stadis 450 is the only approved anti-static additive for use in Air Force aviation fuels, including JP-8, JP-5, JET-A1, and JET-B [9].

DuPont, the original manufacturer, reports having divested its production of Stadis 450 in September of 1994 to Octel Starreon LLC , now a subsidiary of Innospec Fuel Specialties.

… according to Exxon Mobil, Stadis 450 continues to be the static dissipator of choice for commercial and military aviation [17].


Admittedly, I do not yet understand this supposed relationship between Stadis 450 and chemtrails. Are they suggesting higher levels of Stadis 450 dispersed from chemtrail planes?

i.e., Are these higher levels an unintended consequence of being sprayed with whatever it is we’re being sprayed with?

We must distinguish between contrails and chemtrails here. Because we can live with contrails, but chemtrails are killing us.

Page 8

Innospec’s Fuel Conductivity Improver

Stadis® 450 increases the electrical

conductivity of the fuel and reduces the risk

of static discharge and ESI at minimal treat

rates. The use of Stadis® 450 Static Dissipator

Additive is mandatory in most aviation turbine

fuels for either civil or military use.

Page 5

Stadis®450 is renowned

worldwide and is the only static dissipator

additive internationally approved for use in

aviation fuels.

It is hypothesized that jet exhaust aerosol [4] is responsible for cloud seeding, rainbow diffraction, and dichroism observed in persistent contrails [5].

While “skeptics” may dismiss the very existence of persistent contrails, the phenomenon is widespread and commonly accepted among atmospheric scientists [7].

The exact cause of aerosol cloud seeding has been the subject of endless debate, but it has been shown conclusively that the earth’s albedo, or its overall reflectivity, is increased by contrail aerosol (see sattelite imagery category).


‘Look up; wake up’ to chemtrails

By Bejay Browne Published on January 25, 2011

Chemtrail spraying does not refer to common forms of aerial spraying such as crop dusting, cloud seeding or aerial firefighting. The trail is also criss-cross rather than straight like a flight path.

(Well, the trail can be straight. For example, picture the strings from two guitars, one to the left, one to the right, converging like an upside-down “V” with the point directly in front of you. This is what I saw, I think it was Sunday morning, heading west from my backyard toward California.)

Like the photograph here, except more “strings.”

The Clock Is Ticking!!!


Uploaded by on Apr 19, 2011

Please Copy This video And Save For Me = 5T4RSCREAM144

13 min – Feb 16, 2011
Chemtrail connection to Nanotechnology, Smart Dust, Holograms, and Morgellons Disease – February 16, 2011



Having trouble updating this post.

Please view this video:

We should be gathering at our places of worship and collectively praying for protection.

(Some are saying that the reason we are being sprayed is to facilitate a false flag. I haven’t the faintest idea! Truth is we cannot be sure if we can believe our own eyes. My advice: if ANYONE directs you to “go with them” especially underground, RUN LIKE HELL IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION!!!)


To Be Continued …


Take the red pill, where you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

April 11, 2011

George H.W. Bush: “Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us.”

Clifford E Carnicom: “The systematic and deliberate alteration of this planet; the bioengineering and geoengineering of our world is now understood to be a reality by many of us.”

the criss-cross trails in the sky are known to believers as chemtrails

I hardly know where to begin. Usually I’ll reach a point where I can say, alright, this would be a good place to post on this, but I am at a loss.

I took the red pill and dove into an infinite pool seemingly devoid of boundaries.

Usually I can point to the good guys and say, hey, listen to them! Forget political parties, forget politicians.

Forget the press, I’d already given up on them. They are of no earthly value.

One thing I’m convinced of, we must decentralize the way we are governed.

You fools on the left who want bigger and bigger government will get bigger and bigger lies.

Once I believed I could turn to Dan and Marcia for comfort (see previous post), now I wonder if they haven’t been totally compromised.

I mean, how could they have known the truth for so long, hold the positions they currently hold, and not declare the truth and do everything in their power to stop it?!

I did not want to see innocent Libyans get slaughtered, either.

But don’t maintain you are all about freedom, when none of us are free so long as we’re being manipulated this way.

The Emancipators will win. That’s a promise.

But we’ve a long way to go ’til that day arrives.

One thing keeps me going. The knowledge that when we were newly created, we weren’t a part of this material world, or any material world.

We were spirit, not matter.

So these poisonous traitors may succeed in sickening our bodies even to the point of death, but they’ll never be able to quash our spirits.

Another thing, these sinners cannot escape the Paymaster.

They fear not the wrath of the Lord. But that won’t last.

So take the red pill. If for no other reason, to protect your families. There are ways to combat the effects on our health. We must find out.

We must organize in our neighborhoods, cities, counties and states. State and local government.

And in the non-public arena. Places of worship. Private organizations.

We must fight the debunkers, many of whom are paid for their disinformation campaigns.

So long as they keep spraying, the physical evidence is irrefutable.

Hope and pray more whistleblowers come forward, in spite of the risk.

I’ll put this up, then add updates. This will take some time, as I’ve found so much.

Please check back.

I’ll start with the following.

(Unfortunately, information we must know is mingled together with disinformation we outright reject. Sometimes this is done on purpose to keep us from the truth. Other times our friends are misinformed. We cannot allow this to stop us from seeking the answers.)



Gimme Fiction

Uploaded by on Dec 4, 2010

S y n o p s i s

What would you say if you were told that airplanes were regularly spraying toxic aerosols in the skies above every major region of the world? That is exactly what a group of protestors were claiming outside of the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting that was held in San Diego from February 18-22.

However, inside the convention center was a different story.

The scientists gathered to discuss the “plausibility” of implementing various Geo-engineering campaigns throughout the world, all under the guise that the Earth has a man-made global warming problem that can be solved in-part by spraying aerosol aluminum and other particles into the sky to block the sun.

When these scientists were asked about the possibility of existing aerosol programs; they stated that no aerosol spraying programs have been implemented to date. A little confused?

Why would protestors gather outside of a meeting making claims that world-wide aerosol programs were under way if scientist were only now discussing the possibility of implementing these programs? Could it be that one of these groups is being deceived?






Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering (SAG)


The crisis prompted biologists from the community to take action by testing the soil. The results were shocking. Aluminum, barium and other elements were found to be up to thousands of times higher than normal limits. Such high quantities lead to unhealthy PH levels in the soil which can be deadly to ecological life systems.

These shocking results led to additional testing of Lake Shasta with samples from the Pit River arm tributary that tested over 4,610 times the maximum contamination level of aluminum allowed in drinking water in the state of California.

Also, peer reviewed scientific studies conclude that bio-available aluminum, now found in huge quantities in rain world-wide, is very harmful to flora and thus the eco-system.

Ironically, these are the same substances the scientists are considering implementing in the various potential “future” aerosol spraying campaigns that were being discussed at the meeting.


CHEMTRAILS NANO TECHNOLOGY & MORGELLONS;jsessionid=sict8h8fa2.frog_s?p=41&f=&v=strangedaysstrangeskies&r=firesat

Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

Straight Talk on MMS -. Andreas Kalcker – How I Cured Morgellons

I believe it is the most important part because: MMS is the only thing I know of that is effective in killing the Morgellons ‘Critter‘.


I posted this awhile back, not about Morgellons. You may find it useful.

rosettasister Says:
April 28, 2009 at 7:52 pm

Anyway here is the protocol that we use:

1. All protocols for taking MMS start with one or two drops. Never start with more than one or two drops. People who are very sick and/or sensitive should start with ½ drop.

Add Lemon/Lime Juice – 5 Drops for every 1 drop of MMS. Then leave it sit for 3 minutes (no less).

Then add 2/3 glass of water and drink it down.

2. If you do well and do not notice nausea on the first dose, you can
increase by one drop for the second dose. If you notice nausea reduce the amount of MMS for the next dose. You can do two doses a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. Continue to increase by one drop each time you take a new dose.

3. Work your way up to 3 x 6 Drops per day. This should be sufficient to kill the pathogens.

Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting that is not necessarily a bad sign. The body is simply throwing off toxins and cleaning itself out.

Some people say they feel much better after having diarrhea. You do not have to take any medicine for it as it will go away as fast as it came.

It will not last. It is not caused by a bacteria or virus. When the “poison” is gone, the diarrhea is gone.

Note: Base your diet on good nutrition. Your body will then be able to easily absorb vitamins and minerals and many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time. You should feel better as time goes by.

For more in-depth info you can get a free ebook from


To Be Continued …

Eagles unchained — Reverse engineering our human condition

April 5, 2011

Dr. Crain (Catselas Burisch) fears and rightly so, that the “powers” who demanded he produce this proposal will actually attempt to put it into experimental reality, and risk reverse engineering our human condition. And I fear this as well.

B.J. Wolf

B.J. Wolf  has a very different title today.  And so does Dan Burisch.

Dr. Marci (SoF)

Dr. Dan
(H-6196-E MAJ –STATUS: “ACTIVE OPERATIVE” – ASSIGNED TO CiC; ASSIGNMENT “UNKNOWN”, fmr. MJ9 – {2005}, fmr. Desk of the Compass 2010-2011})

Note regarding “aerosol geoengineering chemtrails” posts and how Dan and Marcia are involved.

I did not go looking for this. I did not believe in the reality of chemtrails. I ignored chemtrails.

What I WAS looking for was any discussion of the Cycles Cross. I thought if we really have survived the Cycles Cross, shouldn’t more people be discussing? I mean it’s only the most important event in human history.

What I found instead has shaken me to the core.

You see, for some godly reason, I believe Dan. And when I chanced upon Dan confirming the reality of aerosol crimes, still I didn’t want to look, I didn’t want to see.

But the knowledge kept right at me, until I could ignore no more.

So I posted:

And I kept looking until I found:

“Eagles Unchained – Part 1a – Development of the Lotus Protocol”

Slowly I began to realize this was written by Marcia (B.J. Wolf)and was about Dan and chemtrails and a lot of other things.

I may be a little slow on the uptake, but I do believe I have put two and two together, and arrived at the correct result.

The reality is we are being sprayed, but probably not for the desired result that you thought.

How are we being manipulated and why? Who are the Manipulators? Most important, where are the Emancipators?!

To download full zip file of ‘Eagles Unchained’ click HERE

“This map shows the 4th level at S4, known as the Aquarius Pavilion. This is where Dan and his team worked primarily. When necessary Dan would be taken down one more level to the 5th level down where the Clean Sphere was located, that housed Captive.”


Section 1 of Development of the Lotus Protocol

From: “you know who” <> (Marcia)
To: Cc: (Marcia’s contact)
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: Just an update…
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2001 02:55:47 +0800

As far as the comments go, unfortunately I think I might have a pretty good idea about what he’s referring-to, at least in terms of one part.

You see, a couple of months ago I got a letter mailed to my P.O. box, from somebody who only identified themselves as T.E.

It was a very troubling letter that reminded me of bits and pieces of many conversations we had over the years.

The man who wrote said that he was on duty during the Gulf War and met our friend there, and that during a conversation our friend said that he worked with viruses, mollicutes, gaps and sky spiders. (“our friend” = Dan?)

And now they were associating mycoplasma (a form of mollicute) with Gulf War Syndrome, and also with the chemicals being found in the chemtrails seen all over the United States by every day citizens.

He was desperate to find our friend and get him to come forward.

He used to call me up by phone, when we were both in sin city, and demand that I turn the radio to Art Bell, and listen to his show. (sin city = Vegas)

He’d tell me that it was important, but not why.

Often the programs were about the contrails, or chemtrails that people were seeing over their homes all across the country, and how they were getting sick after standing outside to look at them.

Not just a few crackpots, people with respected jobs and places in the community. All kinds of people were falling ill.

And nobody seemed to be willing to do anything about it, take them seriously or treat them for their illnesses.

Much the same way that victims of Gulf War Syndrome were ridiculed into silence by the Veterans Hospitals, until enough of them came forward and demanded to be treated.

If indeed, he was involved back then as a biologist with ’sky spiders’, then there is every reason to think that some kind of biological component might be contained in the chemtrails that are indeed what ’sky spiders’ are made from. (he = Dan?)

When he said to you “they are spraying” I can’t help think that he means chemtrails again. (Dan to Marcia’s contact)

What if the chemicals are becoming aerosol, then everybody in the country, if not the world is going to be effected once the concentration reaches a certain level.

And if he said “gene change later” I hate where my mind is taking me.

NWO refers to New World Order.

While I don’t believe there is some synod of old geezers in a room making decisions that supersede our government and military, I do think there is ample evidence just from what I have gone through for the last 10 years, and seen our friend go through, that power rests in unusual places, where one would not expect.

He could be using NWO to refer to the ’Powers that Be’, for economy of words, since code is the medium for communication.

When he says to escape and enjoy life, it is probably his way of telling you that he likes you, you’re not like the others and you deserve some happiness, at least as much happiness as you can get before whatever he’s telling you about comes to pass, and we all find ourselves in a terrible situation.

It sounds bleak. Take care, and don’t take too many chances.

You Know (Marcia)

(This would probably make more sense if the reader reads what Marcia provides prior to this at link. Suffice it to say we the people have a right to know about this “gene change later.” I wonder if this “change” isn’t already underway. Goddamn it, this secrecy is killing us!)

“This map shows the elevator that took Dan and his team from the area of the Clean Sphere horizontally underneath the labs/corridor of Level 4 (pale green), and let them off a short distance from the primary elevator (plae blue) which decended one additional level to pick them up and then whisk them back to the surface.”

Editor = Marcia

{Editors Note: Shortly after this last email, I finally saw all the pieces of the protocol. When the pieces were read in order it became apparent why my contact was so determined to expose this protocol. The implications are terrifying. Please excuse my humble attempt to put into words the things I felt upon first reading the protocol in its entirety. They are included here for the purposes of Future Records:

Danny B Crain Ph.D., now known as Danny B Catselas Burisch Ph.D, or more correctly Captain Danny B Catselas Burisch Ph.D (USMC {USN?} Retired) has been working on a project: to create a series of protocols – as a guide for research and scientific methods (yet to be designed and standardized) which shake the foundation of our understanding of humanity and all life on Earth.

Yet these protocols were never destined to be reviewed by ordinary scientists and scholars.

No, his revolutionary concepts were destined to be revealed only to the ’powers that be’ {as he calls them} in our government and military, for their sole and exclusive use and development – independent and free from accountability and answerability to the people of the United States, or the world.

Carefully hidden from view behind millions of dollars of subterfuge, this knowledge could ultimately lead to experimental methodology that will alter the very fabric of our humanity…. for the things postulated by Dr. Crain (Catselas Burisch) could ultimately undo and reweave the very elements that make up our humanity, forming us into different beings than we are today.

Hard as it may be to believe, we must ask ourselves if members of our own government are about to experiment with, and risk corrupting our current pattern of genetic structure – even our very claim to humanity?

Read the text of this document (which was never supposed to reach the public) and make up your own mind.

For the non-scientists among you, I apologize for the detailed and seemingly incomprehensible text – but remember, it was being written for a very specialized audience – those few decision makers among the “powers that be” who are in the position to decide whether this program should go forward.

But more important, I urge everybody to read the final comments made by Dr. Crain (Catselas Burisch).

He fears and rightly so, that the “powers” who demanded he produce this proposal will actually attempt to put it into experimental reality, and risk reverse engineering our human condition. And I fear this as well.

B.J. Wolf (Marcia)

See also:

May 6, 2004 Vegas Microbiologist Implicated in Gulf War Syndrome — Friendly Fire WMD.


Dr. Dan Burisch seeks John Kerry’s help for gaining immunity to testify in Congressional Hearing about designer viruses and other black op projects.  Scientist behind providing backfiring immunity to the Gulf War vets now wants immunity to testify about his knowledge of this syndrome.

For now, I just want to get this up. I’ll update later after I’ve had time to absorb a little. I won’t get it all, that matters not.

What does matter is that Marcia truly is a “White Hat.” Given her present position, she may wish this material (her material) wasn’t so accessible. But it is.

In Majestic. Out Majestic.

Marcia was motivated by her love for humanity. And maybe her love for Dan.

The questions remain.

What does Marcia know of “aerosol crimes” today? Is she in a position to do anything about it, or will that have to wait until she resigns her position?

And what of Dan? Does he fear incriminating himself if he were to come forward? Does he fear for his loved ones?

I fear for mine.



Why are gallium crystals coming out of a woman’s skin?

April 2, 2011

Uploaded by on Mar 24, 2011


SEM photos of the green hexagon can be seen at

Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease

“He felt he was doing something to help the soldiers in the field in this country.  He was told these things would be sprayed, aerosol sprayed, from planes on the enemy and they would save soldier’s lives.”

“He talked about then confirmed to me the heavy metals, the barium, the titanium, the aluminum.” 

“He talked about the biological.  He said all of it had been altered.  Some of it can kind of escape your immune system, cloak itself in one form or another.  Again (he spoke of) the electromagnetics and also the lack of oxygen, the displacement of oxygen.” 

Video Links:

“Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Uncovered, Congress Exceeds Billions To Spray Populous Like Roaches?”

In regards to aerosol spraying into the earth’s atmosphere, a recent update to data assembled by The Carnicom Institute reveals the chemicals used and their respective levels of concentration. The toxic levels that are being used in these aerosols goes beyond shocking – it would appear that these levels are indeed criminal by EPA Standards.

An Updated Look at Aerosol Toxins – Part 1
By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri –
February 3, 2011

Chemtrail Patents

The “Why” of It — There has been and is much speculation on why exactly the PTB are aerosol spraying us.  While I believe a small percentage of conspiracy theories are true, I’m not buying into the depopulation or greed theories, eg., some believe the end game is environmental degradation when a few will profit from super seeds which will feed a hungry world.  There is no denying that the cause of chemtrails has the effect of harming Mother Earth.  But I’m inclined to believe the paternal theories, i.e., the PTB believe they are shielding us from global warming or a weakened electromagnetic shield.

“Cracks in Earth’s Magnetic Field Let in a Huge Gust of Solar Wind”.

“NASA THEMIS Discovers Biggest Breach of Earth’s Magnetosphere”


The Unfolding

Suspected Spray Plane Airlines and Airports & Airfields

Arizona Sky Watch

Chapter 15 – Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped

I had compiled several sources prior to putting up this post.  Highly recommend the reader have a look, as I haven’t copied everything here. 

Please see:

Pls start here, then scroll down to comments below this one:

Also here:,2415.0.html

Last, but definitely NOT least.  If Dan Burisch says chemtrails are real, then I would bet my life that they are real.

“I seek a future not filled with the paranoia of such projects as the Rain Dancer, and its needless introduction of an agent to the sum of humanity.”

Please see below in comments section, starting here:
