Max Blumenthal addressing bloodshed against the backdrop of US empire and the country’s history of political assassinations – RFK Sr


@ 1:04

Think about it in terms of the killing of hope in this country when revolutionary leaders reformist politicians who stood up for the poor and stood up against the vietnam war in the 1960s started to shake the foundations of power in this country

And one by one they were gunned down supposedly by lone gunmen advancing the interests of the war mongers the war state

And the kind of people who right now are in a playground for the rich a hyper-securitized playground secured by 5 000 high-powered 5 000 militarized cops in davos at the world economic forum

Since that wave of assassinations and since the neutralization of revolutionary movements in the 1960s and early 70s we haven’t seen those kind of assassinations of leaders or attempts on the lives of leaders

Instead we’ve seen the working class kill its, blood baths within the working class

The killing of america as the country was swamped by a corporate america with high-powered weapons, with psychotropic pharmaceuticals and with a nihilistic digitized culture of violence that now can be experienced in virtual reality through the metaverse and the (oculus?)

Simulation shooter games

And i think this toxic brew is what is leading to these mass shootings we’re seeing week after week

Along with the legitimization (by democrats who say that they are anti-gun) of massive arms shipments to literal nazis and jihadists from syria to ukraine

And so i wanted to close with the words of someone who might have been president on violence in this country

This is Robert F. Kennedy, Senior’s speech

The mindless menace of violence

violence breeds violence

repression breeds retaliation

and only a cleansing of our whole society can remove this sickness from our souls

for there is another kind of violence

slower, but just as deadly destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night

this is the violence of institutions

indifference in action and decay

this is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors

this is the slow destruction of a child by hunger

and schools without books

and homes without heat in the winter

this is the breaking of a man’s spirit by denying him the chance to stand as a father and as a man amongst other men

but we can perhaps remember if only for a time that those who live with us are our brothers

and surely we can begin to work a little harder to bind up the wounds among us

and to become in our hearts brothers and countrymen once again


well soon after that speech as we all know rfk senior was gunned down and became a victim to the mindless menace of violence

and maybe perhaps his assassination was not so mindless

perhaps it was more calculated than we’ve been told

but in any case i wanted to close with those words

thanks for being with us for these two hours

thanks a lot aaron we’ll be back next week


4 Responses to “Max Blumenthal addressing bloodshed against the backdrop of US empire and the country’s history of political assassinations – RFK Sr”

  1. rosettasister Says:

  2. rosettasister Says:

    The Kremlin is ready to negotiate with Kiev, said presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov. However, according to him, they are possible only if they discuss the fulfillment of the conditions set by Russia. He also noted that Moscow’s conditions in the negotiations remained the same. Peskov did not formulate them.

  3. rosettasister Says:

    Russia To Present Proof Next Week Of US Researching #Bioweapons In Ukraine
    Russia to expose evidence of US #Bioweapon research in Ukraine

    #unido #biolabs #Kirillov

  4. rosettasister Says:

    “It is our duty to help these people (those living in #Donbass), and this is exactly what Russia is doing. All our attempts to resolve this problem peacefully have failed because of the Kiev regime’s position,” #Putin


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