Is there anybody in the pie who doesn’t have one of those two things? Either some other comorbidity probably elderly but has something specific in their own biochemistry or about themselves or genetics? Is it basically the case that almost everybody else would find this virus harmless?


@ 41:54


Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 – Round Table w/ Drs. Steven Pelech and James Lyons-Weiler


is there anybody in
the pie who doesn’t have one of those two things either some other comorbidity probably elderly but or has
um some specific uh something specific in their own you know biochemistry or about themselves or
genetics is it basically the case that almost everybody else uh would find this virus
harmless okay so this is fascinating because the statistic that sticks out my mind another kind of the second most
important thing that’s been reported uh other than fantini’s results are the studies that show that something like 78
of people that got serious coveted or died from covet had prior autoimmunity to other
uh for other reasons so they had prior autoimmunity antibodies the detectable antibodies um
in their blood uh at the time that they were infected with covid whereas for people that had mild
cova it was only like seven or eight percent so we go from like 80 percent of people that had serious covid already
have th2 skewed immune systems they’re not getting a th1 response which would be healthier and more helpful
with um the the with a viral uh their innate immunity is probably somewhat compromised but that th2 skew
is a serious problem in our population we know that already with something like 54 of uh children
people under the age of 20 having some chronic illness uh and autoimmunity
and so if there’s anything that we can do to modulate the risk it would be to number one don’t get old because you’re
more likely i think to get autoimmunity in a world with viruses and with bacteria as you get older you’re more
likely to be exposed to something the cumulative risk of you being exposed to something that induces autoimmunity
given your genetics is higher so that may partly explain the age-related risk but also anything
that we can do to reduce whole body inflammation obviously weight loss and then maybe take something like
moducare i don’t have any money in that company but i’ve learned from a very good good functional medicine doc medical doctor
in georgia that that this actually helps adjust th to skew and people that do have
autoimmunity and so i’m not pitching a product here for profit but it’s
moducare m-o-d-u-c-a-r-e and he’s actually going to come to ibac
edu and and uh teach a course as well so um just imagine that there might be
something like uh 50 of people i would imagine that have prior autoimmunity and we’re talking about and i’m writing a
big review on this as well i’m behind in the uh the submission date but i’ve done
a major major literature research on all the specific auto antibodies that were
present in the people and reported to be president of the people that got serious coveted or died from covet
and sure enough if you take those auto antibodies and look at the proteins that they’re targeting in the human body and
then do the reverse analysis that i did in my pathogenic priming analysis which
you know now i’m finding homology between human proteins and stars cough two proteins sure enough there’s
immunogenic epitope similarities between them as well and so
you know the fact of the matter is that our immune system has to the most important thing our immune
system has to do is determine self from non-self when i teach my immunology course that’s why i start first if you
if you learn anything from this it’s not challenging to create an immune system that can target pathogens that are out
there insects do it mollusks do it it’s not very impressive but if you can live in a world where we put so many
different things into our bodies and we interact as a cosmopolitan species when every niche that’s available on the
species we’re going to run into everything we’re really challenging the limits of the extent of
you know the intelligence of our immune system with uh these exposures
it has to determine cells from non-self and there’s some very clever ways that it does that there it presents all the
pro all the proteins in our body are actually expressed i think it’s in the in the thymus
uh where it’s presented the normal protein
self self-antigen is presented and then another cell comes in and says yes okay yourself not versus not self and then it
it so we’re kind of constantly checking are you are you friend or foe friend or foe friend or foe it’s not just roving
antibodies you know there are some roving antibodies that are generic antibodies that kind of get the thing started but
um there’s so much going on we really are challenging it and then to say oh for every human on the planet take this
particular virus you’re guaranteeing that some percentage of people are going to die from that
experience you’re guaranteeing that some percentages of people are going to actually develop be primed for
autoimmunity and then you say okay now we’re going to do it to you every three or four months my goodness
my goodness you do this it doesn’t reflect natural infection at all you don’t get infected every three or four months with high levels of viremi to
something you just fought off so why are we inducing strong auto immune responses with vaccines every three or four months
these people are doomed and i think really this really scares me in terms of fertility it feels like the this is the
that’s that’s a point at which you don’t gamble that anything that you’re going to introduce that could
involve something that is systemic like that uh within an individual then you
shouldn’t you should introduce it very slowly to uh the human population as a system
also it seems just just insane to make a decision to just you know all at once go
full blast now and dr pellick yeah he’s muted go ahead see


Where to Find Me on Social Media, by @lifebiomedguru


4 Responses to “Is there anybody in the pie who doesn’t have one of those two things? Either some other comorbidity probably elderly but has something specific in their own biochemistry or about themselves or genetics? Is it basically the case that almost everybody else would find this virus harmless?”

  1. rosettasister Says:

    Is there anybody in the pie who doesn’t have one of those two things? Either some other comorbidity probably elderly but has something specific in their own biochemistry or about themselves or genetics? Is it basically the case that almost everybody else would find this virus harmless? @lifebiomedguru

    Is there anybody in the pie who doesn’t have one of those two things? Either some other comorbidity probably elderly but has something specific in their own biochemistry or about themselves or genetics? Is it basically the case that almost everybody else would find this virus harmless?

  2. rosettasister Says:

    “They were not being judicious about what they took,”

  3. rosettasister Says:

  4. rosettasister Says:

    Russia stunned by Zelensky’s cynical remarks on shelling of #Zaporozhye NPP

    “There is an impression that common sense has completely abandoned the current Ukrainian leadership. They are trying to convince that the Russian military is shelling itself since it is precisely [Russian troops] that are guarding the station now,” he explained.

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