iodine: 25mg/day “in the form of Lugol’s solution or tableted Lugol’s solution” (What Dr. Brownstein’s Clinic Suggested or Provided to COVID-19 Patients in Study, Made Easy -Mardy Ross’s blog)


James Lyons-Weiler
Who Gets More COVID-19? Vaccinated or Unvaccinated? Here’s How to Tell.
There were tell-tale signs of vaccine failure well before Omicron. How to be ready for COVID-19.

“From the beginning, I argued that we need to truncate the curve with a combination of isolation, sanitation and antivirals.

The long COVID-19 nightmare is the direct result of dismissal of the science of early effective treatments, because if they had been embraced, mass-production of Ivermectin would have been undertaken, and there would have been enough to consider prophylaxis.

Science supports that people who are not on the Brownstein protocol – vaccinated or not – you should be very, very concerned. People who lapse might be a risk, too.

At this point, science also supports that people who have their immune system ready via the Brownstein protocol will be key for your eventual case of COVID-19, vaccinated or not will likely fare far better than if they were not ready.

And we need far more awareness of studies on the prophylactic effects of repurposed drugs and supplements. [Pubmed Link].

As always, talk with your doctor before making any changes to your medical care.


“Iodine is needed for proper immune system functioning. Iodine supplementation has been shown to increased IgG synthesis in human lymphocytes. Iodine deficiency is associated with decreased phagocytic activity of blood neutrophils.

Japan has one of the lowest rates of COVID-19 illnesses in the Western world, even in a crowded city such as Tokyo. Furthermore, Japan has not gone on a total lockdown. The Japanese are known to have a much higher iodine intake through their diet when compared to other Western countries. It is estimated that the Mainland Japanese ingest over 100x the RDA as compared to US citizens. Perhaps Tokyo and Japan itself has had less serious COVID-19 illness because of their iodine intake.

There are MANY MORE details, including nebulizing and ozone, after the above portion of the study.  I wanted to simplify this most “sought after” information for those who might appreciate it being brought together in an easier to read and comprehend way.  

I’ll leave this here with you.  ~ Mardy”



Dr. David Brownstein, best known for his use of iodine and nebulized hydrogen peroxide
his treatment of patients during the pandemic
Brownstein protocol
A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using
Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies




One Response to “iodine: 25mg/day “in the form of Lugol’s solution or tableted Lugol’s solution” (What Dr. Brownstein’s Clinic Suggested or Provided to COVID-19 Patients in Study, Made Easy -Mardy Ross’s blog)”

  1. rosettasister Says:

    iodine: 25mg/day “in the form of Lugol’s solution or tableted Lugol’s solution” (What Dr. Brownstein’s Clinic Suggested or Provided to COVID-19 Patients in Study, Made Easy -Mardy Ross’s blog)
    #unido #BrownsteinProtocol #iodine @lifebiomedguru @mercola

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