“frank van den kommer” linda moulton howe “edward keith abbott” Parts 1 and 2



If they are that advanced and if they are interested in a spiritual evolution and they admire, or are interested in the Souls that Homo Sapiens-Sapiens have, but they are in control of all experimentation. Why would these humanoids NOT have the Souls that they admire in Homo Sapiens-Sapiens?
I don’t know ! I guess it goes back to God. And if you look at that… God created everything, we must be the favor of God. There is something about us that God favors. We’re different. And they really don’t understand why we are so different inside.

Inlichtingen man van Hawaii spreekt over contacten tussen Aliens en Mensen

@ 5:33

Part I of Two: https://youtu.be/Y3jC5OOXOC8

from frank582

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Interview report by Linda Moulton Howe


Edward Keith Abbott 500 Military Intelligence Brigade th

Knowledge about existing HUMAN – ALIEN contacts 1

“Six months ago on December 17th 2019 a consortium of radio telescopes with an international team of astronomers aimed 64 Meerkat radio dishes shown in this astonishing photograph;

to observe and photograph the sky together for a total of 130 hours not in visible light but in radio frequencies so those are not stars but the radio telescopes show are tens of thousands of galaxies each one filled with millions of stars and then this week came headlines like this one in the UK’s Guardian: “scientists say most likely number of contact able a lien civilizations is 36”


Well this new research was led by Christopher Cancellous; PhD. He’s a professor of astrophysics at the University of Nottingham in England he updated what has been known since 1961 as the “Drake Equation”. 59 Years ago astronomer Frank Drake was a colleague of Carl Sagan’s at Cornell University where he devised an equation of factors to calculate an estimate for the number of intelligent life civilizations in this universe.

The number of calculated civilizations varied, depending upon what that they were used. Well now fifty nine years after Drake’s equation, professor Cancellous has refined a new equation in which he says quote “basically we made the assumption that intelligent life would form on other earth-like planets like it has on earth, so within a few billion years life would automatically form as a natural part of evolution”. close quote well when professor Cancellous’s list of factors were fed into a computer the conclusions were that there are between Four and Two hundred and Eleven (4211) civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy alone capable of communicating with other intelligent life forms and there are trillions of galaxies but the professor thinks that a conservative and best estimate for the number of civilizations in this Milky Way galaxy only, that humans could realistically contact is 36 right now. Professor Kinsella said: “If we do find intelligent things closer, then that would be a good indication that the lifespan of communicating civilizations is much longer than a hundred or a few hundred years. Yhat an intelligent 3

civilization can last for thousands or millions of years and the more we find nearby us and our solar system the better it looks for the long-term survival of our own civilization”.

Other astronomers who are eager for future missions in our own solar system to ‘Europa’, ‘Enceladus’ and ‘Titan’, those exotic moons of Jupiter and Saturn where life forms might already exist are being planned. And the great irony for me is that I have been investigating and reporting since 1979 about animal mutilations, human abductions, Sasquatch, UFO’s, all as evidence on this planet earth of one or more other non-human intelligences that cohabit with us on our planet. And throughout the solar system and beyond. Government and military whistleblowers have told me since the early 1980’s that the US government has been trying to understand and cope with three competing in conflict extraterrestrial biological entities civilizations that have used earth as a laboratory for at least 270 million years ! According to whistleblowers one of the main goals of other intelligences interacting with earth is genetic harvesting and gene manipulation to create human body containers that can be used by nonhumans that have technology to transfer consciousness and life force and maybe even some 4

souls, into and out of body containers. I have a 106 page chapter about all of this in my third book “Glimpses of other realities volume 2 – high strangeness”. And that book was first released all the way back to 1998. And now this is June 2020, after last week’s earthfiles broadcast I received an email from a former US Army intelligence analyst who has so far survived dangerous heart surgery for five bypasses he senses that his time here is short and he wanted to share with me some of the revelations he learned about ‘Nonhumans’ on earth during his army assignments in Fort Huachuca in Arizona and the Kunia tunnel on Oahu Hawaii. Edward Kenneth Abbott sent me a copy of his DoD 214 that showed he entered the army in December of 2006 at age 34 older than most enlistees and was assigned to work as an army intelligence analyst from 2007 to 2009 he was retired early because of a physical disability caused during his army work. At the beginning in December of 2006 Eddie did basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Got out the beginning of March 2007 and headed for advanced individual training at Fort Huachuca in southwestern Arizona for 16 weeks until September of 2007. I’m showing on this map (next page) that down in the far right corner there is Fort Huachuca and you come up on a line that goes right up to the upperleft corner and you pass through Tucson and Phoenix and where do you end up is about 500 miles north west. That’s Nellis Air Force Base and area 51 outside of Las Vegas.


Then he was stationed in Hawaii at Schofield Barracks in the S-3 headquarters for the 500th Military Intelligence Brigade known as the 500th MIBDE. It was housed inside of the famous Kunia tunnel


built in World War two when it was safer to hide military operations underground and inside of Hills. Their motto is “Knowledge is strength�.

And Eddie Abbott is (still) haunted by what he learned in Arizona and the Kunia Tunnel on Oahu, Hawaii.


During the war the Cunia tunnel, the bottom yellow circle in this area, was constructed so that its surface would look like a farm.


But military operations were hidden inside a huge tunnel dug into a hill. The ‘Regional Signal Intelligence Operations Center’ there evolved into the National Security Agency “Hawaii Cryptologic Center” on the island of Oahu Hawaii in 2012. That facility, also known as the HCC or “NSA Hawaii” became famous when CIA employee and sub contractor Edward Snowden in 2013 took many classified documents about global surveillance programs and distributed them to the media, revealing the existence of several top-secret mass surveillance programs run by the NSA and “The five eyes” Intelligence Alliance.


ECHELON-Carnivore With tele-communication companies and European governments in Hawaii he was amazed by the Cunia tunnel that he said “had been serving American troops underground since World War two”. And here now is Edward Keith Abbott:


“The Kunia tunnel that is right next to Schofield (barracks) and if you’re heading down the road from Schofield towards the ocean you’ll run right into the Kinnear tunnel and it’s underground it’s a Gi-gan-tic place buried in the mountain. LMH: “And what happens there”? “The Kunia tunnel is basically everything anybody ever says on a phone without a computer those guys are down there and they’re listening to everything and there’s one spot in there that the lieutenant was telling us about that he worked in and it was called “Other-worldly Communications. And like what? There’s only eight of us! No enlisted. Just officers! We’re all linguists and we just listen all day to otherworldly communications. ‘Come on now’. If we’re talking about aliens who can communicate with an alien? And he said that we have been doing this for a very long time, that we’re already traveling in space!, and I remember seeing them and coming down. They were wearing like black uniforms. Only thing on their sleeve was a blue circle with a red pointer coming up the top on the left arm.

We were told they were ‘space program guys’. This is 2007 ! A space program? What the hell’s a space program? They’re already in space (in a balloon?) ‘…. and there is a dialect, and we do have linguists that understand the dialect! So then two weeks later a couple of guys I knew that worked in the Kunian Tunnel. I pulled the sign and said; ‘listen man that lieutenant said there’s a place called ‘Otherworldly Communications’? They said; ‘There is man’! ‘We can’t even go in the hallway over there’! And then you find out why we’re in Iraq! Because there’s some artifacts that we had to get out of Iraq. ‘We went to Iraq because we wanted to 10

plunder some kind of artifacts they were looking for’! He confirmed this’! LMH: That were extraterrestrial from the ancient beginnings of ET’s beings here, did anybody say that? Yeah, they said that there were some artifacts from God who knows how long ago, that were extremely important, and ‘they were from other civilizations that came to earth and started the whole program’. The whole program? And one of the officers said that this is the fourth time for civilization on earth that has been this far or even further along than we are. Let’s just hope we make it! What does that mean? ‘Hope we make it’? ‘Will something gonna take us all out? And he indicated with his eyes, ‘yeah’! We could be taken out if we do it wrong! LMH: Did you say what could we do wrong ? No I did not. I wish I would have asked more questions. You know you’re talking to an officer, you kind of you tiptoe. I think you don’t know. You might offend him and then he’ll make you pay cuts, you know. And everything seemed to be very like ‘touchy’. The people were talking, and I think what it is when you’re in the military, you’re more apt to talk to each other about things because you know everybody’s under, you know, to keep a secret. So it just seemed I’m going to get killed because I’m learning this stuff, you know. So then after all this is going on, I’m home with my kids. This is in November now. I’m home and I live just two blocks from the ocean. In Ewa Beach.


So James Campbell highway runs out at my house. I’m in a gated subdivision. you have to have a ‘calm’ to get in. Usually my family and those old couple right next to James Campbell High School. I’m still talking about Hawaii. So it’s four thirty in the afternoon. I’m outside washing my motorcycle down. The kids are playing and I look up because I heard something, you know it got real quiet. And I look up and there’s a craft sitting above the neighborhood just next to mine and I froze.

My kids looked up … ‘dad what is that’? I don’t know what that is. I sent you the pictures. It was that bent v-shape. I never studied a craft like this! I don’t remember seeing anything like this in any briefings or 12

anything and I grabbed my phone and I took some pictures. And the pictures I sent you were it’s the best I could get them. Every time I would take him they were screwing up! I checked on, I take it, and it was like a distorted picture! Why are my pictures going so crazy? So I managed to get three good shots but my phone was almost inoperable the whole time this thing was around. So for about 45 minutes this craft just sat there. Not a sound, it didn’t move at all. Then you could hear two Jets coming. And it’s the two Jets were coming behind me on my left. that’s where the Jets were coming from Pearl Harbour area. From Hickam to my right in my back two Black Hawks were coming. So I’m like. ‘oh boy’! ‘what’s going on here’? And this thing started to move. And it was so quiet …, it was like it just subtly drifted towards Diamond Head.

And as the Jets got closer and the helicopters got closer this thing was like …. Gone ! And you could see it, but you could tell it’s miles away instantly. And then went straight down into the water ! Like ‘what the hell I just see happen here’? LMH: And what did the two Black Hawks do? They all went out where it went and they circled. So now they got this search party going they happen through the night. You know I sat outside in the dark in my porch smoking cigarettes, watching these guys circle the same area. So whatever went into water they were desperately 13

trying to find it ! Definitely not ours. I got pictures of this thing, holy cow ! LMH: Were you able then, to ask as a army analyst in Intel ? I took my pictures back to the base. Myself I had made copies of them, just in case …. So I took pictures back and I’m like; ‘you know that I saw that thing’ ? … ‘Yeah …. we don’t talk about that’! what do you mean, ‘we don’t talk about that’? Like, ‘listen abbott you’re new here believe me it’s not the first time’ ! And then I got a call to the office of Colonel Grove. He’s the CEO. And I go in office, I stand at attention. ‘Specialist did you bring your cell phone with you’? ‘No sir I did not. It’s sitting outside of S3. He told one of the lieutenant’s to go get my phone. I got brought my phone and he took my phone, he took my card out of my phone and said; ‘if you ever take a picture of anything like that again and you do not report to me, I’ll take care of you’! You’re dismissed’. My phone was given me, with no card…, thank God I backed up the pictures on my home computer. Yeah I went from being light-hearted to very serious and pissed off that I took pictures. If I was to know better not to even talk about that stuff ”. Edward Abbott was confused about why commanding officer Colonel Grove would be so angry about the three cell phone images. that Eddy didn’t think were very good, and that they were of whatever it was, the two Night Hawk helicopters chased. Eddy already had been told confidentially a lot about aliens and UFOs at his previous intelligence training assignment in Fort Huachuca, Arizona. And that’s why he always looked for UFOs to photograph. “Honest-to-god; At Fort Huachuca they have labs under there and if he’s going on the mesas and you mess along with the mesas to look out, they will get you ! LMH: Who will get you ? The aliens that are under the Mesa. They are there and they have been there long before us I was told, loooong before us. And that they’ve 14

already dug themselves in. We never noticed them because they did all this so long ago they’re already embedded. So now you start wondering are the people that are saying stuff about Archuleta Mesa telling the truth ? Because what I heard is that’s the truth ! That we work with them under some kind of a treaty. Supposedly one of our presidents made a treaty. LMH: It’s supposed to be Eisenhower. Was it? Okay …. They never said this, (just) that one of our presidents …, and that they agreed to give people to them to do their experiments in exchange for technology. And for us not to go back to the moon or something because there’s something,… helium or something on the moon ! I remember that too. LMH: and probably animal mutilations were a part of that treaty as well they were allowed …. Yeah I know that they’re supposedly mixing with our seeds and they have to have a place to house that embryo so I know that that’s what they’re doing their house in the amber light at a certain point to remove it from the cattle that’s one thing everybody talked about stuff like that. People that know what’s going on. Older people that have been in the military 20, 30 years do actually talk about that. And they laugh. …and let’s say everybody thinks it are black helicopters. And it’s not us ! They’re just growing babies. Like ‘Wow’ that’s sickening’. Major Halliwell, I think his name was. He is the one that confirmed that’s what they do, and he used to say ‘yeah they always think that it’s something to do with our government, they think the black helicopter has got something. It’s not’! they’re growing babies. And that’s the safest way to grow babies. Sight unseen, so that they can have their hybrid babies come out of these cattle. LMH: And did anybody say to you there is X percent of alien homo Sapiens-sapiens hibrids on planet earth ?


They never said a percentage but they said that they were walking among us all the time and we walk right past them ! That’s how close they look to us. that they will fool anyone. LMH: And what do you understand is the biggest picture in relationship to why extraterrestrials based on Earth before Homo Sapiens-Sapiens ever stood up i.e. Homo Erectus in Africa two million years ago is first standing up primate that we recognize if the extra-terrestrials have been based on our planet and the Moon and Mars and other planets and our solar system and beyond for let’s say 270 million years way before Homo Sapiens sapiens ever came into existence why would our human governments make treaties that would give technology in exchange for extraterrestrials to take humans from the surface ? I was told this is our fourth time. We’re no threat to them at all ! The only thing that we’re threatening is ruining the planet but we’re not a threat. And they don’t want to eliminate us. But this is the fourth time. Supposedly they add this experimentalist Society of a crossbreed and we’re ‘number four’ supposedly technology before us was we further advanced where we are now but it’s eliminated. We can’t even find it because it’s eliminated. LMH: Why? why is it eliminated ? they eliminated, it’s supposed they eliminated Society before this one. LMH: But why ? Because we’re warring people and we cannot be controlled unless we fight each other and everything that we do is destructive. So every society before us was destructive and we’re just going down the same path ! We’re destructive it’s just in our makeup. And I think they’re trying to create something better. I think the whole goal is, from what I hear from just listening to these people talk, is they want a better society. they want a better human hybrid.” 16

What you have just heard is an approximately 11 minute segment out of a two full hour recorded interview that I did with Eddie Abbott last weekend. And when we got into about the end of what will be say about 90 minutes in and there’s a whole lot more to report. To my surprise he began with emotion to talk about the fact that we’re on a planet and he and so many others who have served in the military or served in Intel or served in science, and the fact of other intelligences cohabiting with us on our planet living sometimes being involved with military skirmishes other discussions that we collaborate with some. All of that he said I know that since I had the heart,… with the five bypasses he said I I know that I’m not long for here and I’m glad that we have been able to talk in depth today. And he said; ‘And Linda, I know there is a God.I know that there is an after, of the passing in death. And I just asked him simply, I said how do you know? And he said; ‘because of the near-death experience that I had that was so dramatic’. And we spent the whole next 30 minutes, with him going into vivid detail. And next week what I’m going to do is share with you that near-death experience by Eddie Abbott and then an entirely unexpected surprise of content that he was exposed to in his intelligence analyst work and when you hear it I’ll have more to say you’ll be as astonished I, think as I was. And Eddie if you’re there, on the other side of the electrons, thank you very much for sharing this very very valuable insight from your time before you had the physical trauma and had to retire from military service early but in those two years what you saw what you heard what you learned is another one of those pieces adding to this huge puzzle what do the governments of this world know? And why are they keeping everything about other life-forms interacting and living on the same planet from all of us? You and I talked about how unfair it is and so many other people that I know in the abduction syndrome, that they think this is unfair. That they even have an interstellar trade operation out of Cyber Command in Washington, and nobody is to know. So thank you Eddie, thank you. And I hope that your example tonight, that there are others out there who have had similar types of experiences, where they’ve had firsthand discussions with people who do have first-hand knowledge of the nonhumans that we actively have interacting with our planet and I think that some of them are down in those areas that we are now for the very first time in science discovering that there are these structures and the structures might be related to the places that the dia guy told me back in December of 1999. The three competing civilizations 17

they choose to go down through the basins of the oceans and the Seas. Huge structures where they have been occupying from millions of years. And others inside of mountains. So you bring all of this together it is beginning to form a picture that is coming in to focus. And next Wednesday you’re going to hear amazing, amazing insights from Eddie Abbott.




Interview with an Intelligence Officer who has first hand intel about Alien-Human contacts.

from frank582

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Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

Linda Moulton Howe

@ 5:27

Part II of Two: https://youtu.be/_vM9khU2GWU


Edward Keith Abbott 500th Military Intelligence Brigade

1 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

Insights in existing Human-Alien contacts This is about what else he learned. About ET’s and UFO’s at Scofield Barracks at Hawaii and from people who were working IN the ‘Kunia’ tunnel in Hawaii. Plus a near death experience that he had in 2018. That’s when he had emergency heart surgery for 5 bypasses. We had hoped this week, before this broadcast that he and his 22 year old son, Tobias, who was with him in Hawaii when he saw that strange bat-butterfly-wing thing in the sky and got the three photo’s. I’ve talked with Tobias, he remembers it all. We were hoping we could share you a video of the father and the 22 year old son, talking about what happened back in November 2008 or … they weren’t sure of the month exactly, but it was in 2008. But the sad news this week is that Eddy became very sick again, and this passed weekend was hospitalized on Monday, June 22, 2020. With more heart and blood pressure problems. And you will hear in a few minutes why Eddy Abbott told me, during our two hour interview two weeks ago, that he’s not afraid if it is time for him on this side of the veil for him to move on. First, I’m going to share with you some of Eddies comments and clarifications. After this last week, June 17th Earth files broadcast. Edward Keith Abbott, at an older age than most at 34, entered the US Army in 2006. He did basic training at Fort Linnetwood, Missouri. He wanted to be an Intelligence Analyst and was sent to Fort Wauchula, Arizona for 16 weeks of training. From March to September in 2006. Briefly after that he was sent to Fort Kendall in Kentucky. There he was attached to the 5th group of ‘Special Forces’ where he could have a beard. That’s where Eddy was photographed, wearing this army camouflage fatigues shirt.

2 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

And the black beret, which was the primary headgear for all United States Army troops. Then, worn as a part of the us Army uniform. He was also allowed to grow a beard in the context of his special forces status. Next, after Fort Campbell, Eddy was assigned to the one place that he most wanted to work. At S-3 600th Military Intelligence Brigade at Scofield Barracks on Oahu, Hawaii. He arrived there in early 2007 with his wife, their three girls and one boy, Tobias, who was in Grade school. The S-3 Building at Scofield Barracks was not far from the famous Kunai tunnel, run by the National Security Agency (NSA) that listens to the world trough advanced satellite systems inside the large and branching, highly classified tunnel, built into a hill.

Designed to look like a farm during World War Two. Eddies S-3 colleagues knew others who worked in the Kunai tunnels, and periodically there would be whispered discussions about UFO’s and ET’s.

3 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

In 2008 Eddie, with then wife and four kids, would then live in a house near Ewa Beach, a few miles south of the NSA’s Kunai Tunnel system and the Army Scofield Barracks.

The whole family was outside at a table where Eddy and his wife were relaxing with cigarets, when Tobias yelled “Dad, what is that in the sky’?

Eddy said that he had never seen anything like the large bat-butterfly-winged areal object that was moving very slowly in a large circular pattern above them. He ran for the video camera, but the battery was dead. So he took his Motorola Razr-flip phone, that he knew did not make vey good pictures, but that was better than nothing. And he ran back outside and aimed at the large UFO. But he said the phone acted weird and all he could get were three images. This being one of his photo’s. And here is a second image that he got on his phone when the ufo was further away, and here is a third …

4 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

Closer but more out of focus frame that Eddy got on his phone. And then when Eddy was back at his Schofield barracks in his S-3 unit. He showed to his army colleagues his images and asked, ‘what was this object’? He had no idea of taking photo’s of that ufo and asking about it would lead to the commanding officer. Ordering that Eddies phone be brought to him. And then, the CO, Colonel Grove, took out the memory card. On instinct though, before he had go to see Colonel Grove. Eddy had transferred the three photo’s to his home computer right after he took them. So when the CO got the flip phone and took out the memory card, Eddy still had at least the copies on his computer. Colonel Grove did give the phone back to Eddy, but without the memory card. And then, in 2009, a couple of years later, Eddy was Badly hurt with a headwound that caused him to retire from the army. His DD214 states that he was honorably discharged in 2009 with a medical disability, having served since 2006. Keeping the timeline straight is important, because seven years later, on October 29th 2015 …. And here is a headline that day, in the UKEXPRESS, featuring another close-up and a wide shot, from what looks like the same strange craft that Eddy and his family all saw in 2008 ! a full seven years before these photo’s headlined in the UK EXPRESS.

5 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

The date that these photo’s were taken was October 24th 2015 in the Mid-Western United States. Eddy sent me the Express images to compare to the three that he had got in Hawaii in 2008, seven years before. Well, here’s what the Express reported about it; ‘the odd shaped Black craft with several lights, was said to been videotaped and photographed by a father and son who were just leaving a restaurant near the border of Ohio and Kentucky at around 7:00 p.m. local time on Saturday, October 24th 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaMWJ81qG-c That’s five days before the UK Express put some of their photo’s in the headline of the UK newspaper. The date of the actual event is on 24th of October 2015. The pair who took the photos and the brief video allowed only their names ‘Tom’ and ‘Christopher’, father and son. And they said; ‘five minutes after the saw these craft, that two “military” helicopters showed up, following in the same direction that this areal craft was moving’. That’s like what happened 7 years earlier in Hawaii. Two Nighthawk helicopters, followed by Jets showed up where that ‘Bat winged’ ufo was being watched by Eddy Abbot and his family. Until the black helicopters showed up and the black winged ufo took off to ‘Diamond Head’ and dove down into the ocean water. And Eddy, his wife and four kids watched a military operation of helicopters and jets circling over the ocean,

6 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

long into that night in 2008. Apparently determent to ‘find’, ‘catch’, do something with that large ‘bat winged’ ufo. And then, seven years later on the Kentucky-Ohio border.

The UKEXPRESS reported: “In the video taken by the dad ‘Tom’ the ufo craft is seen slowly glide passed but as it nears the horizon two small flashes, ‘sparks’ of light are seen on either side of this object”.

And we don’t know what these bright light sparks are. What is this large, Bat-Butterfly-winged areal object. It has been photographed over Ewa Bech in Hawaii in 2008 by Eddy. Then seven years later on the Kentucky-Ohio border. And there have been a couple of other images that Eddy had seen, and thatI had seen that, sort of, resembled these. But those were the two clearest.

7 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

So why did these three flip-phone photo’s so anger Colonel Grove, his Commanding Officer ? Eddy felt punished for simply wanting to show his fellow army friends what he and his family had seen. After all he was an American Intelligence Unit Analyst. He was based at the Scofield Barracks. And further Eddy was used to have a cigarette break or drinking a beer with a few of his S-3 M.I. Brigade, and also guys from the 732nd military Intelligence Battalion. There were all kinds of ‘strange talks’ about ufo’s and E.T.’s in those discussions of military colleagues, when Eddy was there in Hawaii. That is why how he heard about what we listened to last week, ‘of current humanity, being the fourth genetic experiment by advanced intelligences, mixing and matching genes on earth to create different species, including the smarter, standing-up, primate ‘Humanoids’. And it is the fourth experiment, “is US”, and it did not make…, whatever the fourth experiment was, did not make humans to be less violent, as Eddy pointed out, was in the discussions. There could be a fifth experiment to replace the fourth …. Maybe that’s why the discussions are so classified. He knew the subject was sensitive, but clearly one of the army guys did have this knowledge. About ET’s on earth, throughout the solar system, that the American public has never, never been given officially. So WHY the huge ‘disconnect’? between the reality of alien presences and their very advanced intelligences and technologies versus the political ‘coverup’ since World War Two’ that has promoted humans as being a ‘life form’ on this planet that is unique and alone in this Universe and that ufo’s are just ‘misidentifications’ of weather balloons. Birds, Venus and fire balls. I have been trying to penetrate the policy’s of lies and deceptions. Since my first investigations on bloodless, trackless mutilations that I began in the fall of 1979.

8 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

And one of my break-troughs came in the early 1990’s when I received half a dozen letters and illustrations of people in the ‘Human Abduction Syndrome’. We showed a ‘cloning technology’ of large tubes wit different types of bodies, ranging from Human to Extra Terrestrial.

Were sustained by life frequencies from the top and the bottom of the tubes. One of the abductees said to me, ‘like “resurrection tubes”. In my third book, Glimpses of other Realities, vol. 2” I have a hundred and six page chapter which has those images of the cloned bodies and we had that down on the table, and it was one of those nights (Linda shows above picture inside of her book, published 29 years ago) that goes into all of these issues, having to do with ‘cloning’, making ‘hybrids’, ‘evolution’, ‘Genetic manipulation’ on this earth. To half a dozen people in the ‘Human Abduction Syndrome’ who have been exposed to…, and have seen these tubes 22 years ago. In the past two decades I have met only one government person who knew first hand anything about these Extra Terrestrial Cloning human body Tubes. ‘And the big box in which they seem to exist’. And that is, that the non-humans are interested in our bodies, and cloning them, and/or try to get access to our Souls. Probably one of the most sensitive subjects. But now, the surprise is that being able to interview Eddy Abbott that, during my two hour interview with him, two weekends ago. That I was asking him “Why there

9 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer

Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

has been seventy years of denials about ufo’s and e.t.’s on earth”? In the face of all of this material that’s coming through humans, and abductions. “why is there these policies of denial still on earth”? While so many military and government people and abductees know, “the denial is a lie” ! LMH:

“Who do you think is keeping the big secret of the fact That we are on a planet with species that may have been here for maybe “Five Hundred-Million years” and we, Homo SapiensSapiens cross-faded with ‘Neandertal’ only for about 45.000 years ago ? That’s how ‘Young’ we are. And if Homo SapiensSapiens is the ‘Fourth Experiment’, are the Humanoids which are experimenting on earth… Are they, in the end, totally in charge of what happens in spite of human Homo SapiensSapiens power brokers.”?


“I believe they are the ones in charge as they ‘mingle’ amongst us. And I believe they want us to reach the ‘spiritual levels’ somehow. There was a talk about “SOULS”. ‘It’ was interested in our ‘Souls’ somehow. How do we have a Soul ? How does this container hold a Soul? That was a strange kind of conversation. I thought ‘this is weird stuff’ that people talk about on this base.


Well, that is critical! This is the most critical of all the subjects that you have mentioned. Can you describe where you were and who you were talking with, or listening to about the containers and the Soul?


I was sitting outside of my office, smoking a cigaret at the table with all the guys of the 732nd, the ‘communication guys’ that listen to the people talk. There was a couple of officers there. There was a First Lieutenant, there was a Second Lieutenant and I believe there was a LieutenantColonel … They were talking about ‘how these beings from other planets were interested in ‘our Soul’? ‘How did our Soul get in their body and how could they extract our Soul, how did it fit, how could they move the Soul to another vessel’? Stuff like that. It was crazy! But I was listening and it started to make some sense. These beings from other planets are interested in our Soul ! And how it is in the container? They can repair our containers and do all kinds of

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Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

stuff to us. But-they-couldn’t-get-our-Soul ! “They wanted to know how to capture the soul”. LMH:

And the person telling this knew this information, because why?


Because he worked in the Kunia Tunnel and he was one of the officers that ‘listened’ to ‘other worldly communications’ and he had eighteen years of service in Intelligence, so, when you get to a certain level of intelligence you already have been ‘around the block’ and been at a lot of places. So, he knew ‘First Hand’ that they were looking to find out how to get our Souls out of our body! How they could ‘capture’ our Soul. That was very interesting to them.


And did this person who was talking, who was working in the ‘Kunia Tunnel’ say that that implied that humanoids, in charge of the Greys, and the ones that have made these ‘Four Experiments’ od standing up Primates of which we Human Sapiens-Sapiens are the Fourth…, That those Humanoids DO NOT HAVE SOULS ?


He didn’t say something like that, but you know, what it make you wonder how they are so interested in our Soul ! I don’t know. He didn’t say. It is that they are ‘extremely’ interested in our Souls. And that this is ‘an Earth school’. “We are on a Earth school”! Our Souls are in school. So this is where our Souls came to learn. And they wanted to know how how to get our souls, or the knowledge in the Souls, or something, that we have learned in this lifetime. This incarnation. Supposedly we reincarnate. I guess we ‘pick’ our own life, we’re made to forget and then we are born again. And then we die and we go back to the ‘Soul world’, wherever the Souls go. And we keep doing that, until we learn and learn and learn … in time all this interesting stuff I found fascinating.


The person talking to you worked in the ‘Kunia Tunnel’ …


Yes ma’am he sure did ! I had the feeling that he was one of the Officers that was in charge of the area.


Are we collaborating with the Humanoid, the non-humans in the ‘Kunia Tunnel’ ?

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That I don’t know, if they’re in that tunnel, because they never mentioned that, but they were collaborating in other places …, why wouldn’t we be !? Somebody has to be translating this ! “Other Worldly Communications”! Now, I just can’t get over the fact that we figured out a dialect ! Where do you figure it out ? Those got to interpreted this real. It makes no sense ! And how many other species that we are now aware of and I don’t know about? And you know, something is wrong, and it is a whole world of deceit. We’re going to Iraq to get ‘artifacts’ ? Nothing, … ‘anything but artifacts’ !! “That was the most important thing”, they said.


But which ‘artifacts’?


I don’t know ! ‘Artifacts’. There were things in Iraq that were so old that we had to go get ! And Bush wanted those artifacts. It was very important.


Did we get them, and if so, were did they go ?


We got them. They said they got everything they needed from that country.


Where is it ?


I don’t know ! We have it ! Like; ‘you’re looking for the ‘Arc of the covenant’ type stuff. You know, weapons like that. It’s a weapon. Supposedly it has the power to kill and you’re not supposed to look upon it, or anything you know …


But the man who was talking about this never used any phrases like ‘Arc of the covenant’ ?


Never ! He just said ‘Artifacts’. Ancient artifacts that were so important we had to get them, and we got them ! And there was more than one. Where ever they were looking for, they got them.

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Do you suppose that it was the Humanoids themselves, working through and with the United States, that wanted that technology? And we got it for them ?


No ! I think we got it ‘because of them’. That’s the way he made it sound. Like; we needed this for our own protection type thing. This is very important that we had this! Almost like a very thick treasure and if we had it, we’re safe ! “They can’t touch us” type of thing.


And who would be that ‘They” ?


I don’t know. The Aliens ? But he didn’t say it was the Humanoids, he didn’t say it as the Grey’s, but… who knows what aliens they were talking about. They said that we had to get that so that they didn’t get it! We got it.


And if they’re so Advanced that they are making these ‘Four Phases’ and we are the Fourth, then wouldn’t they be able to access and take any technology, any where from this planet, that they wanted, any time that the want it?


Yeah, you would assume so, wouldn’t you?


Yea, … unless there is something that ‘THEY’ are up against, an ‘THEY’ are using humans in some kind of an interface with something that they can’t control or is fighting them. That’s the question.


It has to be a completely different reason, it’s a treat ! You are very right. ‘If the ball of wax is this big’… How big is it really ! Like a (Torpedo?) how big is it really? What is really going on here?


Did the officer who was talking about the ‘body containers’ and the ‘Souls’ and the interest of the non-human Humanoids in our Souls bring up anything about the ‘Avatars’ of history, including Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed or others ?


No. I know there is a God. I died. I’ve had heart surgery. Five bypasses and I died! And I know there is a god, because I’ve been on the other side.

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When did that happen, in what year ?


November, 2018, I went in with some chest pains (….) 5 bypasses at 47 years old.

During the anesthetic it went all black … ‘I entered a room that was almost shadowy, it was black in there, it was dark. Almost like the lights were dimmed. And a lady was in there, and she said, ‘it was not my time, and I had to fulfill my Soul contract. ‘I HAD to fulfill it’ ! And then Boom… it went completely dark. I remember hearing voices and a tube down my throat. And I remember threshing about and then going back out again. LMH:

Can you describe more about ‘the lady of light’ ?


… checked the woman’s voice, she looked almost like a transparent person, but not. She had a whole body, but it didn’t look like my body, she was like glowing, she was beautiful, but she was different to me. It was like perfection, a perfect sculpture. Just beautiful. She made me feel so welcome.

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Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview


As you were looking at the lady made out of light, was she translucent ? The way that we can sometimes look through a hologram?


Very much so, that is how she appeared to me. But I also felt like; I was (to). I felt I was like her, but I couldn’t stay there with her. It was just really odd. Like I knew her.


and if you were thinking of an actress that might be closest to the face, who would that be ?


Remember when Meryl Streep was very young? Kind of like that facial structure like Meryl Streep, just flawless. There was no color. Even her eyes seemed white.

(Here I have to skip the rest of the medical story with the heart surgery, because I (Frank) underwent the same operation and have also died, but when I woke up with brain 6 bypasses and brain damage. I was paralyzed on the left side. Aage 54. Now 8 years later this is still too emotional for me). LMH:

When you think back to the discussion of the officer who was talking about the Humanoids that are not Homo SapiensSapiens, having a great interest in our human Souls, and that they are interested in trying to take our souls out of our bodies and perhaps transferring our souls into theirs. Did you ever have a sense that those Humanoids are from another ‘Dimension’ and another Universe ?


I have the sense that they are from another Universe.

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‘From another Universe’ means ‘beyond’ this Universe.


Yes, supposedly they can bend ‘space and time’ instantaneously and pull space towards the other space and BOOM, they pop out on the other side. Almost like a ‘Black Hole’ that they create.


If they are so advanced, why is it necessary to manipulate genetic material in already evolving primates to create Four Phases of standing up primates, and we are the Fourth Homo Sapiens- Sapiens? And that they haven’t been able to control the ‘Violence Factor’ in the Four Phases in the Humanoid Primates ? Something in the DNA that we have… we are a violent species. And I think they are trying to obtain a species that is more ‘spiritual’, more ‘peaceful’, and every time it turns out the same in the end we’re trying to avoid being the same….



If they are that advanced and if they are interested in a spiritual evolution and they admire, or are interested in the Souls that Homo Sapiens-Sapiens have, but they are in control of all experimentation. Why would these humanoids NOT have the Souls that they admire in Homo Sapiens-Sapiens?


I don’t know ! I guess it goes back to God. And if you look at that… God created everything, we must be the favor of God. There is something about us that God favors. We’re different. And they really don’t understand why we are so different inside.

So far the interview as it was published until now 27th of June 2020

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Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview

HOW A HOLLOW EARTH MIGHT BE EXPLAINED … Linda Moulton Howe; Last week presented a fragment of a recent scientific study of Earths extreme deep GPR ‘radar’ research, showing computer calculations of huge underground ‘cavities’ under the African continent (light grey at the top) [ I have added some grid patterns to make it better visible] Recently an American Intelligence Advisor came forward and reported to Linda his knowledge about a DUMB entrance in Hawaii where he had been working. The man spoke about Humanity having contacts here with at least FOUR (4) Extra terrestrial races ! 1 Race looks exactly like us, you can not see a difference … Those races are (assumed) residing on this planet for 270 Million years and involved in ‘creating’ Homo Sapiens-Sapiens. Meaning Us, Humans ! There is contact, and we travel with them in the solar system and even beyond, definitely after 2019 and not 2020 as Trump announced (but actually since the mid 50-ies, as Bill Tompkins claimed), which proves the Patch from the Space Force, that says so. Yes the same one president trump announced a few weeks ago !

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Edward Keith Abbott – 500th Military Intelligence Brigade The 2020 Interview Time has come to open our minds and us, accepting the new future that is unfolding. We must get rid of the ignorant explanations of our Historians and think for our selves. Are we scared? Are we afraid? NO ! If they were hostile, they would have exterminated us long before. They are here to help us, but only if we stop killing each other and stop destroying this planet.

19 Transcription and illustrations by: Frank van den Kommer


2 Responses to ““frank van den kommer” linda moulton howe “edward keith abbott” Parts 1 and 2”

  1. rosettasister Says:

    “frank van den kommer” linda moulton howe “edward keith abbott” Parts 1 and 2

    If they are that advanced and if they are interested in a spiritual evolution and they admire, or are interested in the Souls that Homo Sapiens-Sapiens have, but they are in control of all experimentation. Why would these humanoids NOT have the Souls that they admire in Homo Sapiens-Sapiens?
    I don’t know ! I guess it goes back to God. And if you look at that… God created everything, we must be the favor of God. There is something about us that God favors. We’re different. And they really don’t understand why we are so different inside.

    #unido #dotyUFO

  2. rosettasister Says:

    recognize the
    unique strong vibrant incredible souls
    in the human experiment on earth and
    they want them and they can’t have them
    from the divine field and the gift that
    was given to me that was back in
    Massachusetts when I told you about
    having this huge dark thing come through
    the bedroom door my husband was asleep
    never woke up but like so many cases
    when you get into people who are
    experiences although this was in my case
    I don’t place it I’m not aware of
    anything that has been in the experience
    or category but this was the approach of
    that big black thing to the right of the
    bed and my finding myself paralyzed and
    having the thought voice which I think
    the thought voices are the
    communications from our souls and that
    the communication was to concentrate on
    my little finger and then I broke the
    paralysis and when I turned back over on
    my back on the pillow and that’s when I
    was could see this black Hulk and that
    huge white glowing cross popped in to
    this like it was about fourteen foot old
    Victorian house size is huge in terms of
    the space up and this big white blazing
    cross filled it and the flat voice said
    say the Lord’s Prayer
    over and over out loud frequencies
    matter say the Lord’s Prayer out loud
    over and over and I did and then this
    black Hulk dissipated and I fell back
    again on the pillow and in came that
    voice I can hear it right now this inner
    you will never have a fight for your
    soul again through infinity I don’t
    fully understand the implication of that
    but what I’m trying to communicate
    tonight in the context of all of this
    content that Eddie got in a military
    context in Hawaii where the kunia tunnel
    is truly one of the most highly
    classified units that the United States
    has as a listening sophisticated
    listening place and those people would
    have heard everything there is to hear
    so the fact that he was exposed to these
    discussions and that clearly the
    military did not want this kind of
    discussion out in the public but I’m
    sitting proof that what I feel is that
    my soul your soul human souls have the
    ability to react have the ability to
    respond and communicate in these thought
    voices and that just knowing that that I
    went through that and that I can sit in
    front of you honestly and say the white
    blazing cross was what overcame the
    situation and that all of us have that
    ability our souls have that ability to
    reach out and Eddie and I talked about
    his NDE that left him with he has a
    calmness very strong calmness about as
    he said Linda if this is my time to go
    I’m fine I I know that there is a God
    and I know that we go after this life
    and it’s I’m so sad that he’s having a
    rough time again physically but that I
    know inside of him there is a soul that
    knows and inside of all of us and the
    bigger question in all this is if we
    could just move this planet forward to
    telling the whole truth and nothing but
    the truth about our origins the presence
    of all kinds of alien intelligences here
    in this planet throughout the solar
    system throughout the Milky Way galaxy
    it could change the entire tenor of a
    planet Earth where there has been too
    much violence that’s true too much war
    and if that is any kind of a provocation
    for advanced beings with advanced
    technologies to look at us as an
    experiment that is failed because we’re
    too violent if we were educated about
    the true relationship of our soul to the
    divine field that is the source of
    everything and other life in this
    universe if we knew the truth who is
    friendly who is neutral who is hostile
    who wants this who wants that and that
    humans began to stand on a much more
    level ground then there may not be any
    reason for advanced intelligences to
    look at homo sapien sapien and think
    they’re too violent and that a fifth
    experiment must be put in place and the
    bigger box I have that discussion with
    Roger Penrose is that all of it is
    we are living human lives and they are
    short like Drosophila flies they average
    72 or whatever it is now it’s just like
    that and clearly there are other
    intelligences as are described about the
    preying mantises that one of the
    abductees who dealt with the tubes and
    the cloning and the transfer of
    lifeforce she said that the preying
    mantises seemed to be involved with this
    huge experiment of life and life-forms
    and that they seemed to have be aged
    less the sense that maybe they never
    we don’t understand that is it
    artificial intelligence what is it but
    that every abductee who has been in
    front of a one of these praying mantis
    types that they senses ancient always
    expresses love a deep sense of love to
    the human standing in front of them so
    we are seeing only through a tiny tiny
    keyhole as Eddy said how big is the big
    picture why is reincarnation the
    machinery of this universe the recycling
    of souls as a gray even told an Air
    Force captain back in the early 50s
    according to both documents that I was
    able to read and they were wanting me to
    go and interview the captain and he was
    sick the recycling of souls in
    reincarnation is the machinery of this
    universe and I hope as we go forward
    there’s thousands of other subjects we
    can get into and tonight this was maybe
    a lot brought into this one program but
    I feel that what
    has been exposed to in a military
    intelligence context even though his
    career was shortened because of the
    terrible head wound that he got in 2009
    it had to have an honorable discharge
    for a medical reason that what he was
    exposed to so provoked him that he
    reached out to me now when he said I
    don’t feel like I have much more time on
    this planet and I wanted you to at least
    know what I heard so on
    I thanked Edward Keith Abbott for
    sharing and for us being able to do this
    in two parts and I started a little late
    because we had technical problems and we
    had a lot of things happen and you know
    it’s like we’re all human and we are
    trying to do things perfectly but that
    is always a big challenge but I’d like
    to Peggy if we could I’d like to go an
    extra ten minutes to make up for
    starting late and if there are one or
    two questions I’d love to hear what
    people have on their minds Linda I just
    like to mention a couple of questions or
    comments that people had made in this
    chat there maybe we could follow up on
    another time but someone had asked when
    Eddie saw the UFO did he hear anything
    like a jet propulsion sound I asked him
    completely silent I asked his son the
    twenty two-year-old Tobias
    we were going to do the video together
    and then Eddie was in the hospital he
    said no it was completely silent and
    here is something very important Tobias
    who was about a fourth grader then he
    said that when it first came and they
    first saw it it was doing a very slow
    methodical circle that came closer to
    them not over them but closer to them
    and did this very slow circle at
    that Eva Beach area for at least 40
    minutes then it stopped and Eddie had
    said that things seemed to stop in the
    air for a good 40 45 minutes just
    stopped and then came the two Nighthawks
    helicopters and then came jets and the
    thing took off went down near Diamond
    Head into the ocean waters and Tobias
    said that he remembered clearly in his
    childhood memory of all of them all of
    the kids and Eddie and and the mother
    staying out at that table into the night
    and that they assumed it went on all
    night that there was this concentrated
    military search mission or search
    activity where this big huge fluffy wing
    whatever you want to call it butterfly
    wing looking but it had the the gestalt
    or the feeling of something that was
    metallic that’s that’s what they said
    that’s what tobias also that it was a
    machine or it was something that was
    mechanical and when it went down into
    the ocean our military forces did not
    let up until late I don’t know if they
    went to bed finally but Tobias had the
    impression that it went on most of the
    night and they don’t know they they do
    not know whether there was something
    that was retrieved why did the military
    chase whatever this object was down to
    the ocean and then stay there into the
    night it’s a very good question but not
    one sound and that was 45 that be 90
    minutes that that object was in the sky
    up not too far from where Eddie and his
    wife and the kids were on Eva Beach
    another so someone was also asking when
    Eddie was talking about his near-death
    experience could he what he had seen
    been an Anunnaki or an interdimensional
    being it is very interesting his
    description of something that is all
    white even the eyes and it’s beautiful
    and the features are detailed enough
    that he could compare it to Meryl Streep
    and I think all of us understand that
    kind of chiseled classic face and when I
    think back through the panoply of
    interviews with people having encounters
    with things that are sort of translucent
    or you can see through them that she was
    all white but when I said could it be a
    hologram he was considering that as
    something like a possibility but the
    other thing that makes Eddy’s
    description very interesting because the
    holographic projection has been
    described as et technology so advanced
    that the human mind cannot discern from
    the world around us I’ve heard that
    since 20 years ago so this could be that
    it is a holographic projection but that
    would contradict the whole sense that
    Eddie had and others have had when
    they’re in the presence of some beings
    that come into the near-death experience
    and have communication with experiencers
    and in fact let me read briefly one
    paragraph that comes from Raymond Fowler
    who did all of the six books on betty
    Andreessen if you have not read the
    Betty Andreessen affair case it’s six
    full books the Watchers Betty and
    it is one of the more detailed
    complex provokes you to think to your
    core those six books Raymond Fowler was
    running a planetarium in a town and
    became very interested in Betty and
    raisins case and I talked with him in
    depth about Betty’s case I’ve known
    Betty and Grayson have sat with her when
    she was pounding with her fists Linda
    the key is in our very blood at the time
    in the early nineties when she was
    pounding Linda the key is in our very
    blood it wasn’t as clear to any of us
    then that and she confessed she knew
    that the key was in our blood but she
    didn’t fully understand today it’s what
    Eddie is saying about the cloning and
    the hybridization and the genetic
    manipulation and the trying to
    understand what this if we’re a fourth
    laboratory experiment what does it add
    up to in terms of Homo sapiens sapiens
    having this extraordinary soul it’s not
    metaphorical it is real and when he said
    that the the discussions in Hawaii were
    how does it fit into the body sort of
    where is it
    how do you get it in those are the
    practical human questions I want you to
    hear this brief paragraph it’s in my
    book glimpses of other realities volume
    two is this when Ray and I had a very
    very long and I recorded discussion
    about this whole issue of recycling of
    souls the the tubes and all of that and
    here is Ray Fowler the author of the six
    books about Betty and racin and the
    incredible and race and affair the UFO
    near-death experience connection seems
    to be telling us that whoever controls
    the UFO phenomena
    is intimately connected with the
    afterlife of human beings this is a
    deeply profound revelation with ever
    escalating implications for humankind
    whatever the reason which may be beyond
    our comprehension alien interaction
    seems to be part of a constant interplay
    between life here and life in the
    hereafter for if we take and integrate
    the total characteristics of the UFO and
    the near-death experience phenomena a
    full base face value the bottom-line
    implication is the death may be the
    ultimate UFO abduction experience close
    now some people have told me this topic
    is too threatening it’s too dangerous
    it’s you you can’t raise it in the
    public but I did in this book that I
    published in 1998 and the only
    provocation that I can see has happened
    from my being honest and putting all of
    this material with illustrations in this
    book in 1998 is how many people in the
    military have come to me how many people
    in the abduction syndrome have come to
    me to tell me their first-hand
    experiences they’re not afraid there is
    something profound in what we are
    talking about tonight that is that the
    key perhaps of the entire mystery of
    this universe’s existence more and more
    headlines that are coming all the time
    about is it a hologram all of the
    mysteries about dark
    and dark energy could this be and the
    most read going to do a story next week
    for sure on the brand-new paper that is
    talking about where we have seen the
    cone the cone illustration of the
    universe from the singularity out and
    expanding there’s now a whole new
    mathematical construct that shows it
    coming to the point and then continuing
    like in another cone like a cone of time
    in a cone of time this universe I don’t
    think is what we ever were taught that
    it’s just a single airing and burst of
    energy and somehow all of this came
    about if this whole universe is a
    university made to Train Souls then
    everything that Eddy Abbot was exposed
    to in Hawaii what Betty and racen talks
    about in six volumes through Ray Fowler
    to all of the half-dozen abductees in my
    book that have been exposed to the tubes
    light somehow sustaining the clone
    bodies while they are extending how to
    get a soul like humans in and out of
    those bodies instead of fear instead of
    closing it all down instead of saying we
    can’t talk about this I think we must we
    must talk because on the other side of
    the screen tonight there may be a dozen
    of you out there who have had the
    experiences with the tubes that you can
    write me that we will all learn together
    there may be military people who have
    had discussions about that the
    government is afraid that if they open
    up the whole truth about UFOs and ETS
    that it will threaten religions because
    the devil
    versus angels and all of that are the
    metaphors for what is at stake in the
    profound core of what is happening and
    my answer always is and I feel this
    strongly whatever is out there the
    humans know about whether they’re power
    brokers military leaders doctors
    scientists whoever you and I deserve to
    know that truth so I am open to anybody
    giving me feedback tonight saying you
    don’t want this information opened up or
    whatever your feedback is I would love
    to know and for those of you who think
    that this should be not only explored
    but that I should do more periodic
    programs about it opening up even more
    let me know that as well
    and Peggy I’ve come to 15 minutes I hope
    all of you will forgive all of those
    technical problems we had at the
    beginning with the mic but as Brad said
    when you watch Stephen Colbert or Kimmel
    or any of them trying to operate from
    their houses they have the same kinds of
    problems so hopefully in the age of
    covent with all of the stresses and
    unpredictability of it that we will all
    start being more forgiving of each other
    all of the time because we’re all trying
    as best we can to do the best we can in
    an event a phenomena a layer of life
    that nobody has known for 100 years
    since the 1918 pandemic and please don’t
    let your guard down
    I love you I love all of you around the
    world we can’t let our guard down
    because this covet 19 coronavirus is
    insidious and wearing masks think of the
    people you love wear your masks for them
    and your gloves and your hat and put on
    sunglasses because you’ve got to defend
    off the moisture particles that can hold
    the coated it’s science and I like
    science even if we are delving into what
    may be one of the most impossible to
    understand mysteries of us and the
    universe we’re in where the recycling of
    souls is the machinery of the universe
    see you next week

Comments are closed.