Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast #Mikovits #Ruscetti






This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Robyn: Hey, everyone. It’s Robyn Openshaw. Welcome back to the Vibe show. Today’s episode is probably the most exciting one I’ve ever done in almost 200 episodes.

I interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovits. She has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology. She has just released an incendiary book called Plague of Corruption. Her coauthor is Kent Heckenlively. He is an attorney.

It’s an amazing book about the 40 years that she spent in immunology and virology where she talks about how we have been inventing viruses and genetically modifying viruses for profit and plunder, basically.

Her first interaction with Tony Fauci, who is the highest ranked epidemiologist in the United States and leading the charge on Covid-19, spans back close to four decades ago.

She talks about everything from the falsehoods and fraud in how we treat disease to vaccine theory to the germ theory of disease versus the terrain theory.

She talks about things that actually do work about Covid-19 that you’ll never hear from Tony Fauci. She talks about censorship; she talks about vaccines driving pandemics.

She talks about why you don’t want to wear a mask, that it’s maybe one of the worst things you can do. She talks about whether Covid-19 is really as infectious as you’ve been told, and how it spreads.

Make sure you stay on until the end because we both have some very hopeful messages for you. Welcome to the Vibe show, Dr. Judy Mikovits.

Judy Mikovits: Thanks so much, Robyn.

Robyn: I’m excited to dig into this with you because I have heard some very fascinating interviews with you out there on the internet by some of my colleagues.

Not only do you have a PhD from 40 years ago as a biochemist and molecular biologist, but you worked as an immunologist and virologist studying how the immune system is interrupted by viruses and infections. Tell us about that and your background with Ebola.

Judy Mikovits: Oh, sure. I graduated from University of Virginia with a degree in biochemistry and undergrad degree in 1980. [I] went straight to the National Cancer Institute and was part of the team that developed immunotherapy interferon-alpha.

[The therapy] was on the cover of Time Magazine March 31st, 1980 as the big “If,” a magic bullet to cancer. Can we take our own biological response modifiers and our own immune system and reeducate it to prevent or treat infectious disease?

At the time that was just before the discovery of HIV AIDS but after the discovery by my lifelong mentor, Dr. Sette, who in 1980 discovered the first cancer-causing human retroviruses.

I – to the biological response modifiers in 1983 and literally from that day on studied from the patient level why people got sick — why some got AIDS from HIV and other people could be perfectly healthy, never knowing they even had the infection.

My PhD. thesis in 1991 really changed that treatment paradigm of HIV. It was a subset of immune cells known as monocyte macrophages, which had to be targeted with drug therapy.

We did that developing peptide T. Peptide T, of course, is the subject of the movie, the Dallas Buyers Club. That’s a non-pathogenic immune modulator that prevents the interaction between the T-cell, which was dying from HIV infection.

They were called bystander effects. We didn’t know why the T-cell was dying because only one in 10,000 T-cells was infected. That work led to my PhD. It told everybody that the orchestrator of the disease was a dysregulated monocyte macrophage.

During my postdoctoral studies, part of those studies was at Fort Dietrich in Usamriid, which was literally right across a baseball field from my laboratory in the National Cancer Institute.

It was literally the next step of my journey to understand how a pathogenic strain of Ebola (known as the Zaire strain) is different from the totally non-pathogenic Reston strain, not on a sequence level, but on an immune response level.

What I did there was discover through the work [that] the difference was a cytokine storm [like] we’ve been hearing in the Covid-19. It was a cytokine storm, a pattern of cytokines that were highly inflammatory. Inflammation means “flame.”

We’ve learned over my 40-year career inflammation is at the heart of essentially every chronic disease. The fire gets too high. We’ve lost the dimmer switches, and we know what those are molecularly.

We’ve lost control of the on/off switches in the immune response from the blood stem cell communication to basically every resident tissue stem cell in the innate and the adaptive immune response — your frontline defenses and your memory.

We’ve lost our ability to determine self from non-self — the explosion of autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune means you attack yourself because you don’t know the difference between self and non-self at the molecular immunology level.

They’re at Usamriid with Ebola. We determine an inflammatory signature of disease. Why a virus? They’re essentially the same sequence.

Once we understood what that signature was, we could see at the molecular level, in the sequence what were immunogenic, what was driving that flame.

The work was intended to take those immunogenic sequences and develop not only therapies but vaccines to prevent the fire from going on or going too high, such that pathogenic strains became non-pathogenic. A lot to unpack.

Robyn: Yes, for sure. You say that you started working with Tony Fauci 39 years ago. I heard you say as I was taking notes in another interview you did, that he is both evil and stupid.

Judy Mikovits: [Laughter]. Sorry, did I actually say that out loud?

Robyn: You did. I want to explore that because you’ve got half of America who thinks he’s here to save us. You’ve got the other half, it appears to me roughly, who believe that he has committed crimes against humanity for a long time — that are just coming to light now — because he is in league with Bill Gates who has stated he has a eugenics agenda and that population control is the agenda of this administration that he seems to be working on. Talk a little bit about how you started working with him 39 years ago and what you saw play out.

Judy Mikovits: I want to correct that. I did not start working with him 39 years ago. Remember I’m 24 years old when I started working with Dr. Rossetti — 37 years ago, June 6, 1983.

Dr. Rossetti and I were part of the team that first validated Nobel Laureate Luc Montagier’s isolation and discovery of HIV as a possible causative agent of AIDS.

We isolated that virus from saliva and blood. We wrote a manuscript and had it in press, in publication. One day when Dr. Rossetti’s out of town, Dr. Fauci calls on the phone. I’m Dr. Rossetti’s only employee technician.

I answer the phone and I’m asked by Dr. Tony Fauci, who has on the line Dr. Robert Gallo. Dr. Gallo worked in the National Cancer Institute.

Dr. Fauci was the head of the N. I. A. I. D. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Dr. Fauci asked me for a copy of the manuscript, which was in press. I refused because it was confidential. It was highly unethical to give it to him.

He became enraged on the phone [and] threatened to fire me for insubordination. [He] told me he was the boss. I don’t care. I’m 24 years old and I never really cared who you are.

It’s ethics, reality, integrity, and trust. You don’t tell me to do something that’s illegal, immoral, and unethical. I did not do it.

When Dr. Rossetti came back to town from his meeting, he was bullied and finally gave in. [He] gave the manuscript to Dr. Fauci who held up the publication of our manuscript, literally leading to the spread of the virus for several months until Dr. Gallo could copy it and make it his own work — literally steal and plagiarize our work, redo it in different samples.

[That] created, as you’ll remember from HIV, literally a war between who discovered HIV between Montagier in France, who clearly did discover it as LAV, lymphadenopathy virus.

Because of the so-called fight and this special self-interest, “It’s all about me. I got the patents. I own the testing rights. This, that,” HIV spread around the world, not only to susceptible populations at the time, the IV drug users, gay men, and prostitutes, [but to non-susceptible populations as well].

Frank Rossetti and I and others in the field were saying, “Well, that’s ridiculous.” Retroviruses don’t know if they’re infecting a man or a woman. There [was] plenty of data that said there were women getting infected with other kinds of retroviruses — [as well as] children — and that somehow [retroviruses] were getting into the world in a way that was very different from what we were being told as a scientific community.

I’m watching this whole thing as a kid who is a natural products chemist. I isolate and make drugs out of plants and your own biological immune molecules. I’m watching this insanity play out.

That single decade where he drove the therapies towards the T-cell, which I just described in detail because he had the patent — unbeknownst to us because Frank Rossetti discovered interleukin-2, which was what Dr. Fauci admitted on tape.

I really just learned this several weeks ago. That might’ve been the, the basis of my anger of “stupid” and “pure evil.”

All of the evidence says that doesn’t make sense. That doesn’t make sense. That doesn’t make sense. Yet hypotheses of alternative opinions [continue to make themselves known to the public and the scientific community].

Is This Covid-19?

It’s very important right now with Covid. Coronaviruses don’t cause the type of diseases and injuries we’re seeing as a medical community. I think you’ve seen that throughout the internet from the ER docs. Doctors are given protocols, which they can’t veer from without losing their jobs.

This was the earliest interactions through the nineties because it was my PhD thesis, which I defended November 14th of 1991 — 28 years ago.

It was Magic Johnson who had just seroconverted — that is made an antibody — meaning he was absolutely exposed to the virus because it got into his immune system, and he made an immune response. He became HIV positive on a serology antibody tests. That does not mean he has AIDS.

On November 7th was when everybody saw that. It’s also memorialized in Time Magazine. You can go back and see the press, see the media, and see how that was played. It was in a publication.

I answered the question, “Based on your molecular theory of causation and treatment strategy, will he or will he not get AIDS?” I said, “He’ll never get AIDS, but he has to change everything about the treatment strategy.” Of course, that has what play has played out to now. We’re like, “Wait a minute, what happened to AIDS?”

I didn’t publish those works in a journal for three years before that. Dr. Rossetti and I had tried to publish those works in journals.

What people on the outside don’t understand is that you have what’s called peer review. It’s not peer review. It’s competitor review. If somebody doesn’t want a paper published at the highest levels of government — everybody has to check off on it — those papers are rejected or held up and effectively censored, again, while millions more die.

We had tried to publish several papers on our work from ’87 to ’91. One of the peer reviews we got when we tried to submit my PhD thesis work was, “I didn’t believe your last paper either. It’s contamination.” That’s not a review. That’s not a scientific review.

This is throughout my career, every discovery we’ve made, because it goes against dogma and the old boys at the top. They set the dogma. “That’s impossible.”

Treatment after treatment for diseases, for cancers, for severe things, Tony Fauci and the Cabal at the top have held up as anecdotal evidence, and we’ve seen all of it. Anecdotal means storytelling.

We’ve got thousands of publications for hydroxychloroquine. The WHO [is] a corrupt organization obviously in cahoots with Fauci. The people at the highest level of HHS [are] corrupt. [As well as] FDA.

You can’t use that serology test in Covid-19. We’re going to use a PCR test, which means we’re going to take a piece of RNA out of your nose.

That’s not a virus, that’s not an infection until it gets beyond your immune system, of your skin, of your nasopharyngeal passages into your blood. A true infection that develops an immune response, that’s not an infection.

The books are being cooked on who’s positive in SARS-CoV-2. The disease doesn’t fit. We don’t have a single causative agent. SARS-CoV-2 is not the causative agent of Covid-19. It’s absolutely clear because if every person with that virus infection doesn’t have the disease, it’s not causative. Just like I just explained to you for HIV.

Since 1984, Zika, Ebola, swine flu, bird flu, the Ebola of 2014 that killed 21,000 Americans, Tony Fauci has led the way to scare administrations and populations into vaccine strategies [and] into the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986 where all liability was removed from manufacturers of unsafe untested vaccines.

That law’s been broken. That law, when put in place, said the vaccine schedule has to be tested every two years. Del Bigtree, Bobby Kennedy Jr. with their FOIA’s and legal inquiries finally got a judgment in November of this year that said CDC has to take down “vaccines don’t cause autism” because they couldn’t produce a single paper that say it doesn’t. Not one.

Not one safety study has been done on anything on this schedule for 36 years. It’s all very clear. There’s a tremendous amount of data on the corruption, the self-interest, the patents, the conflicts of interest of not only Tony Bouchie, but Deborah Birxs, Robert Redfield who literally made our entire military sick and pushed his own agenda of evil that said, somehow HIV AIDS was God’s punishment of people for their behavior.

That’s not how God works. These people at the top need to go away. Right now. They’re not stupid, but they’re saying stupid things.

The last thing you do is vaccinate with an influenza vaccine if you’re trying to prevent another upper respiratory infection. That’s [been] clear for years. The data does support it. They even supported it just last year [with] testing done in the military with respect to SARS-CoV-2.

Everything needs to stop. The vaccine injury compensation program needs to end Tony Fauci and everyone at the heads of the FDA, the CDC, the EPA [should be replaced].

Our soil is contaminated [with environmental toxins like FIVE J*EE, glyphosate, and Roundup]. Our water is contaminated. Our air is contaminated with chem trails, with spraying.

These organizations are not in any way protecting the public health, and leading it all is Tony Fauci — threatening every president since Ronald Reagan and removing more and more constitutional rights, religious freedom, basic human rights of informed consent and what to do with your own body.

Medical doctors are currently treating with absolutely the wrong treatments and denying patients and treating patients like criminals who go in there. I just spent the last half hour on the phone with one of them.

At any rate that probably is more than you want as an answer. You can circle back. [Anthony Fauci] was never my boss. I never worked with him directly.

I never encountered him again until 2010 when he was directed by Francis Collins to do a very large multi cohort study on the mouse cancer causing viruses, the XMRVs that we discovered and isolated and proved with hundreds of different methods — not just one test, a confirmatory test.

Every one of those PCRs needs a confirmatory serology test and vice versa. Serology tests need confirmatory sequencing to show it’s not crosstalk of antibodies. They know this. They’ve known this forever.

We did it in HIV, we did it in everything else. We did it in XMRVs, and all bets are off for coronavirus Covid-19. We had at least nine zeros. There were nine zeroes, 10 to the minus nine chance that XMRV was associated with chronic fatigue syndrome by accident.

99% confidence is what most scientific data get. We had nine zeros in front of that, and the Journal of Science would not let us call it highly significant. Our data is being censored by the Journal of Science.

[The Journal of Science] literally commissioned and published fraud and allowed Tony Fauci [to steal work] when Francis Collins asked him to do that replication study in September of 2010 because the data that I presented about the patient population in London had negative controls of 4%.

That’s at least 25 times HIV. That means 25 million Americans in 2010 were infected with mouse cancer-causing viruses.

Francis Collins asked me where the controls came from at that NIH meeting. I said the blood supply of London. We had been doing a blood supply talk since our paper came out in science showing the isolation of a new family of cancer and AIDS causing retroviruses, the XMRVs, those mouse related viruses.

The work of 2010-11 showed contaminated vaccines. Harold Varmus [the head of NCI at the time] back in 1999 started [a] xenotransplantation program.

Xenotransplantation is anytime you mix the human and animal tissue, whether a surgery procedure or an injection by vaccine. When you’re mixing animal and human tissue, you have the opportunity to have a novel virus emerge that otherwise would not have infected humans for millions of years, if ever.

Mixing Animal and Human Tissue

Robyn: Talk a little bit about the risks of mixing animal tissue with human tissue and what that has to do with this situation we’re in in 2020.

Judy Mikovits: What are the risks of mixing animal [with human]? We’re injecting into a two-month-old a [virus]. we do a vaccine known as Pediarix, and that’s hepatitis B. It also contains IPV, the current polio vaccine.

You don’t have a vaccine unless you’ve injected some part of the antigen. In the case of the polio vaccine, there are live attenuated viral vaccines — meaning they passage them, they grow the antigen in an animal cell line known as vero monkey kidney cells.

We have for many years in order to attenuate the polio virus — that is, make it weaker. We passed it in the 1930s through mouse brains.

We literally passaged it over and over — just took a needle, injected it into a mouse brain, pulled out all the mouse brain, degraded all the tissue, and then did it again [until we] isolated the virus.

Like I mentioned with Ebola, the idea is to make it weaker so that you can then inject it and the person will develop an immune response without developing the disease because we’ve taken away the disease signature as the mouse immune system of the brain cripples the polio virus.

How does that have anything to do [with the topic]? In the case of the Italy vaccine that they gave to Italians –untested [in] January 2019 — the vaccine contained four attenuated influenza and was grown in dog kidney cells. These dogs have coronaviruses.

The pieces and parts of the receptors are on an influenza virus. It’s called recombination. They can recombine especially if you put them into immune compromised hosts.

The retroviruses don’t bother the [host] just like I mentioned earlier, but they could wake up and actually infect an immune compromised host.

Immune compromised is a two-month-old. They don’t have an immune system. We’re literally injecting vero monkey kidney cells from which HIV evolved. Different strains, different things. Doesn’t matter. You’re injecting them into a child.

In the original polio vaccines used forever, we had simian virus 40, not a retrovirus, but another cancer-causing virus.

You’ll see all of this in Bobby Kennedy’s forward of our book  Plague of Corruption because he understood I had no idea of the extent and breadth of this because I only focused on what I’m telling you right now.

He knew the history, other things, and he started bringing out how other scientists are attacked and murdered, and their careers destroyed.

The government for — I don’t even know — a hundred years has been censoring and silencing and destroying anyone who dares go against the [status quo] and expose the explosion of infectious disease, of autism, of autoimmune disease, and of cancer. They’re all associated with the vaccines and the contaminants. They call them adventitious agents.

It’s not just the retroviruses, that’s just my story [of] staying in my lane. How all of that has to do with what’s going on with Covid-19 is that coronavirus is clearly not a natural evolution.

Some strains have sequences of HIV in them. Gp120 [is] that envelope, the part that attaches to the cell. Gp 41 is like the hat, the coding on the virus. There’s a portion that sticks [or] pokes into the cell and sticks it there forever, allowing the viruses, the particles, to enter the cell and be taken up by the cell. [Those particles] then take over the cell machinery and grow.

We’ve got a coronavirus that normally would only affect the epithelial cells in the airway. No problem. The immune response to that is clear, except in the immune compromised.

We have to keep the flame from getting too high, otherwise it’s just a mild flu. For most people, they get nothing. Meaning they don’t even know they had it. A silent infection. The government is misrepresenting silent infections.

They’re misrepresenting recovery, which in fact may mean we’ve got a natural herd immunity. We only need to protect those at risks. We have the immune therapy, that type one interferon I made in 1980, which could be what a single vial made by Merck called alpharon or [inaudible]. I don’t know the names of them at this time.

For $600, [we] could protect a thousand people. Two doses a day, very low dose for a week. Did we use that $600 vial and send that around to mitigate this infection?

Did we use the hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drugs, which are on the WHO list of essential medicine, and we know they can calm co-infections, copathogens, other types of parasites and viruses that cause lung inflammation that turned that flame up high?

Can we calm all of this down and restore function and prevent the most vulnerable from getting sick while leaving the rest of the population out there to work? We didn’t force the president to do these draconian measures based on fraud, based on lies.

The FDA [is] stopping the right tests from being done, the serology test. Does that remind us of HIV and how we spread that around the world? How did this spread around the world? They allowed it to spread around the world.

They tell the sick to wear masks. A person was COPD who can’t breathe cannot possibly wear a mask and breathe back in their own CO2.

You’re preventing no one from getting infection because somebody with a piece of RNA in their throat or in their upper parts of their nasal passages that you have to amplify a zillion times in order to see it is not going to cough it into the air six feet at the beach.

They are going to amplify their own reactivated viruses of all kinds and make themselves sicker. Then when they go to the hospital and somebody says, “You test positive for coronavirus. Sure, yeah. You have the symptoms.” Sure. Yeah. We’ve been injected with them for decades.

We all have coronaviruses. The right thing to do [is] if there’s an antibody there, you treat the biology. They’re not treating the biology. The protocols that they’re using based on the narrow definition of “this is the only causative agent of these diseases” are killing the people.

People like me who speak up, like the ER doc, who doesn’t follow protocol is sent out on his own. It has everything to do with the current situation because SARS-Cov-2 does not, by definition of every part of medicine, cause Covid-19.

There are clear other viral, microbial, energetic, or contaminated causes like glyphosate, like FIVE J*EE in a susceptible population which is causing this.

By putting Covid-19 on a death certificate, refusing to do one autopsy to prove to me what I had to prove to everybody, that those microvasculature are popping with coronavirus — whole infectious coronavirus.

Not a little bit of RNA you have to amplify. Show me the proteins. Show me the rest of the virus. Show me the electron micrograph. Do a single autopsy. None of that’s been done. Why? Because they’re covering up because it’s not this coronavirus.

They’re covering up 40 years. They are burying them without autopsies. You can never say XMRV again, just like they did with HIV in the 1980s — mass graves.

They’re covering up that the Ebola outbreak of of 2014 had little to do with natural evolution. No, I’d say nothing to do [with natural evolution]. That virus that I worked on in 1999 was released intentionally or unintentionally.

I think [intentionally] because it was 2014 and just so happened to coincide with the time that William Thompson confessed that they had covered up the data that MMR vaccine can and does cause autism in a susceptible population. One of those susceptible populations — black babies under three — happened to get four-fold more autism if given MMR before the age of three.

All of this weighs exactly on today because it’s half of America with Covid-19 no doubt caused by contaminated blood supply up (until 2011 when they cleaned it up quietly) and vaccines, which they can’t clean up. You can’t clean an antigen away from the cellular debris. At least they don’t have to because there’s no liability.

We know the Zika outbreak is associated with a vaccination program and a spraying over Brazil [for] a release of mosquitoes.

We think of chronic Lyme. Chronic Lyme Is not just Borrelia. Our work showed very clearly, it was Borrelia and Babesia and XMRVs. Cell cultures also carry mycoplasma, mold, Barellia, Babesia, these other pathogens.

The country [and] the medical professionals have been told, “These people are crazy. There’s no such thing.” [Meanwhile] data after data after data pile up, and our work has been censored.

The doctors have been killed if they treat with simple anti-parasitic products or antiviral therapies. They lose their licenses. They’re targeted or they’re killed. When you cure a disease, you know what caused it. I think the reason for the explosion right now, Covid-19, is they got caught.

Read the last chapter of our book. Know the work of Del Bigtree from last November. Know the work of Bobby Kennedy and The Children’s Fund. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Suzanne Humphries.

Dr. Brian Hooker exposed the corruption at the CDC that occurred 20 years ago that just happened to coincide with the first SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory virus release.

It’s clear all of these viruses are manipulated in the laboratory. These are not natural evolution. You don’t mix animal and human tissue and inject it into anyone that’s, say, 10.

We’ve got fetal tissue in those vaccines, fetal cell lines, WI-38 and I forgot the name of the other one. Doesn’t matter. We worked with them my entire life. They’re contaminating the vaccines and everything else.

What should happen is the entire vaccine program should close. Right now. We should repeal the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act and the Bayh-Dole act of the early 80s, which allow investigators to patent the work that the taxpayer paid for.

Covid-19 and the Government

There’s so much that the government can do right now. Within the authority of President Trump, repeal those two acts. Bring back liability for manufacturers who knowingly perpetrate fraud and unsafe products on the population [and who] hold up the entire world for the development of a vaccine. That hasn’t happened.

There’s no vaccine despite trillions of dollars for HIV. Redfield, Birx, Fauci perpetrated fraud in those studies knowingly and killed people with unsafe vaccines.

What’s happening right now? They’re testing SARS-Cov-2 vaccines [that are] untested. They’re testing them on little children in Africa. Why are we testing them on the black people? Why?

This is all [a] total plague of corruption, and it has to end now. Everybody goes back to work. Everybody goes back to work right now. Forget the three phases. If you’re healthy, go back to work. If you’re sick, stay home.

End healthcare insurance. Essentially close and reorganize the FDA. Close the CDC and reorganize. Take the money that they have stolen — billions and trillions of dollars in their little circular door between big pharma and these agencies. Same thing with EPA.

That’s the work of Dr. David Lewis [and his book], Science for Sale. Same thing happened to him that happened to me with the exception of they don’t jail men. They just take out women. At any rate they ruin their careers just the same. He suffered. Dr. David Lewis.

Reorganize the EPA. Close and reorganize the FDA. Take the trillion dollars that we spend. A third of our gross natural product is HHS. It’s mired in corruption, in conflicts of interest, in money back to big pharma, and in huge rising healthcare costs.

When I developed a drug 30 years ago, a patient should be able to buy that drug for pennies. They’re off patent, yet it costs $8,000 a dose.

Who can afford that? Wait a minute. That makes no sense. The Cabal owns all of medicine, and they’re keeping us sick, and that’s the game.

The small company I’ve consulted with making a safe natural product proved in a clinical trial in 2011 that that drug was safe. [We] proved it in people severely ill with cancer. It’s a safe natural product that targets those disease signatures and normalizes your immune response and boosts your immunity. All the things.

That’s what I do. I translate discoveries into therapeutics that for less than $200 a month, every American could get right now. Why not? The FDA won’t approve it because you have to bribe our FDA and get in line.

That company’s CEO passed away a few weeks ago literally with the drug never making the market. Candace Pert, who discovered and developed peptide-T almost 35 years ago, could have made a huge impact, not only on HIV, but here again on Covid-19 [and] on SARS-Cov-2, [and] with the HIV sequences, which Luc Montagnier reported in the last few days publicly, are part of the virus.

It clearly is not natural made. Does that mean it’s a problem? Sure. How many of these have we released on the population?

Can we stop it right now? Yes, close all of this. Fire all of them. Put criminals in jail for criminal activity and stop all of this. We could do it right now with those few simple steps. The money could be returned to the victims of this for the last 40 years.

We need to mine the data in vaccine court, the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting S)ystem of which only 1% has been made. It reflects only 1% of the actual injury. The government holds that secret.

Give that to people who can mine that data and understand why certain people are getting sick at the molecular and immunology level just as we did to change the paradigm of HIV AIDS. We could change it tomorrow.

We [could] make a safe vaccine using peptide-T using the natural adjuvant interferon alpha and take out these toxic heavy metals — aluminum, and mercury that are destroying our immune response and causing the tremendous uptake in Alzheimer’s disease, the brain injuries, the kids with autism, and the people with ME/CFS, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease.

We can fix all of this, but we have to stop everything now. It has to start with revealing to everybody [that] this is a huge plague of corruption by a small number of people who have huge conflicts of interest and cover up their literal crimes against humanity for almost 40 years.

Robyn: Okay. I have so many things that we could circle back on and ask you to give us like the 60 second point on it. I do want to just mention a few things just because I think they’re so important. A lot of people listening, my audience, is lay people. [They] are going to feel like, “Wow, she flew past that.”

It has been devastating to watch Tony Fauci stand at the head of this crisis and be dismissive of hydroxychloroquine [and] to be completely dismissive of things that we know strengthen the immune system like zinc or taking some vitamin C, taking some vitamin D-3 or getting out in the sun, taking selenium.

That’s like the best vaccine right there that you are the best immune support you could get right there. Cannabis, the things that you advocate for.

If you don’t know what this is, she said that 1% of those who’ve been injured by vaccines have even been addressed by the vaccine court. What she’s saying is that there is a law passed in 1986 which makes the pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines immune from prosecution.

Guess who pays those legal bills out when they settle in vaccine court? That’s you, the taxpayer paid $4 billion out to vaccine injured children even though they will not even touch autism. They won’t even entertain autism.

Judy Mikovits: That was fraud in that court. In 5,000 case ombudsmen study. Everything that happened in that court should be made public.

Robyn: Dr. Mikovits is saying we should go use that as important information to get to the bottom of this. Bring the CDC down, bring the WHO down.

Judy Mikovits: Use it to treat. We don’t care about them. Close them immediately. Use the information to treat, and we can do it. We have the brilliance, we have the technology, we have the experience.

Robyn: I’d love to circle back with you because there’s a lot in your book that’s just come out about your experience with watching the fraud and the coverup with chronic fatigue syndrome and with AIDS. Hopefully we’ll be able to come back and touch on those.

I want to bring up something that you mentioned a few times, which is very, very alarming, and that is that you’ve watched careers destroyed. You’ve observed that people are actually murdered because the Cabal — behavior for decades now — has to move on. Anybody who gets in the way may be in trouble.

My own career is on the line right now. I get punched out every single day for the things that I’m speaking about. Just the questions I’m asking. Yours far more so. Dr. Mikovits tell us what keeps you going. Why are you standing up to this? What is your why?

Judy Mikovits: I’ve been at risk. Those two books were all at risk. The why is it’s the truth and God, they were trying to kill me when they threatened and carried out the threats to destroy my career.

Please just go to plaguethebook.com because there’s an entire chapter in our latest book, Plague of Corruption. You can buy it on Amazon in a Kindle version. Hard copies I think have sold out, but it’s a very readable book by your authors.

Our first book was more science because I didn’t know. Our second book just shows you the corruption and shows you how they’ve covered up.

We stand up here and look at, at Tony Fauci say, “How can you say that? It’s anecdotal.” He’s been saying that for treatments, for cures for cancer, for energy therapies, for natural products, Chinese herbs, the things you just mentioned, everything the FDA says you can’t make those label claims.

Except you can make a claim on a vaccine that’s never had a single test. Really? Where’s the dichotomy there? Where’s the conflict of interest? These are revolving doors.

It’s illegal. Everything about what’s being done in the FDA, the CDC, in vaccine court is illegal. It’s against federal law and yet nobody is putting the criminals in jail. Why?

I’m at risk, but you don’t even really think of it that way. In 2011, I was being held in jail without a warrant, without a charge, without bail, without seeing a lawyer — five days held in jail. Your audience will appreciate Epstein. They attempted to get me to kill myself. It’s not funny.

The book opens with a chapter called Scientist at Sea. I literally escaped on a boat when my house was surrounded a week before I was caught and jailed.

This is censorship. This is scare. They [try to] succeed at killing you or getting you to kill yourself by threatening your family. They’ve carried out those threats all along against me.

The only thing I do is only obey God. Always have, always will. There’s right, and there’s wrong. Just like that first conversation with Tony Fauci. “No thank you. You fire me for insubordination or anything you want, but that’s wrong. I won’t do it.” Never have.

Robyn: Tell us were you whistle-blowing? What is the actual thing that you were threatened and sent to jail for?

Judy Mikovits: I wouldn’t cover up the data of XMRV like William Thompson. Your audience has to educate themselves. Watch the movie Vaxxed. Watch the movie Vaxxed 2. They’re available. We have time, we’re all at home.

I was jailed because I wouldn’t cover up the data. I was held there. While I was being held there, my mentor, Dr. Rossetti — he was my boss for many years and now we’re part of a two-person company here in California — [and] my husband [were] being threatened.

I was told [to] sign an apology that said, “I made a mistake with XMRV. I’m sorry. I did something wrong.” It was called an apology. It’s a confession.

It also [said], I will spend the rest of my life doing honest research. I probably said, “F*** you. I spent all my life doing honest research and I won’t change.” I show the data. The data should be evaluated by other scientists.

Statistics shouldn’t cover up the data like was done in the Lipkin validation study for the XMRVs [which was] stopped by Fauci. The study stopped when we found it positive. “Let’s not waste any more money. Everybody knows there’s no such thing as XMRV, and that’s just that criminal fraud, Judy Mikovits who’s doing this all.”

This is, what I was threatened with, with my life. In the end, they did take everything I ever made and ever did, but I never, and I never, never signed a confession and I never renounced it. And that’s why we wrote the books because you’ve got email trails. Everything I’ve said, everything I’ve said has a reference to back it up.

I can prove exactly what Tony Fauci said [and] that he directed the lock down and confiscation of 30 years of research, two offices, all my notebooks, all my computers.

When my student went in there and found the break-in, Watergate style, and what they were trying to do to set me up with a crime, he recovered some of the most critical data, meaning the patients’ names.

Meaning the most confidential data that was always locked in my office and was never removed except on September 29th, 2011, the night I was fired without warning — on the street, my labs locked down remotely. This was a setup.

When I refused to play ball, they carried out their threat and took everything from me. Never a day in court. I’m still called a fugitive from justice at NIH. [This] destroyed my career.

The threat was published in Science, the journal. Over 20 articles from 2011 through 2013 or 14. They commissioned a journal what they know is a fraudulent study and which should put the authors in jail.

This is the Thompson paper. This is the paper that the courts use to say vaccines don’t cause autism. This is a horrific level of corruption that’s not just me.

That’s what’s coming out today. Doctors [and] nurses who read the books, “Oh yeah, I got that. No, this isn’t coronavirus. This is something else. What is this?”

It’s XMRV. It’s Borrelia. It’s FIVE J*EE. It’s glyphosate. We’re killing the people we injured. They’re the first people to go, and they’re being treated wrong in the hospitals on purpose.

Not because the doctors are bad, but because the people who set protocol up at the top, what Tony Fauci is telling everybody, what Deborah Birx is telling everybody.

I appreciate your audience. This is complicated science. They get away with it and they’ve gotten away with it for decades. Now you’ve got an angry population [like] anti-vaxxers. They’re not anti-vaxxers. They’re ex-vaxxers because they been vaccinated — they been wounded.

Vaccines and the Harm They Could Cause

Everybody [should] see Vaxxed 2 and realize the people’s truth, the people’s stories. You can clearly see the doctors on the movie saying, “We weren’t trained. We weren’t told anything. We weren’t given informed consent. We don’t know what’s in those shots.”

Those shots were forced on people. When parents denied them in the hospital, the nurses went two by two and vaccinated their children on the first day of their life with hepatitis B when the [parents] denied that. People are made to think, “I’ve vaccinated my child. You vaccinate yours.”

Why? If your child is immune, why do you care? Healthy children don’t make children sick and shouldn’t be denied an education in the United States of America. It’s unconstitutional.

Just like in the current Covid-19, healthy people don’t make people sick. Take off the mask, go outside, put them back to work.

They’re killing people. They’re destroying their economic lives like they destroyed mine and so many others. No. Put people back to work. Put people back to work. Right? Healthy people don’t make people sick. We touch people, we love people.

That’s immunosuppressive to not touch people, to leave an 85-year-old woman or somebody like my husband, an 81-year-old man with COPD alone, away from his grandchildren. You will kill them. You will kill them.

That’s the intention. I’m sorry. There’s no other intention that can be discovered when everything we’re being told, and poor President Trump is being told every day, is absolutely wrong.

Robyn: I see him. There’s little awarenesses dawning, but it’s just coming far too slowly. Then this whole staged going back to work thing — I’m with you. There doesn’t need to be these stages.

Judy Mikovits: We don’t need these stages. Open the parks, open the sunshine, vitamin D, fresh air. Can you believe they told everybody to wear a mask? If you have COPD and you wear a mask, you will kill yourself. You will cause the very disease you’re trying to prevent. It doesn’t have to have anything to do with SARS-Cov-2 because most of America hasn’t been exposed.

Robyn: Even if you don’t have COPD, one of the things my followers wanted me to ask you when the most common questions I got –I said, “I’m interviewing Dr. Mikovits. What do you want to hear from her?” [My audience] wanted you to talk more about the mask issue.

Covid-19 and Useless Masks

Yes, if you have COPD it’ll kill you, but what about everybody else? You talked in another interview I heard about that it’s just exposing you over and over and over again to the virus. People don’t understand that viruses aren’t living organisms. Talk a little bit about that for everyone else and then the whole mask concept.

Judy Mikovits: The whole mass

k concept for everyone else is essentially the same thing as somebody was COPD. You won’t kill them, but you will make yourself sick. We’re human beings.

Number one, if your mask is just this scarf cover of your face all that does is make you breathe in and out. I see people running and riding bikes with these masks. It doesn’t prevent mold, mildew, all the stuff that’s in the air, the pollens [from] allergy season. Those go right there into your sinus cavity, into your nasopharyngeal cavity.

You’re exercising. You’re breathing hard. You’re sucking that stuff into your lungs and you’re sucking back in CO2. We don’t do photosynthesis. We’re humans. We have to breathe oxygen.

We can’t breathe back in our own toxic air. That’s why you exhale. That’s why you breathe deeply. That’s why you cough to expel a pathogen. You cough in your own mask and you suppress your own immune system. You use your own type one interferons in your throat, in your nose, in your blood. It’s horribly immune suppressive.

Probably most of your audience has never worn a mask before all day. Nurses and doctors who have to, they’re keeping themselves from getting sick from their patients. The patient certainly doesn’t wear a mask. They deliver oxygen through a cannula.

For healthy people, you’re not getting fresh air. You’re suppressing your immune response. You’re activating endogenous viruses. When you activate endogenous viruses, your immune system has to go and knock down those viruses.

Inflammatory mass cells respond to pollen. [For] people with things like mass cell activation disorder, mass mastocytosis, this is just a hair trigger reactivation of that very inflammatory cytokine signature of disease. Resident mass cells get reactivated.

Say you get allergies or whatever. When you wear that mask, you’re concentrating those antigens and you’re making yourself sicker. It’s warm; it’s wet. You touch it; it’s abnormal; it’s uncomfortable. Those are all things that are immune draining, not immune boosting.

You’re making yourself sick with other sources. It makes no sense. You’re not preventing infection. You’re not preventing spread. It’s virus coming from within. It’s an envelope RNA virus. That means it’s packaged in a little lipid protein structure that protects the nucleic acid.

Just like our cells have both a cellular membrane and a nuclear membrane that protects your blueprint, the blueprint of the virus is in RNA. Our blueprint is a DNA. You have to transcribe that blueprint into a protein or a function.

I’ve heard Dr. Rashid Buttar say it really well. It’s like an architect building a house. You have the design strategy right there. Until you go read the blueprint and the builders build the house, you have nothing.

An RNA bed is a piece of nucleic acid, not even the whole virus RNA, just the piece in your nasal pharyngeal that they dig deep and scrape a few epithelial cells — almost like a biopsy where you go and pull out a little tissue.

The virus must live in a cell. Coronaviruses live in epithelial cells up in your nasal passages, your sinuses in the back of your throat, your mouth. EBV lives in your mouth in salivary glands. All of those viruses that are living there activate.

99% of the population has Epstein-Barr. These retroviruses that we know at least 25 million Americans (and that was 2010. Now it’s now it’s probably 100 million Americans) are carriers of these viruses.

Your audience has heard “carriers.” What does that mean? They’re not infectious if they’re not coughing. You don’t cough RNA. You don’t have particles in your nose. They’re looking at RNA in your nose. You have particles in your blood.

You don’t cough that. You certainly don’t cough it six feet. Yes, you can have it on your hands, but that and coughing even is only the very sick. Are the sick people walking on the beach?

When you’re sick, what do you do? You feel horrible. You have a bit of a fever. You don’t even want to get out of bed. You can’t open your eyes. You lay there. That’s sickness behavior. That’s your immune response clearing the pathogen. You don’t leave the house.

If you’re recovered, like my husband from COPD, you must go out there and get fresh air. He’s not infectious to anybody just because he coughs, nor am I just because I cough. Mine is a congenital pleurisy I got because I was born six weeks early as an identical twin. Pleurisy means filled with fluid.

I always have to clear my lungs, and I always cough. I will not wear a mask. I just walk in the store and say, “Hey, I have a congenital lung disease, and I can’t wear a mask. Thank you very much for-” I don’t say for your stupidity, “-protecting me.”

You don’t protect anybody. I worked in a biosafety level three facility with HIV for 30 years. I pulled viruses out of saliva and blood. I never once wore a mask. I reminded Dr. Rossetti of this the other day. He said, “We wore masks.” I was like, ” No, we didn’t. No, we didn’t.” We weren’t at risk until 2011 [when] it was realized that that mouse cancer causing retrovirus is contagious.

Please take off the mask. Go outside if you’re healthy. Protect the immune compromised; protect the very old; Protect the very young. This is what we do in any flu season in my house. Wash your hands with soap and water.

Those bacterial alcohol soaps, those are hand sprays can drive the evolution of more pathogenic and viral infections because they’re antimicrobial. They’re not antiviral. That’s not how it works.

I know it’s difficult to understand this is infectious disease. This is what we’ve learned at the molecular level for more than 40 years. We know even if you’re infected with these viruses, we can keep you safe and we can heal you just like we did with HIV.

We don’t expect laymen to understand virology, and we don’t expect your general audience to understand this. The people that protect us at the [high] level, the Faucis and CDC must be closed, cleaned out, and reorganized. The fraud and the corruption [must be] removed because we rely on [those individuals].

Taking somebody out of sunshine, out of a job, off the street, arresting somebody on a paddleboard in the ocean — that has nothing to do with public health. That has to do with fear and scare. Nobody should have to get tested.

I’m healthy. I will not be tested. I could care less if I have an antibody and I had been exposed to coronavirus or anything else. I could care less. It doesn’t have any impact on how I treat. I will not be vaccinated ever. I will not be injected, and I will not be forced to do anything with my body.

Americans have the right to say that. You and your listeners have to stand up, trust yourselves, your family, your doctor for your health. If your doctor refuses to listen to you or give you informed consent or treat you as you wish to be treated, fine. Fire them. Go somewhere else.

Forget health insurance. My health insurance is God. That’s the way it’s always been and always will be. I will not pay health insurance. That’s unconstitutional. No bureaucrat can tell people how to practice medicine.

Let the naturopathic doctors, the DOs, MDs all work together. We’ve got, “if you’re not an MD, you’re nothing.” Those are the people that are bought and paid for and used in pharmaceuticals and can’t use the very simple, natural, God-given earthly treatments that we’ve known for centuries.

Cleaning Solutions and Covid-19

Robyn: There’s a doctor in Europe — maybe you’ve seen this. The news last week reported that he has tried to culture the virus from doorknobs, toilets, phones, surfaces, countertops, and can’t do it. Back to the original question.

Judy Mikovits: Absolutely can’t do it. This is true for the beginnings. Coronaviruses are unstable. They don’t live. They’re nothing. If they’re dry on a surface [for] 15 minutes, they’re gone.

There’s lunacy of spraying down the little belt in the grocery store. That goes back to the mask with ammonia, with toxic cleaners, with Lysol, with all those horrific things.

That’s what you’re concentrating, the toxins. You’re concentrating pollution, you’re concentrating aluminum that’s all over our world. You’re concentrating the toxins in the mask, and that’s hurting you. All of this insanity, it doesn’t live on the outside. Leave your groceries outside for three days. That’s ridiculous.

I’ve done this work, and that’s why I talk to your audience. I’ve done this for 40 years. The one thing that’s the most frightening to me in the fraud with respect with how long this thing lives on surfaces.

Again, I’m just going to keep saying it. Your dogs, your cats, everybody has coronaviruses. They’ve never hurt you before. Your husband has them. You’ve shared spit with him for 20 years. You don’t need to social distance now. It’s stupid.

Wash your hands. Wash your skin. [Use] natural lemon oil [and] eucalyptus in a humidifier. I had a patient call me this morning and they were told to turn off the humidifier. You’re kidding me, right? What did we use, Mentholatum, when we were kids? How do we open up our airway?

A doctor is saying, you’re literally getting too much air. That was a renowned cardiologist telling a 57-year-old woman, “You’re getting too much air.” What have we done to common sense in medicine? “You’re getting too much air.”

We have God. We breathe in, we breathe out. We exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen. We have mitochondria that turn that into ATP, into energy and water. That’s respiration. This is insanity that people would even think this.

What scares me — and I forgot to go back there — is every time we isolate a new family of viruses, we do exactly those studies. I take them in concentrated form. I put them on a countertop. I put them on wood. I put them on stainless steel. I let them dry.

In the case of XMRV I did that experiment. I put them in saline, and I dried them on a stainless-steel surface. I drew a circle around the spot. I let it dry.

I quarantined it off in my laboratory, so that nobody working on the weekend [would mess with it]. I said, “Experiment in progress, do not touch.” I came back Monday morning. I took fluid (like water) and literally reconstituted it like you would frozen orange juice and put it on a cell line in order to infect it. It came back at 90%.

Three days dried a contagious cancer causing retrovirals. Only one. HIV wouldn’t last 10 minutes. Coronaviruses don’t last 10 minutes. XMRVs [last] at least three days [on] dried surfaces.

What are we really looking at here folks? Is this the big cover up of the XMRVs? You call it Covid-19, and you don’t do autopsies and you look for nothing else except the RNA of a Covid, which is not a virus.

You don’t die with an infection. We all have EBV. Nobody puts mononucleosis or Burkitt’s lymphoma on our death certificate or even EBV. They don’t do that, do they? Because 99% of the people infected with EBV never get a disease.

Robyn: Let’s just say what that is. She’s talking about Epstein Barr. I am permanently positive for Epstein Barr, have never been sick from it. I’m also permanently positive from strep.

Germ Theory of Disease

That is because (and I don’t think most people know this) we all have trillions of viruses in us. We all have bacteria [and] viral things that might scare you. However, as long as our immune system is strong, [we will stay healthy]. Am I right? Maybe talk just a bit about the germ theory of disease.

Judy Mikovits: Absolutely. The germ theory of disease is absolutely wrong. When we say Koch’s postulates for proving an organism causes a disease, that’s the germ theory. I mentioned that a little bit earlier. I heard [a person] in England say, “No, no. SARS-Cov-2 does not satisfy a single one of Koch’s postulates.”

99% of America has been exposed to and is immune to EBV. We’re all permanently positive. That means we have an immune response. Should we ever encounter Epstein Barr virus again? We’ll never know. We’ll never know we were exposed because we have a strong immune system.

I believe it was Claude Bernard– I can’t remember his name — a hundred years ago, he and Koch thought about this. Koch admitted on his deathbed that Claude was right, that it’s the immune system. It’s the terrain. Keep the terrain healthy and you survive.

This is the fight in medicine revisited. Literally a hundred years later, and it’s not the germ theory. We don’t make vaccines for things. We develop immunity.

Information I get from Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ wonderful book, Dissolving Illusions, every single vaccine program is associated with severe disease outbreaks. Covid-19 is associated most strongly with the vaccination program for influenza. Data supports that the flu vaccine is driving this pandemic.

I’m not saying the vaccine is contaminated. It could be, but you don’t have to go there. If you consider what you just said, you strengthen your immune system.

You don’t inject another pathogen with more animal tissue and send your entire military off after a different pathogen, leaving your back flank open so that you literally give yourself another form of upper respiratory infection. That makes no sense. You don’t do that.

That’s, again, why Fauci’s evil. “Oh, get the vaccine. I can’t buy a roll of toilet paper, but I can get a free flu shot at the grocery store. I guess maybe I’d have to wear a mask and make myself sicker.”

The people with the flu shot are shedding influenza. We’re forcing our nurses and doctors to get flu shots, and they’re the ones infecting their patients as they shed. The kids who get flu shots are spreading the flu. They shed the live attenuated vaccines.

The only cases of polio in this country in the last five decades are from the polio vaccine. What does your CDC do? They renamed that paralytic disease, acute flaccid myelitis because it’s not the polio strain of enterovirus.

It’s two new strains of enterovirus that have evolved to have the ability to infect the brain. Enteroviruses don’t infect the brain. They infect the gut. This is exactly right. Robyn, we have [what] is called the virome, the viruses in our body that our immune system has silenced.

We have the microbiome, the microbes in our body that actually help. There’s a communication with helping your immune system. Know what’s good and know what’s bad. Know what’s dangerous and know what’s not. Know how high the fire, the immune response, is supposed to be.

These things were intended to be injected past our skin where our immune system [starts], past the nasal pharyngeal passages, past the gut where 70% of our immune system is.

It’s the injection into the blood and that’s why every vaccine needs to be stopped right now and we need to make the right kind of vaccines. They don’t make money.

The ingredients are off patent, and I’ve mentioned most of them during this conversation. That’s what has to end. Let’s keep your immune system strong. Again, take away the FDA’s ability to approve drugs.

The FDA is about safety of our food and safety of our medicine. They don’t get to decide which patients we get to use, which drug. We’re the doctors, we’re the formulators. We know the drug, we discovered it, we understand the pathogenesis. We do that.

We’ve been censored from that for 50 years since 1962 when, oh so quietly, the Food and Drug Administration gave themselves the right to do efficacy of drugs. Now it’s called off label use and we need another study. How many die while we do that study?

Use the drugs now. Let the patients choose their medicine. Forget insurance companies telling us what we can and can’t do because we can afford real medicine. We can afford real immune boosting. We don’t need all this stuff anymore. The country’s budget would be balanced and not broke.

Robyn: Okay. Since you’ve mentioned the flu vaccine, I think it’s something like 60% of America refuses to get it. Touch on that a little bit. I was forced to get it in grad school, once, when I worked on the state hospital. I was sick 10 times that winter, never been sicker. Lots of Americans have had the same experience.

I know that there’s some controversy about the fact that people are getting false positives for supposedly for a Covid-19 19 if they’ve had the flu vaccine. And also if you can touch on this, this was censored on Facebook and it was from pub med. It was a link to a pub med journal article saying that you’re sick, I believe it was 63% more likely to get Covid-19 if you’ve had the flu vaccine. Any of that you want to touch on?

Judy Mikovits: Yeah, that’s absolutely true. Yes, it censored. As I said, science that comes out, is quickly scarfed back because the public might get smart, the public might realize it. People might see the lies. Absolutely.

As I’ve just touched on, the flu vaccine is driving the pandemic. Every flu vaccine made in animal cells carries coronaviruses [and] carries retroviruses. We know that. They’re called adventitious agents.

What our government has admitted is, “Yeah, there are retroviruses in our vaccines.” We see that on Rotateq. The pig one, where’d we get swine flu? We’ve got circoviruses and retroviruses in Rotateq.

Until last year, the excipient list on the CDC — and I’ll send it to your listeners so you can see it because they took it down — shows all the animal cell lines. Rotateq is the rotavirus vaccine given to infants, two-month-olds. That vaccine had three pig viruses, including coronaviruses.

The chickens have coronaviruses, especially the vaccinated ones. All kinds of retroviruses. I wrote an article several years ago, and Sherri Tenpenny did as well, even 15 years before that for children’s health defense on what’s coming through the needle.

The government’s admitted these things are in there and said, “Yeah, but they don’t get into humans.” Yeah, they do. Yeah, they do. You injected them. Yeah, they do. They don’t have to be infectious and transmissible.

This pandemic is almost certainly driven by what they injected in you. Wear the mask and you activate them. This is it. It’s from within. It’s not an enemy from without. It’s an enemy from within.

Yes, 60% of the people refuse to get the flu vaccine like me, like my husband, like our friends that are in their eighties. This is the point of the current Covid-19, now you must get vaccinated.

No, we must not. No thank you. Come again. Go away, do whatever you want to do. This has to end. No, you’re not. They give that flu vaccine four times the dose to somebody who they admit is immune compromised, and it kills people overnight.

I’ve done these cases in vaccine court. They drop out of bed with a heart attack. It’s the cytokine storm. Do you know what they write on the death certificate? “Natural causes.”

Do you know what happens when they don’t say vaccine injury or influenza? Oh, from a vaccine. Their widow doesn’t get social security. This is so evil on so many levels.

Covid-19 and FIVE J*EE

Robyn: We [have] to ask this question. The link between FIVE J*EE. This city with 1,500 FIVE J*EE towers of 60 gigahertz [has] never been done to humans before. New York city, 1500 towers. Wuhan has 10,000 towers. The biggest roll out, the earliest roll out.

What those two have in common is FIVE J*EE. Nobody here is going to say to you, my dear listeners, that FIVE J*EE caused Covid-19. Dr. Mikovits, tell us what you see the link as being.

Judy Mikovits: Covid-19 is a trigger. Covid is associated. Absolutely. I was corrected yesterday. I’m not into energy, but I understand it’s 60 megahertz. We’ll have you check that out for your audience.

60 megahertz, which is the frequency of FIVE J*EE, will literally separate your hemoglobin from the iron. Then the iron in the form of ferritin ends up in the blood. You can test this. Ferritin in the blood over 3000 causes the exact cytokine storm, that inflammatory signature of disease, that equals Covid-19.

Just as SARS-Cov-2 does not cause Covid-19, neither does FIVE J*EE cause Covid-19. Some of the clinical presentation is absolutely caused by FIVE J*EE. So does pollution because that is a lung irritant and Wuhan is heavily polluted.

So does glyphosate, Roundup, in your diet. That destroys your gut and your glutathione. That means your major inter-cellular antioxidant pathway. Coronaviruses destroy your antioxidant ability. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is curative for that aspect of Covid-19.

Covid-19 means {CO}rona{V}rus {I}nfectious {D}isease of 20{19}. It’s a misnomer. It’s not an infectious disease necessarily when other environmental toxins can cause the exact same cytokine storm and immune dysfunction we’ve been discussing for the last hour or so.

Same thing’s true with glyphosate. I’m living in right now in California, [and] we’ve totally depleted our glutathione by the amount of Roundup and glyphosate in our food supply, in our soil, in our water. I think that’s clear enough on that.

Robyn: Yes. I think you mentioned very early in our conversation an ER doc that is saying, “The symptoms we’re treating here in New York city en mass — tons and tons of people — are not the symptoms of Covid-19. We know what that virus looks like, and this isn’t that.”

I think you’re referring to, tell me if I’m wrong, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell who went out on YouTube. There’s like a six minute video, and anybody can go look this up. Other people picked up and put it on their channels. He’s is totally mystified.

I don’t even know if he knows anything about FIVE J*EE, but he’s saying, “These patients that we’re seeing, they’re not Covid-19 patients. I don’t know what this is, but it’s like they got dropped at the top of Mount Everest and they can’t breathe.”

Judy Mikovits: That’s also what happens in chronic fatigue syndrome patient. Also what happens in some patients with chronic Lyme and many others. It’s called air hunger.

FIVE J*EE separating hemoglobin from iron, that term is desaturate. The correct therapy is to take a little cannula of pure oxygen under the nose or hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

That has nothing to do with the coronavirus because they don’t do that. They have nothing to do with your hemoglobin. They don’t cause — I’ve heard deep vein thrombosis. I’ve heard a disease called disseminated interstitial coagulation — coagulopathies, your blood’s clotting. Your blood’s getting thick. That’s radiation toxicity. We get that from cancer patients under radiation therapy. You treat that with hydration.

For your audience who want to understand a little bit more and read another simple book, read the book Called For Life by Kenton and Amber Brantley. It’s a Christian book.

It talks about how Dr. John Fankhauser [used] good old-fashioned medicine, with the right treatment — meaning anti-malarial drugs, hydration, saline, vitamin C. The Doctor, Kent Brantly, who got infected with Ebola, was the person that showed this Ebola [in] Liberia in 2014 was in fact contagious Ebola — contagious hemorrhagic fever where you bleed out. That’s not a coronavirus.

He did cure John Fankhauser, who developed an antibody. That antibody was used as immune therapy. We don’t need a vaccine. We already have millions of people worldwide who have survived this convalesce making antibodies.

Use those antibodies in the vulnerable. That’s your vaccine, by definition, a neutralizing antibody. None of our people are misled to think our vaccines prevent infection. They do not. You are injecting the infection.

They prevent you from getting more severe disease. They have you have a primer on your immune response, like you said, Robyn, about EBV.

The next time you see that your troops are ready, they’re like, “Yeah, I remember that.” A memory immune response, which no vaccine on the schedule generates. You know that for a fact because we have to give flu shots every year. They don’t work.

Robyn: Okay. Your publisher had no idea the run on your book that would happen. Plague of Corruption by Dr. Judy Mikovitz and her co-author Kent Heckenlively, who is an attorney. Plague of Corruption. The printed version may be out, but get the digital version. Spread the word. Spread this. Share this episode.

Let me give you a last question that I think will give us a lot of hope. You said something very early in our conversation that sounds to me like really good news. With all the corruption that you’ve seen for decades and you have had to endure everything, including being hijacked on the street and put in jail, you said this time they got caught. Where is the hope in that statement?

Judy Mikovits: The hope in that statement is what we’re seeing right now. Your audience is listening. When you read the book and you see that now, Bobby Kennedy Jr thoroughly understands it from the viewpoint of what William Thompson did to cover.

They got caught censoring, covering up. They went so far out there thinking we’re so stupid that we’re going to think a simple coronavirus — note, regardless engineered or not — can cause the shutdown. Why didn’t we shut down the world with Ebola in ’14 and ’17? Why is HIV curable?

I should say that it’s in the first book, but the worst thing that happened to me is I got infected with cancer causing contagious XMRV that has killed many of my colleagues and friends with cancers, with Neuro-Immune Disease, [and] fatal early dementias.

Hope for the Future After Covid-19

The hope in all of that is we know how to treat it. I will not get [this] disease. It’s not just me. I shouldn’t use “I.” It’s “we.” We, the community. Ted Fogarty with the [Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy] and the decades of nutritional therapies. He’s a radiologist, so he appreciates that.

On and on. Stephanie Seneff and her beautiful work with glyphosate. James Grundvig’s beautiful work with FIVE J*EE and understanding it. We have therapies. We have ways to protect ourselves now that the cat’s out of the bag.

If we stop it today — and I mean today– because if we let them continue, [they are] going to bury the evidence. A whole lot more people are going to die of what this infection is, this lab, whatever you want to call it. SARS-Cov-2 is very real.

There will be people, susceptible people, who will die if they don’t get the proper treatment. The proper treatment is pennies on the dollar. I hear them.

The hope is we can do all of this — balance our budget, straighten out the corruption that is medicine and healthcare today, have a healthy economy.

We can all live, whatever God has us live — it was 120 years in Genesis. We can live healthy. We can grow our own food. We can end GMO. We can end the poisoning of our children in our families and go back to the world.

With the technology we have, all those smart eyes on it that like the ER doctor — [Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell] — like recognizing the FIVE J*EE. Oh, that’s an easy fix if you know what it is. It’s an easy fix if we don’t allow the legislation to take away our rights and just start putting them everywhere, regardless of what the people think.

We, the people can take back our health, which is the most important thing for making America great again. How can we protect anything if half of our world is sick and if we let them cover it up — why they really died? That’s what they want to do right now.

They got caught. Read the last chapter. Kent Heckenlively’s brilliant at telling this story. They got caught and all the evidence is there. When are we going to right away arrest the criminal?

Stop this now and show everybody. Most Americans aren’t infected with SARS-Cov-2, but they’re infected with a lot of things, and we need to start treating them correctly and today.

Robyn: There is a petition to the White House. It’s the White House’s actual vehicle to sign a petition and tell President Trump and our administration how we feel about the Gates/Fauci/Cabal driven agenda here.

Judy Mikovits: Number one, nobody elected Bill Gates. He has no biological knowledge. I don’t care what kind of philanthropists, I have nothing to do with them. I don’t know anything about him other than he’s been pushing a vaccine agenda.

I know of data from a few years ago where his own family doctor — whose career probably was destroyed by Gates — said, “Gates’ children aren’t vaccinated.”

What gives you any kind of medical expertise? Just cause you have $1 billion. It’s not philanthropy when you’re forcing something without informed consent on populations outside of this country. [Forcing this agenda] may mean killing and rendering them sterile. That’s an agenda.

Fauci owning all the patents along with Gates — part of the Gates Foundation threatened, at a Gates Foundation fundraiser in ’17, [that] President Trump, was going to see a next great pandemic. How do you know that? Unless it’s a plan. I’m sorry.

Everything that Fauci’s done to President Trump, “Oh, Trump did the right thing. He closed the China borders. Trump did the right thing. He stopped those contaminated vaccines made in China and other biological therapies from coming into this country. Oh, he stopped the travel.” “You don’t need a mask. Now you do need a mask. You don’t need a mask.”

What is this doublespeak? I don’t get it. Why is he above all of the law? Why is he above all the law or what he’s done to kill millions worldwide, knowingly? Just as he knows the flu vaccine is the absolute worst thing to do or wearing a mask or shutting down the economy to prevent the development of natural herd immunity.

It has to end today. No phase one, phase two. That’s them getting out of it. March them right to federal prison and take all of their money and pay the victims. Close these corrupt organizations, reorganize them.

[These actions] will balance the budget. Everybody will be fine. Take the brilliant Americans and put them back to work. It has to happen from every person.

I’m fine, I’ll be fine. My family’s fine. We go to Easter dinner, and we kiss and hug each other. We don’t have [big] problems as far as that goes.

But I’m sad. I’m sad by the people who are scared. I’m sad by the people whose lives had been lost because their businesses have been stolen. I’m sad.

Robyn: I’m sad too. That’s why I’m speaking up and I’m putting my own career –and I would even put my life — on the altar of speaking up and speaking up for our freedom.

In the show notes, you will find the White House petition to sign it. You can speak up that way. You can speak up by sharing this. Stand your ground and write credible things on social media. Share with friends and family this episode. Also spread the word about Dr. Judy. Mikovits’ book, Plague of Corruption.

Dr. Mikovits, from all of us. Thank you so much for your incredible courage.

Judy Mikovits: Thank you Robyn. I appreciate your courage. This is what we all have to do. Stand up, stand up to all of it and take back our freedoms and our lives. When we do, you realize how healthy and how strong we really are together.

When you say you’re risking your career and we may all be risking our very lives, but what kind of life do we have if this plague of corruption continues.

I welcome every single question to our website. Have the debate. Let’s talk calmly and peaceably and say, “Hey, we’re not placing blame. It’s not about hate. We can fix it. We didn’t know.”

I did that kind of work in 1999. I thought I was doing a good thing. We don’t know. We’re not God, but we can go fix it if we all just admit and love each other and forgive each other.

Robyn: Hey everyone, I hope that you enjoyed that interview as much as I enjoyed doing it. One of the things that we have to do is we can’t be divided. We can’t be divided Republican versus Democrat.

We can’t be divided as Dr. Mikovits talked about, as the people who are for medical freedom [and] the people who are for safety and efficacy testing of anything that we’re going to allow injected into us.

They can’t be divided against each other. I’ve watched that movement struggle with personality conflicts. We don’t have time for it. We don’t have time for attacking our president.

I would encourage you to join our private group on Facebook, Supporting You in 2020 Crisis. It is highly protected that nobody is throwing punches in there. There is no anger or conflict allowed in there. We treat everyone with respect.

You have to answer two questions to get into the group. One is, “Are you questioning? Is the mainstream media / government narrative not working for you?? If you’re open to questioning, come on in.

If you’re open to being kind and respectful to others, come on in. In there is a safe place. There isn’t a lot of safe space right now on social media, but in our group you’re an equal.

You can do a new post yourself and share a piece of media that you thought was meaningful. You can ask questions. You will learn at quantum speed in this private group. I think that we absolutely have to start speaking up.

One of the most common things I hear in this private group is, “When I post, I get yelled at. My friends and my family turned on me.” Listen, I’ve had to block three close friends. Okay?

I will refuse to say an unkind word to any of them, but they have come into my phone on text message and called me names, called me an anti-vaxxer, called me anti-science — all kinds of awful things.

I’ve had to block them just to preserve my energy because I believe that we were all born to this time for a reason. We didn’t know this was going to happen at the beginning of March 2020, but here we are.

As many of us parents or grandparents, one of the most important responsibilities I think we have right now is getting ourselves educated and then helping share with others.

I’ve given you what I think are the action items here. Sign the petition to the White House. Share this podcast episode.

I think that Dr. Mikovits shares incredibly courageous information. She’s obviously extremely knowledgeable, decades inside the system where viruses are literally genetically modified by humans, studied, and then deployed so that they can develop drugs. They create the problem and then they create the solution.

Supporting her book, also sharing this episode, I think will be very important. Be grounded. Know what your “why” is.

My “why” is that I want to stand up for freedom of all kinds, freedom from tyranny for my children and grandchildren and for your children and grandchildren.


Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast


Two Doctors Say Wearing A Mask Hurts Your Immune System


See also:




Quite a body of work here! (Pun intended)

Vibe with Robyn Openshaw – Podcast




54 Responses to “Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast #Mikovits #Ruscetti”

  1. rosettasister Says:

    Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast #Mikovits #Ruscetti

    Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast #Mikovits #Ruscetti

  2. rosettasister Says:

    Of course we’re all fixated on covid, but #Mikovits research in this area very interesting and promising as well


    Click to access Mikovits-Klinghardt-academy-20190503.pdf

    The effect of endocannabinoids on the orchestrators of the immune response, the monocyte/ macrophage, is a key therapeutic target to modulate inflammation and protect tissues from damage from excessive inflammatory mediators.


    Click to access CME-MJ-for-MD–Mikovits-rev.pdf

    Clinical trials of combination therapies of natural products, chemotherapy and cannabinoids are needed to determine if these can be curative therapies for 21stCentury AIDS

    Benefits of #CBD and Cannabis w Dr #Mikovits

  3. rosettasister Says:

    Ep. 178: Top U.S. #Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast #Mikovits #Ruscetti

    Ep. 178: Top U.S. Virologist Blows The Whistle On COVID-19 with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD | Vibe Podcast #Mikovits #Ruscetti

    #GOP #UNIDO #DNC @DrJudyAMikovits @RobertKennedyJr Robyn #Openshaw, MSW

  4. rosettasister Says:

    The Three E.P.’s (20th Anniversary Remaster)

    The Three E.P.’s is a compilation album of the first three releases by Scottish musical group The Beta Band, comprising the EPs Champion Versions, The Patty Patty Sound and Los Amigos del Beta Bandidos.


  5. rosettasister Says:


  6. rosettasister Says:


  7. rosettasister Says:

    Hour 2

    Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD

    To contact Judy: marcinc0224@gmail.com

    Judy testified on a lawsuit for Racketeering and conspiracy against the CA legislators who passed the SB277 mandating toxins be inoculated in their children under the guise of vaccination and she will re-cap her testimony…Lawsuit: First-Amended-RICO-Complaint–img20160817_09071194.pdf

    Judy A. Mikovits, PhD has spent her life training to be a research scientist to honor her grandfather who died of cancer when she was a teenager. Dr. Mikovits earned her BA from University of Virginia and PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University. In her 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases, she has studied immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, virology and drug development. In just over twenty years she rose from an entry-level lab technician to become director of the lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute before leaving to direct the Cancer Biology program at EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals in Santa Barbara, California where she had met and married David Nolde in 2000. There in 2006, she became attracted to the plight of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism. In only five years she developed the first neuroimmune institute from a concept to a reality and is primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between immune based inflammation and these diseases. She has published over 50 scientific papers.

    Dr. Judy A. Mikovits recently founded MAR Consulting Inc. with her collaborator Dr. Frank Ruscetti.

    Donate here:

    2733 Madison Street, Apt B; Carlsbad, CA 92008

    Or via PayPal using marcinc0224@gmail.com

    Other references and webpages:




    Judy’s previous interviews on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:



    References and Information:

    1. Dr Judy’s upcoming book (New release date April 14, 2020) can be pre-ordered on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S5H6T4Q)


    2. Robert Kennedy, Jr. Gives a HUGE Endorsement to my new book “PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION”…



    Video was taken down, but we have it on our IPFS site: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSgenVHqsJvaUXntePzkfKMHgar8ARmSKwzMiRFDuBnU5

    PLANDEMIC (final) from ELEVATE

    Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature. Nations are collapsing. Hungry citizens are rioting for food. The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people are begging for salvation in syringe. Billionaire patent owners are pushing for globally mandated vaccines. Anyone who refuses to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from travel, education and work. No, this is not a synopsis for a new horror movie. This is our current reality.

    Let’s back up to address how we got here…

    In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockerfeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?

    Flash forward to 2020…

    They named it COVID19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people everywhere seeking shelter to avoid connect. The plan is unfolding with precision. But the masters of the Pandemic underestimated one thing… the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online. The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee.

    The window of opportunity is open like never before. For the first time in human history, we have the world’s attention. Plandemic will expose the scientific and political elite who run the scam that is our global health system, while laying out a new plan; a plan that allows all of humanity to reconnect with healing forces of nature.

    2020 is the code for perfect vision. It is also the year that will go down in history as the moment we finally opened our eyes.

    Read Full Story


    Source: https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Media/282375-2020-05-07-05-07-20-james-corbett-dr-judy-mikovits-mp3s-videos.htm

  8. rosettasister Says:

    Among the biological products, vaccines that were produced in mice or mouse cells are possible candidates that warrant further inspection.

    Of Mice and Men: On the Origin of #XMRV https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3109487/

    Click to access fmicb-01-00147.pdf

    Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus

    murine = mouse

    #GOP #UNIDO #DNC @DrjudyA

  9. rosettasister Says:


  10. rosettasister Says:

  11. rosettasister Says:

  12. rosettasister Says:

    Today we are looking at the easest off-grid power solution for your cabin, tiny house or RV. The Bluetti EB240 is an awesome solar generator.

    EASIEST Off Grid Power Solution | Bluetti 2400WH Solar Generator

  13. rosettasister Says:

    Billy Burke World Outreach Weekly Healing Service

    #UNIDO #Kuhlman @PBillyBurke
    Preparing people to get what he called a power touch from God
    “I have no power to heal at all; it’s credit, power & glory 2 God”

  14. rosettasister Says:


  15. rosettasister Says:

    onyshchenko biden germany ceremonial “to protect”

  16. rosettasister Says:

    According to two sources close to the company, Burisma was also looking to attract international investment as well as expand overseas.

    Oleksandr Onyshchenko, a businessman and former member of the Ukrainian parliament who knows the Burisma founder, said it had been Zlochevsky’s idea to appoint Biden as a director.

    ‘It was to protect (the company)’ at a time when it was facing investigations, said Onyshchenko, who left the country in 2016.

    In the run up to Biden’s appointment, a popular uprising led to the removal of the Russian-backed Yanukovich in February 2014.

    Biden, a trained lawyer, had served on the board of a U.S. company and had also formed an investment firm with fellow Yale graduates Archer and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry.


  17. rosettasister Says:

    During the call, Onyshchenko told about one incident during the Obama administration involving Ukrainian natural gas company Kub Gas (Куб Газ). The entity at the time was owned by polish investor: Jan Kulczyk, who died on 29.07.2015.

    Mr. Onyshchenko declared that during Hunter Biden’s time on the board of Burisma, where he was paid at one point millions of dollars for being the son of Vice President Biden, Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky wanted to acquire Kub Gas, for a much lower price than it was actually worth. The market value was approximately $70mm said Onyshchenko; however, Burisma sent Hunter Biden to Poland to shake down Kulczyk to sell the company for $30mm. Hunter Biden allegedly told Kulszyk that is he didn’t sell, Kub Gas would be destroyed in Ukraine, with the help of his father, Vice President Biden, and President Poroshenko.

    Burisma acquired the company.

    Source: https://creativedestructionmedia.com/investigations/2020/05/06/imprisoned-ukrainian-oligarch-gives-specifics-on-biden-corruption-in-ukraine-threats-shakedowns/

  18. rosettasister Says:


    Imprisoned Ukrainian Oligarch Gives Specifics On Biden Corruption In Ukraine-Threats, Shakedowns, $$$

    #GOP #UNIDO #DNC #onyshchenko #biden
    I haven’t the faintest, but if this guy’s sitting in a jail cell in #Germany trying to get his story out, I’m interested

  19. rosettasister Says:

    The text of the conversation with the fugitive oligarch Onishchenko


    In the near future, the fugitive people’s deputy and oligarch Alexander Onishchenko intends to present his new book on corruption to incumbent President Petro Poroshenko in Europe and Ukraine. The book calls “Peter the Fifth. The true story of the Ukrainian dictator. ” Onishchenko has already announced that the book is unique in that it contains a series of hitherto unknown stories about corruption in Poroshenko’s environment.

    Today, as an exclusive, Strana publishes one of the chapters of this book, which contains a textual transcript of one of Onishchenko’s films with the president’s voice.

    This “film”, according to Onishchenko, explains the well-known, but not unraveled story, how and why the cases were closed against the fugitive ex-Minister of Ecology Nikolai Zlochevsky.

    Below is the text of the chapter of the book.

    “Kolya is a good guy.” The first film with the voice of the president

    In addition to Akhmetov, who “picked up” the business of Rudkovsky and Shufrich (I will tell about this too), for a long time the former Minister of the Environment Nikolai Zlochevsky was a strong player in the gas production business. He well succeeded as minister in the government of the regionals. He surrounded his business with the correct political guardianship, obtained licenses for a number of fields of interest to him, recruited a team of geologists and arranged for himself permission to produce gas in the most promising fields. Zlochevsky was never an official businessman, he was a businessman in power – diplomatic and accommodating, able to find a common language with everyone, and most importantly – playing politics first of all because politics in Ukraine helps to develop and cover up business – without unnecessary ambitions.

    In 2010, he was appointed Minister of Environmental Protection, in 2012 – Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, he held this post until February 26, 2014, when he was dismissed by his decree. President Alexander Turchinov.

    Soon Zlochevsky left the country, and the new government launched a series of criminal cases against him.

    Do not be a fool, he went to negotiate with these, and he succeeded. And without any difficulties, but a little more expensive than usual. Poroshenko is beneficial to keep in a clip such people as Zlochevsky – one of the largest gas producers in Ukraine. Today, he pumps about 1 billion cubic meters a year, and it is useful for the president to have such entrepreneurs, albeit emigrants, as partners, again with an eye to the upcoming elections. There are not many sponsors.

    The secret to a deal with the new government is very simple. Poroshenko from the threshold billed Zlochevsky – a fee for a quiet life: his business is kept in moderate peace, it is not torpedoed by criminal cases, and later it is completely closed. And in return … Before setting the terms, Poroshenko organized the business so that Zlochevsky from the start was more accommodating, and according to the pattern he started “raiding” his business. Acting in much the same way as with Akhmetov’s business, the authorities overlaid the ex-minister’s enterprises with criminal cases, courts and problems, but couldn’t go far from the lawlessness.

    At one time, Zlochevsky acted very wisely and took to the supervisory board of the oil and gas company Burisma (he is a co-owner there) the son of former US vice president Joseph Biden (by the way, then curator of the “Ukrainian direction” in the US leadership), as well as former Polish president Alexander Kwasniewski. For protocol participation in conferences and title status they receive a very good fee – more than a million dollars a year and actually insure Zlochevsky’s business from all kinds of reputation risks and raider attacks. The scheme is working, although strange. Remember how much noise and scandal the media discussed public photos taken in Monaco at the international forum “Energy Security of the Future”, where Zlochevsky appeared with international politicians two years after emigration. The partner of the prestigious event along with the Prince of Monaco Albert II Foundation was Burisma. In the scandalous photos taken by foreign media, Zlochevsky posed with Biden, Kwasniewski, as well as former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. Moreover, as you know, Biden Jr. was appointed after Zlochevsky left Ukraine and claims from law enforcement agencies were put forward to him.

    I note that at the end of 2015, the popular publication The New York Times wrote about the cooperation of Biden’s son with Zlochevsky, emphasizing that this could undermine confidence in Biden Sr.’s calls to eradicate corruption in Ukraine. Obviously, during Biden’s next visit about the fluent Zlochevsky, they uttered a word. All this slightly strengthened the negotiating position of Zlochevsky, and the parties began to agree.

    I became an intermediary and flew to Dubai to Zlochevsky for negotiations, but before I describe their essence, I note – they agreed on everything, and the final handshake Igor Kononenko, the right hand of the president, and the fugitive Zlochevsky were fixed in Vienna. A little later, the photo from this meeting hit the media, caused a sensation, but no one knew what was left behind the scenes of this meeting.

    Soon, all criminal cases were closed against Zlochevsky, which came as a complete surprise to Ukrainian society. The core of these agreements lies in one of the audio recordings that I managed to make in the president’s office. The text from one of these tapes is the first time I publish in this book. The conversation with Pyotr Alekseevich actually confirms the existence of a “contract” with Zlochevsky, a prominent representative of the previous government, with which the president is so actively and desperately fighting in the public plane. A lot of the impossible becomes acceptable for Petro Poroshenko when it comes to big money, and it is from this dialogue that it becomes clear.

    Briefly to the point. At a meeting in the office on Bankova, I report to the president about my trip to Zlochevsky. I tell him that he is worried about his criminal cases. Zlochevsky complains that, as part of preliminary agreements, he supplies gas to the Kononenko glass factory for free and that the president’s partner has already owed him $ 10 million, but Zlochevsky’s issue has not yet been resolved. From the conversation it also becomes clear that the president is in the know, he sends greetings to the fugitive businessman, calls him “a good guy” and promises to help him in everything. I am reporting options for an additional “agreement.” Zlochevsky (his group of companies Burisma) bought from the richest Polish businessman Jan Kulchik the gas production company KUB-Gas, which owns five production licenses and one exploration license in eastern Ukraine. Zlochevsky is ready to enter the business as an investor and share his share with Poroshenko.

    Here is a small clarification to understand the situation: when the Dutch Shell was planning to produce shale gas in Ukraine, a Ukrainian company was created, in which 10% was owned by Sasha Yanukovych, the son of the now runaway ex-president. When the Yanukovych fled the country, this 10% share went to Kononenko’s companies. It is interesting that for these companies almost zero rent is provided – at the level of 2%, so agreements were prepared for Dutch investors. Now, instead of them, they propose to start other companies registered in the Netherlands, connected with Kononenko and Zlochevsky. That is, they plan to produce gas and minimize taxes. We are talking about this with the president. He likes everything.

    So, the transcript of the meeting.

  20. rosettasister Says:

    So, the transcript of the meeting.

    January 2016

    Administration of the President.

    The office of Petro Poroshenko.

    Petro Poroshenko (PP): Hello, good to see.

    Alexander Onishchenko (JSC): Good evening.

    PP: Are you tanned, rested somewhere?

    AO: Yes, I was in Dubai, it’s vacation time, and I’m training. This year’s Olympics, and I’m getting ready.

    PP: Are you going to perform yourself?

    AO: Well, of course, I already told you. I have already performed at the Olympics in both China and London.

    PP: How is Yulia (Yulia Tymoshenko. – Approx. Aut.)?

    AO: I don’t know, I didn’t see her, I’m resting somewhere after the New Year, I think that it’s not in Kiev. Something to learn from her?

    PP: No, she continues to stir up against me. They bring me information here.

    AO: I don’t think she does it. She will come, let me arrange you a meeting.

    PP: How will she return, let me know.

    AO: She will come immediately after the holidays, I will immediately transfer via Yura (Yury Onishchenko, First Aide to the President, – Approx. Auth.). I’m still on what question I wanted to talk about. In Dubai, he met Zlochevsky, he has been with Igor for a year now (we are talking about Petro Poroshenko’s partner Igor Kononenko. – Approx. Aut.) Solves the issue. I don’t know if everything about their agreements comes to you or not. Zlochevsky asked me to speak with you and make some suggestions. When he meets Igor, he is only interested in gas supplies to his enterprises. And Kolya wants to solve the problem globally.

    PP: Come on, tell me what he offers there (further noise is heard, movement, rustling of papers, – Approx. Auth.)

    AO: First, do you know that Kulchik died (we are talking about a Polish businessman, owner of Kulczyk Holding Jan Kulchik, – Approx. Aut.) And Kolya bought the company from him?

    PP: Well.

    AO: The company is very promising, that is, it produces about 20 million cubic meters (PP stood up and began to walk around the office, – Approx. Auth.). Second, Kolya bought out a hydraulic fracturing company. The company is interesting because the issue of hydraulic fracturing in gas production is very relevant. He is ready to conclude all contracts with Neftegaz, with other state-owned companies and is ready to give 50% of the company and share 50/50 profits. You are aware that we have companies that have agreements on joint activities with Shell and ExxonMobil, these companies come out as investors, but the value of these companies is that they have a special bill that exempts these companies from rents payments as investors. That is, rental payments, but they are very small – up to 2%. Kolya is ready to go into this company as an investor, to put his western company, which will enter into joint venture as an investor. It is possible to register all gas assets for this company, thereby saving rent payments, and we will share the entire economy 50/50. Are you aware that Kolya has already put over $ 10 million on your companies?

    PP: Yes, I know.

    AO: Kolya is ready to curtail this debt, to include it in the calculation too. He asks you to pass on this offer to you.

    PP: So, Kolya is a good guy. I’ll think about what can be done. It’s just that Americans have recently become excited over it.

    AO: In theory, they should not have done anything against him, because Biden’s son has a company board in him. And Kwasniewski too. Therefore, to the West side, when I spoke with Kolya, there should not be any creeps from there.

    PP: Well, I’ll think about what can be done. Say hello to Kolya.

    AO: And when can you find out or get some kind of solution?

    PP: Come on in a week, let Julia come, we will meet, and then I will tell you.

    AO: Well, I’ll fly away then, and I’ll be back in a week. How Julia will return, I will inform you through Yura. Then I’ll be in touch.

    PP: All right, come on.

    This is a transcript of one of the recordings with the president’s voice, which I managed to record in his office when I realized that there was no and could not be a relationship between us. An audio file confirming the authenticity of these words will soon be published in the media. The audio file has passed the examination, and its authenticity is confirmed. Both on this film, and on others. I am ready to provide documents to all interested investigative bodies, some of them have already been taken into work, the most interesting dialogues. More than sure, all these conversations will entail serious consequences for the careers of many high-ranking Ukrainian politicians.

    So again. Facts.

    Zlochevsky pays Poroshenko repayable, supplying free gas to the glass factory of his main partner. Already forked out $ 10 million, and the president is in the know.

    Zlochevsky promises a share in the business, and the president likes it.

    And most importantly, basic, important – the president is in an “agreement” with a representative of the former government, with the deputy secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine until 02/26/2014, against which criminal cases have been instituted.

    Soon, criminal cases are closed, and Kolya, according to the president, is “a good guy.”

    Source: https://strana.ua

  21. rosettasister Says:


  22. rosettasister Says:

    far from the lawlessness.

    At one time, Zlochevsky acted very wisely and took to the supervisory board of the oil and gas company Burisma (he is a co-owner there) the son of former US vice president Joseph Biden (by the way, then curator of the “Ukrainian direction” in the US leadership), as well as former Polish president Alexander Kwasniewski. For protocol participation in conferences and title status they receive a very good fee – more than a million dollars a year and actually insure Zlochevsky’s business from all kinds of reputation risks and raider attacks. The scheme is working, although strange. Remember how much noise and scandal the media discussed public photos taken in Monaco at the international forum “Energy Security of the Future”, where Zlochevsky appeared with international politicians two years after emigration. The partner of the prestigious event along with the Prince of Monaco Albert II Foundation was Burisma. In the scandalous photos taken by foreign media, Zlochevsky posed with Biden, Kwasniewski, as well as former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer. Moreover, as you know, Biden Jr. was appointed after Zlochevsky left Ukraine and claims from law enforcement agencies were put forward to him.

    I note that at the end of 2015, the popular publication The New York Times wrote about the cooperation of Biden’s son with Zlochevsky, emphasizing that this could undermine confidence in Biden Sr.’s calls to eradicate corruption in Ukraine. Obviously, during Biden’s next visit about the fluent Zlochevsky, they uttered a word. All this slightly strengthened the negotiating position of Zlochevsky, and the parties began to agree.

    I became an intermediary and flew to Dubai to Zlochevsky for negotiations, but

    Source: http://patriot-zt.info/tekst-razgovora-prezidenta-s-beglym-oligarhom-onishhenko.html

  23. rosettasister Says:

    Imprisoned Ukrainian #Oligarch Gives Specifics On #Ukraine #Biden #Corruption
    #GOP #UNIDO #DNC #onyshchenko
    I haven’t the faintest, but if this guy’s sitting in a jail cell in #Germany trying to get his story out, I’m interested

  24. rosettasister Says:


  25. rosettasister Says:

    Click to access 2020.05.01.20087999v1.full.pdf

    “We will conduct two nested multicenter international double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials of #hydroxychloroquine”

    Post-exposure Prophylaxis or Preemptive Therapy for #SARSCoV2

    #clinicalTrial #clinicalTrials #SARSCoV2

    May 6, 2020

  26. rosettasister Says:


    The Well-Known Hazards of Coronavirus Vaccines
    Analysis by Dr. Joseph #Mercola @Robert @Drjudya

    “The message of ‘Plague of Corruption’ is that we cannot mix animal and human tissues.”

    Astonishing just how much information there is here, on ONE page!

  27. rosettasister Says:

    The Well-Known Hazards of #Coronavirus #Vaccines
    Analysis by Dr Joseph #Mercola @RobertKennedyJr @DrJudyAMikovits
    “The message of ‘Plague of Corruption’ is that we cannot mix animal & human tissues.”
    We need @saferPhones AND #saferVaccines

  28. rosettasister Says:


  29. rosettasister Says:

    Type 1 interferons as a potential treatment against COVID-19

    Should we stimulate or suppress immune responses in COVID-19? Cytokine and anti-cytokine interventions

    Antiviral activities of type I interferons to SARS-CoV-2 infection


  30. rosettasister Says:


  31. rosettasister Says:

    Dr. Judy Mikovits Primer

  32. rosettasister Says:

    Retrovirus & Lyme/MSIDS Role in COVID-19? Facemasks are Immunosuppressive

  33. rosettasister Says:

    #Mercola SARS-CoV-2- Interview with Judy #Mikovits

    How to Make #SaferVaccines 4 COVID (oral not injected)

    #GOP #UNIDO #DNC #vaccines #Cannabinoids
    #endocannabinoid System
    #CBD @DrJudyAMikovits #SARSCoV2 #interferon

    We need 2 unpack & disseminate this

  34. rosettasister Says:

    Rintatolimod, sold under the tradename Ampligen, is a medication intended for treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. There is low-strength evidence it can diminish CFS symptoms. It is an immunomodulatory double stranded RNA drug synthesized in the 1970s and manufactured by Hemispherx Biopharma. Wikipedia
    ChemSpider ID: 34908
    Other names: PolyI:PolyC12U
    Trade name: Ampligen

  35. rosettasister Says:


    Low-dose oral interferon modulates expression of inflammatory and autoimmune genes in cattle.

    Mamber SW, Lins J, Gurel V, Hutcheson DP, Pinedo P, Bechtol D, Krakowka S, Fields-Henderson R, Cummins JM.

  36. rosettasister Says:

    natural adjuvant

    What is adjuvant in biology?
    The word “adjuvant” comes from the Latin word adiuvare, meaning to help or aid. “An immunologic adjuvant is defined as any substance that acts to accelerate, prolong, or enhance antigen-specific immune responses when used in combination with specific vaccine antigens.”

  37. rosettasister Says:

    A safe vaccine in a capsule

    Type 1 interferon (very low dose) (Cummins) (natural adjuvant)

    Cannabinoids – Dimmer switch on the inflammatory pathway=cannabinoids

  38. rosettasister Says:

    CB2 Cannabinoid receptor 2

    capsule – dissolve it appropriate pH in the gut

    concentrated purified virus
    Coronavirus Retrovirus Any virus
    Use peptide T immuno modulator developed by

  39. rosettasister Says:


    Peptide T – Candace Pert, Ruscetti

  40. rosettasister Says:

    Peptide T is an HIV entry inhibitor discovered in 1986 by Candace Pert, a US neuroimmunologist.[1] Peptide T, and its modified analog Dala1-peptide T-amide (DAPTA), a drug in clinical trials, is a short peptide derived from the HIV envelope protein gp120 which blocks binding[2] and infection[3] of viral strains which use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells.

  41. rosettasister Says:

    A natural infection away from the lungs where it doesn’t do the damage

  42. rosettasister Says:

    Click to access Liposome-Based-Nanocapsules.pdf

    Tristan Ruysschaert

  43. rosettasister Says:

    Liposome-Based Nanocapsules

    https://www dot researchgate.net/profile/Mathias_Winterhalter/publication/8331643_Liposome-Based_Nanocapsules/links/55fb023408ae07629e07b796/Liposome-Based-Nanocapsules.pdf

  44. rosettasister Says:


    The only marijuana that can be legally used for research in the United States is grown at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, under a contract with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), an arrangement that has been in place for more than 50 years.

    Mikovits says this marijuana is Roundup-Ready (glyphosate)

  45. rosettasister Says:

    desiccant dried with glyphosate

  46. rosettasister Says:

    glyphosate – glutathione – inflammatory process

  47. rosettasister Says:

    BRAND NAME(S): Alferon N, Infergen, Intron A, Roferon-A

  48. rosettasister Says:

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia?

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia?

    Late night thoughts on HBOT for Critically Ill patients with COVID-19 pneumonia

    I am a Critical Care physician trained in Hyperbaric Medicine. Sadly, my ICU is currently full of critically ill patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, most of them intubated. My colleagues and I have been caring for them for several days, so I have some insight into the issue of critically ill patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia. In COVID-19 pneumonia, the lungs are not able to allow oxygen to diffuse to the bloodstream. I have read the article by Chen and colleagues. At least one hope is that the significant elevation in inspired oxygen during HBOT would enable oxygen to reach the arterioles even though the air sacs of the alveoli are damaged.

  49. rosettasister Says:


  50. rosettasister Says:

    okay so that is just spectacular
    information and just mind-blowing
    actually i was not expecting to on to
    fight under to learn this today but you
    also had this to share the surprise
    information about a treatment interferon
    so can you review what interferon is how
    it works how its produced and and
    manufactured and and and what the
    treatment strategy would be its history
    because you know it would be good primer
    so there there are many interferons
    actually but the type 1 interferons
    are part of the very innate immune
    response to viral infections and so
    that’s not interferon gamma which is
    more a memory interferon response so
    what we’re thinking of right now is only
    the type 1 interferons
    in interferon alpha interferon beta and
    now they have like out to epsilon and so
    so we’re appreciating different mucosal
    surfaces make type one interferon to
    shut down the replication it just shuts
    down the replication of of RNA viruses
    including retroviruses and corona
    viruses so the the instance that I can
    use from our laboratory studies and and
    why this is important in chronic fatigue
    syndrome and in cope in nineteen if it
    is an acquired immune deficiency from
    you know SARS SARS is an RNA virus so it
    would activate the type 1 interferon
    pathway you would produce interferon in
    your body at your mucosal surfaces and
    they would stop the replication of the
    virus it simply stops the replication of
    the virus so the the drug known as
    Ampligen is is poly IC so that’s the
    danger signal from the virus that turns
    on the type 1 interferon pathway 97% of
    your type 1 interferon app your type 1
    interferon is made from plasma site I
    dendritic cells but very specialized
    antigen presenting cell primarily in
    your gut in the bone marrow and your gut
    but that plasma site I dendritic cells
    and that interferon actually regulates
    signals the B regulatory cells to make
    different subclasses of antibodies so so
    the interferons are not only important
    in shutting down transcription of the
    virus but in driving your in in
    directing the kind of immune responses
    your innate immune responses the a
    mnemonic body development so we that
    that first interferon that I purified
    from humans their in the in the National
    Cancer Institute in 1980 was was
    manufactured and used in a lot of
    studies used way to high dose and my car
    new friend Joe Cummins dr. Joe Cummins a
    PhD and a veterinary doctor in it you
    know 40 years of work I didn’t do much
    interferon work until because I wanted
    to understand how retroviruses
    dysregulated that pathway and I did it
    at the level of interferon gamma with
    the hyper methylation of interferon
    gamma so you wouldn’t get a type 1
    response in in an infected person a
    memory response so you couldn’t clear
    that level so my research went in a
    different direction but but Joe Cummins
    and many others there worldwide had been
    for a decade prior to my entry upon the
    scene my graduation from college in
    animals and the ability of type 1
    interferon it very very low dose to be
    not only suppress the transmission the
    jumping of species of coronaviruses ant
    in animals you could literally put it in
    their feed and keep your food your
    animals healthy and stop the expression
    it’s not the presence of the virus it’s
    the expression of the Mars and so that’s
    that that leads to immune dysregulation
    keep it silent that was my PhD thesis
    and it changed everything
    keep the virus dormant by
    hypermethylation and silence of the
    promoter and that’s true in XM rvs as
    well even more so and you don’t develop
    disease that’s what changed the paradigm
    treat early prevent the reservoirs from
    gaining many many and and stop the
    replication so in in what I just told
    you about plasma site dendritic cells
    and type 1 interferon there’s a natural
    adjuvant I’m telling you it makes B
    cells make antibodies it directs so we
    could literally make a safe vaccine in a
    capsule if we put type 1 interferon very
    low dose this is Joe coming to work and
    he gave me several beautiful reviews
    which I’ll send you last week and I only
    just met Joe I would say a few months
    ago be because he’s got a little
    advanced Parkinson’s disease and some
    that works with me in California is
    trying to take over help him with his
    company so that his work doesn’t stop
    but at any rate the FDA stopped him from
    making that for animals and for and for
    and and for humans back in 1980 40 years
    ago so again we come back to the same
    bad bad actors in this story of keeping
    us from understanding natural immune
    wellness so here you’ve got a natural
    adjuvant in type 1 interferon you could
    take a capsule with cannabinoids
    remember the dimmer switch on that
    inflammatory pathway is cannabinoid so
    you can block the inflammatory receptor
    known as cb2 cannabinoid receptor 2
    that’s the one that’s more in the immune
    system and and not associated with
    psychosis natural products like like
    beta Carolyn and others modulate that
    and keep down interleukin 6 so you could
    actually take you know a capsule with
    you know anti just a normal capsule
    dissolve it at the appropriate pH and
    the gut and use type 1 interferons at
    that capsule and very low dose put
    concentrated purified virus coronavirus
    retrovirus any virus you want use
    peptide T that’s the immunomodulator
    developed by Candace pert and in
    frankerz Eddie I helped manufacture some
    of that in the lab so peptide T will
    block the interaction of the virus with
    ccr5 it’s your natural peptide that
    keeps the t-cell the cytokine is from
    getting infected even if there’s HIV
    there doesn’t matter because we block
    that interaction we’ve allowed the
    replication but at a pH that only allows
    a few cycles so you’re going to get a
    natural infection away from the lungs
    where it doesn’t do the damage into the
    immune cells the hematocrit extends l’s
    you’ll tgf-beta will automatically
    through CB 2 again because you’re
    modulating CB 2
    block turn off that response and you’ve
    got a memory response because you’ve got
    your antibodies are being made with
    sensitivity and specificity then there’s
    a publication on this with it with
    respect to blocking cb2 in the very
    young and the very old in the compromise
    so we could right now manufacture this
    in a facility and I’ve volunteered to go
    isolate the virus because I’m not afraid
    of a virus so think what we could do for
    our vaccine program
    no no mercury you know no polysorbate 80
    purify the virus away from other viruses
    away from the retro we know how to do
    that in a capsule a natural delivery
    you’re not injecting it by behaviors I
    need to activate cellular immunity to
    not just humoral like initially
    excellent because you’ll get the
    adaptive immune response because you
    won’t you won’t damage the the
    epigenetic machinery we know how to do
    now is the inter parent of protein and
    wood there’s a danger of that being
    denatured through the digestion process
    that’s where yes it’s a protein but you
    only need 50 50 to 200 units very very
    very low dose and so when you
    encapsulate it and there’s a dr. Chris
    shade has developed a capsule and as a
    patent-pending technology that it
    dissolves exactly where you want it so
    absorb Nano liposomes prevent the
    degradation goes right into the cells
    into the cells
    correct correct so he’s a new
    formulation that’s that’s perfect for
    this situation but of course if the
    government proceeds with it fits do it
    real fast and inject a inject on nano
    and encapsulated with squalene and dote
    happen you know so that every cell
    you’re injecting the RNA or the DNA
    blueprint of these viruses I can’t even
    imagine the damage you can do
    with those the vaccines currently being
    tested okay but cannabinoids so you were
    to the CBD primarily yeah yeah you don’t
    need th see that’s why you modulate cb2
    why you can use other terpenes and other
    triterpene nodes like mushrooms or tried
    turpentine some of the extracts so this
    is natural products chemistry and this
    is what I’ve been doing in the last
    seven years is just you know forget all
    that happens to me and and just go back
    to helping people so now that we’re
    we’re working really hard to end those
    draconian laws by the way the government
    holds the patents for CBDs and and
    medical marijuana and give millions of
    dollars overseas while investigators in
    the US again Tony pouchy investigators
    in the US can’t do the experiments with
    natural product unless it’s the one that
    comes from University of Mississippi
    that is laced with Roundup and dried
    with roundup and glyphosate which again
    that’s going to deplete your glutathione
    the first pathogenesis the first area is
    oxidative stress so when you can’t make
    glutathione or when you deplete your
    levels of glutathione you’re you’re more
    likely to drive that inflammatory
    process so for your oral vaccine
    recommendation what else with it for
    Kovan 19 would it also include XMRV and
    the Czar’s cup – no I just put the SARS
    ID in fact this is really a
    meaning that you no longer have to worry
    about the epidemic did you or the
    government wants to unleash on you at
    any given time you don’t have to worry
    about that because you would deliver the
    virus to the appropriate tissues to the
    appropriate tissues for instance HPV
    that’s the keratinocytes you don’t need
    you know to to deliver you know an HPV
    again it doesn’t cause cervical cancer
    unless other things are in play and we
    no from a leaked document that somebody
    gave me literally just this morning
    there are gamma retroviruses in the in
    the Gardasil shots and now we’re
    understanding why those are so deadly
    causing cancers myeloid leukemias other
    kinds of cancers and a lot of other
    things it’s one of the deadliest
    vaccines out there yeah so we should
    just simply put a file moratorium on all
    vaccines to remove president Tong could
    today repeal the vaccine injury
    compensation Act that Ronald Reagan
    signed in 1986 and declared
    unconstitutional at that time
    which said vaccines are unavoidably
    unsafe I think I’ve just shown you that
    they’re not we’ve learned a lot in the
    last 30 years as far as understanding
    both the innate and adaptive immune
    response and what’s necessary to respond
    to those to any to RNA viruses including
    in including retroviruses and that’s
    evidenced by the fact that we don’t hear
    about HIV anymore you know so we’re good
    AIDS you know we what we hear about HIV
    is we have pre-exposure prophylactics
    commercials prep commercials on TV where
    low dose of these very drugs people can
    take their for their life if they’re
    infected prevent transmission so the
    therapies are all out there and if we
    completely reorganize our medical system
    and and get rid of the criminals in the
    system there’s an easy way to get rid of
    the corrupt old boys network take
    everyone over 65 and retire them done
    use new technologies bring in new blood
    the corrupt ones it’s easy you know they
    force Frank Crosetti into retirement
    retired they can serve emeritus
    positions all they want on companies
    that have full liability and we can go
    back to the consumer to take care of
    their health the way they want to take
    care of their health so your speculation
    is that this would also be the ideal
    HIV vaccine and addition to every other
    vaccine do we have out there a new ones
    down the road yeah plug in play know the
    biology because the biology will
    suddenly change but yes peptide T was
    kept you know Candace hurt died a few
    years ago and never got FDA approval for
    that and you know the Dallas buyers club
    the movie you know that talks about you
    know the corruption that allowed those
    men to die with high doses of these
    drugs you don’t need high doses of the
    drugs and therein lies the problem
    Merck took the interferon alpha off the
    you know out of production you know why
    it’s off patent so these people have the
    patents and they can’t have patents of
    naturally occurring substances like CBDs
    like you know vitamin C therapies the
    natural products that that you know the
    energy therapies that we could do to
    stop these viruses even light therapy
    would stop the activation of expression
    we know def Bradstreet’s beautiful
    working sound therapy to drive you know
    some of the things we know how they
    criminalize people for the use of GC
    math they activating and modulating
    factor that is another way to modulate
    the macrophage population which is
    contributing to the pathogenesis you
    know we can see the plague of corruption
    over the last four decades and all we
    really need to do is and and President
    Trump can do it with a few simple with a
    few simple steps the other act that you
    changes the bayh-dole act so the
    bayh-dole act is allowed government
    researchers to patent their work no wait
    a minute you paid for my education you
    turn on the lights taxpayers you give me
    everything I need to travel the meetings
    to do everything that drug belongs to
    the people and and and I have no intel I
    well get you know III have no
    intellectual property I never paid a
    dollar for college I never paid a dollar
    to graduate school I worked in a
    government lab
    my government grants if in my I’m in a a
    university it’s funded by government
    grants so the other thing to do is take
    the FDA out of the position of deciding
    efficacy their job is safety and they
    failed miserably with our foods of lying
    GMOs they failed miserably their job is
    safety if I have a test and I have a
    drug called Annie stat that I’ve
    consulted with a company and hold a
    patent in combining natural products so
    you know you that that that drug is with
    15 years in the making and it won’t get
    approval it had a successful fabulous
    phase 1 phase 2 clinical trial and the
    FDA who’s bought and paid for by Big
    Pharma said no you know single drug
    single target that doesn’t work we’ve
    got 40 years proving that it doesn’t
    work so well no we don’t need a vaccine
    for natural viral infections yes we need
    for these unnatural vaccine viruses
    coming out of these laboratories but yes
    we can do that too and that’s why we
    need to stop this tissue research no
    more no more growing cell lines no more
    biological therapies made that way
    because it’s not only the vaccines your
    cart t-cell therapy that means time Eric
    antigen receptor T cell therapy may
    which is a adoptive transfer gene
    therapy they make them in Mouse leukemia
    virus vectors so you’re literally
    causing the next cancer when you cure
    the third one they didn’t want to stop
    that technology that’s why they shut me
    so all of medicine and I think this plan
    Demick is a perfect opportunity to
    change all of Medicine give it back to
    all practitioners no mandates you know
    people can buy and if there are
    insurances which we don’t need we’re
    consumers we can afford vitamin C we can
    afford sunshine unless we’re stopped
    from leaving our house and then we can’t
    breathe air
    so we don’t we don’t need it we can we
    can we choose what kind of car to buy
    and we choose how to maintain that car
    so we can use natural product there bees
    use our so-called alternative practices
    hyperbaric therapy you know no more you
    know the AMA you’re you know it’s just
    everything is broken
    I should be covered if the insurance is
    even necessary because the drugs won’t
    cost that more most of these drugs
    aren’t on patent it’s the FDA that says
    you can’t use it another way and that’s
    why they keep this cabal going with the
    vaccines Oh cuz you can’t patent it
    that’s why you need MMR three four five
    six seven because you need a new thing
    or you don’t make a zillion dollars so
    in this case they created a new disease
    to cover up the old diseases I of iam
    that reminds me the UH the editorial by
    John coffin which accompany our our
    science paper said one new virus how
    many old diseases and the last thing I
    said publicly in a meeting was how many
    new viruses have we created John and how
    many new diseases the explosion in
    autoimmune disease I can only give you
    the example of Lou Gehrig’s disease
    the reason ALS is called a Lou Gehrig’s
    is because nobody knew anybody except
    Lou Gehrig now we have bucket challenges
    now we stand up to cancer why don’t we
    just cure it they’re all out there and
    that’s taking care of your immune system
    we don’t need vaccines we have natural
    god-given immunity and we know so much
    about how to develop it in the immune
    compromised how to maintain it yeah and
    a key it sounds like a key for this is
    the interferon one that you referenced
    early in it and thank you for explaining
    that I’m wondering if it’s commercially
    available now and if it could be
    obtained for those who are suffering
    with kovat 19 symptoms who treat Merck
    makes it 50 million unit vial cost $600
    that would provide 1,000 people with two
    is a day at 50 to 200 units at $0.50 a
    dose for a week
    no it’s still off the market yes
    what’s the name there was a science I
    think it’s called alpha on Al fer oh and
    there’s one called Rover on our oh-fer
    Owen but it’s a merc product and I’ll
    get you I’ll get you what the bottle
    looks like Marcus got to be one of your
    favorite companies no any suspicions
    there’s nothing wrong with this specific
    product or is it we made it 40 years ago
    it works so they took it off the market
    because there’s no money in it semarchy
    but think it’s still selling okay sure
    then and that’s where president drop
    should say give it to us you know I’ll
    buy it
    the government will buy as much as you
    want it six hundred a $600 vial would
    protect a thousand people for a week
    yeah what does the treatment regimen
    look like because you’ve had experience
    with it twice a day sprayed your mouth
    that’s it yeah yeah and how long does
    one need to maintain treatment for a
    week two weeks a month as long as
    they’re in exposed to somebody they’ve
    been quarantine people what 7 days 14
    days working you know but if a person is
    symptomatic they’re there in the
    hospital they’re in the ICU they want to
    ventilate them I mean what’s the thick
    but I use it I know but that’s what
    they’re doing I don’t use it in
    combination with with h-bar and oxygen
    therapies and and and hydroxychloroquine
    is fine in Annecy back if it’s a
    bacterial component to the disease but
    yeah oh a week you know whenever you
    have any feedback or clinical experience
    of any patients with Kovac 19 be treated
    when they spun I only know that David
    Brownstein and dr. Ted Fogarty do okay
    all right that’s contact David because
    very successful in the case
    David Brownstein yeah that’s good I
    definitely have to connect with them on
    that Wow this is mind blowing
    information I mean this is so radical
    well it’s not expecting this I knew you
    what all free radicals are bad their
    biological signaling molecules is your
    rhythm we need them and if we suppress
    them indiscriminate we can cause
    problems absolutely so this is great
    okay Wow
    anything else you would care to
    enlighten us with today most of what
    I’ve been thinking about the last three
    weeks yeah yeah well this is thanks so
    much man we’re going to get this I my
    guess is this may be one of the most
    popular interviews I’ve ever done and
    and I interviewed Francis Boyle I’m sure
    familiar with and given if you got well
    over a million maybe a million I have
    used by now this should go into the
    millions multi-million so because no one
    shared this this is this is information
    you have you shared this with anyone
    I mean publicly every day I learn more
    not all of it yeah about the papers I
    didn’t know about the epigenetics I
    didn’t know about the epigenetics I
    there’s a lot I learn every single day
    the world appreciates you and if they
    don’t they should and especially for all
    the sacrifices you’ve made all the
    suffering and pain that you voluntarily
    endure because you are committed to the
    truth and integrity and in the world
    owes you a great debt of gratitude
    so thanks thanks so much well thanks so
    much Joe

  51. rosettasister Says:


  52. rosettasister Says:


  53. rosettasister Says:

    Moral Implications of Aborted Fetuses in Vaccine Production
    Flu Vaccine Does Not Protect Older Adults and May Increase Risk of Miscarriages
    How to Make a Safe Vaccine (scroll down)
    Demand #saferVaccines

  54. rosettasister Says:

    Latinia Radio



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