Sterling and Peggy Seagrave Gold Warriors David Guyatt keenan v. bosco et al Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty 1954 UFO ET funding CIA use of stolen WWII Gold


According to Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Edward G. Lansdale — an Air Force officer whose influential theories of counterinsurgent warfare proved successful in the Philippines after World War II — was the Umbrella Man at Dealey Plaza.


The U.S. Army has a think-tank at American University. It was called “Operation Camelot”. This is where the “Camelot” concept came from. It was anti-JFK’s Vietnam strategy. The men running it were Lansdale types, Special Forces background.

“Camelot” was King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table: not JFK…then.

Through 1962 and 1963 Mongoose and “Camelot” became strong and silent organizations dedicated to countering JFK. Mongoose had access to the CIA’s best “hit men” in the business and a lot of “strike” capability. Lansdale had many old friends in the media business such as Joe Alsop, Henry Luce among others. With this background and with his poisoned motivation I am positive that he got collateral orders to manage the Dallas event under the guise of “getting” Castro. It is so simple at that level. A nod from the right place, source immaterial, and the job’s done.

The “hit” is the easy part. The “escape” must be quick and professional. The cover-up and the scenario are the big jobs. They more than anything else prove the Lansdale mastery.

Lansdale was a master writer and planner. He was a great “scenario” guy. It still have a lot of his personally typed material in my files. I am certain that he was behind the elaborate plan and mostly the intricate and enduring cover-up. Given a little help from friends at PEPSICO he could easily have gotten Nixon into Dallas, for “orientation’: and LBJ in the cavalcade at the same time, contrary to Secret Service policy.

He knew the “Protection” units and the “Secret Service”, who was needed and who wasn’t. Those were routine calls for him, and they would have believed him. Cabell could handle the police.

The “hit men” were from CIA overseas sources, for instance, from the “Camp near Athena, Greece. They are trained, stateless, and ready to go at any time. They ask no questions: speak to no one. They are simply told what to do, when and where. Then they are told how they will be removed and protected. After all, they work for the U.S. Government. The “Tramps” were actors doing the job of cover-up. The hit men are just pros. They do the job for the CIA anywhere. They are impersonal. They get paid. They get protected, and they have enough experience to “blackmail” anyone, if anyone ever turns on them…just like Drug agents. The job was clean, quick and neat. No ripples.

“A likelier explanation, with Washington turning into Camelot and the Kennedys filling posts with Ivy League liberals, is that Lansdale was too involved with the extreme right, including the John Birch Society, the Hunt brothers, and others. However, the Kennedys were active in pursuing aggressive policies against Castro and appear to have been fully aware of plans by the Agency to assassinate him. Lansdale was the intermediary in giving the assassination job to the Mafia.”

Uploaded by  on Jul 29, 2010

Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza Nov 22 1963

The JFK Assassination

By David Giamarco 1998

Sterling Seagrave

Posted 05 December 2008 – 09:53 AM

I think it’s very useful that John Simkin posted his take on Lansdale as a “good guy” because that gives some balance to an otherwise reptilian personna.

Later today I will post some material on Lansdale’s activities in Luzon 1945-1954 viz-a-viz the Huks, which is informed by a recent Pentagon analysis of what Lansdale, Bohannan, and Valeriano actually did (as opposed to what they professed to be doing).

This is one of the best things about Grahame Greene’s portrayal of Pyle in The Quiet American, by characterizing him as a sort of evangelical missionary who did evil by doing good.

I had the same experience with Ted Shackley who projected the image of an extraordinary good guy while doing unbelievably vile things. (If anybody tops Lansdale, it’s Shackley, the White Vampire.)

I had childhood friends in Asia who as adults worked in Black Ops for Shackley in Vientiane and Saigon, and who totally believed in the evangelical image.

But this is the crux of the problem. Americans see themselves as evangelicals, when they are often actually political pederasts sodding the rest of the world, like priests driving the fear of god into choir-boys.

One wishes they would stop inflicting their dubious blessings on the rest of humanity. The price is far too high. ///

As to Fletch and Dealey Plaza, Fletch knew the real Lansdale from 1945 on to the bitter end, and if Fletch says Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza, that’s uniquely persuasive to me.

Dallas was like a fraternity picnic for so may people, we may never unscramble who all were there.

I knew Lansdale fairly well, and spent a lot of time with Bohannan, a professional killer who executed Lansdale’s instructions in Manila and Saigon, but I never actually met Valeriano (the psychopathic killer) face to face.

It was Valeriano’s team of hitmen who snuffed a number of prominent leftists and other dissenters in Japan, and quite a few in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and — of course — the Philippines.

These were the guys who tortured Laurel at Malacanang Palace, while trying to force Laurel to give up the codes and original docs he had as a partner of “Santy” (Santa Romana) in the recovery and distribution of the war loot recovered by Santy and Lansdale in Luzon.

They tore out Laurel’s fingernails, cut off his genitals, ripped out his left eyeball, and (when Laurel finally admitted that he had made his wife his beneficiary) they dragged him half dead before a priest to marry him to a Marcos family member so they could attempt to claim she was his heir.

This was all done to oblige the US Treasury and the Fed to pay off on billions of dollars in bonds and notes.

I have personally examined those documents in the originals, and have on CD a forensic study of their validity carried out by the University of Catalonia in Spain.

If these were good guys, and evangelicals, I’d really like to have somebody explain to me how I can distinguish them from real “bad guys”.

The only distinction I can discover is that real “bad guys” do not pretend to be “good guys”.

A footnote: Lansdale was personally obsessed — as only an old advertising man can be obsessed — with umbrellas and the Eye of Ra (the right eye of Ra is the “evil eye” although Lansdale often used the left eye which is the benign or feminine).

It was Lansdale who set up the channel known as “The Umbrella Organization” to move the war loot all over the world; so it says a lot for Fletch to identify Lansdale as the bum who then raised and opened an umbrella at Dealey Plaza.


These links are related to Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold

MP3 Links

Show #512 Part 1 – Sterling Seagrave

Posted: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 18:00:01 -0800

Show #512 Part 2 – Sterling Seagrave

Posted: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 18:00:00 -0800

Related pdf files

Some Quotes

” … bullion – far more than the official gold supply – keeping gold prices artificially high while discreetly using derivatives of this gold as a clandestine slush fund.”

“Similar to the compressed air gun attacks on the Bulgarian expat BBC employees, but using a fast acting seasnake venom on Schlei and Stern, while the … “

Composite of four photos depicting the so-called “Umbrella Man.”


Trillion dollar lawsuit exposes secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty & funding of extraterrestrial projects

Michael E. Salla, MA., Ph.D.

© January 18, 2012. Updated Feb 4, 2012.

Trillion dollar lawsuit exposes secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty & UFO/ET funding

China US trade imbalance: bad policy or payback for CIA use of stolen WWII gold?

It was this interview which really piqued my interest in this story. Prior to that I didn’t know what to make of it. So I began connecting the dots.

Dr. Michael Salla on -The Trillion Dollar Lawsuit

Keith Scott agreed to work with Ray Dam and together they established the Office of International Treasury Control. Scott has thirty years of experience in working with these accounts. He has provided the knowledge of these accounts to Neil Keenan in order to prevent any denial of the legitimacy or validity of the Bonds stolen from Keenan.

05/02/2012 Wednesday – Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy’s very special guest was Keith Scott.

Bizarre Claim for $1 Trillion

“The U.S. District Court lawsuit supports claims by David Guyatt, author of The Secret Gold Treaty, that missing World War II era national gold … “

David Guyatt is a major player in this saga. If you listen to Michael Salla interview, then you’ll hear him speak of David quite a lot.

A Good Place to Start?

Marci McDowell Crain Dan Burisch Crain JFK and the RAILROAD MAN and The Crain Family Iver Johnson Weapon  

[My original intent was to put up separate blog post which would have included contents of this pdf. I don’t know why I didn’t, my heart just wasn’t in it. But when I stumbled upon Seagrave GOLD WARRIORS & read about Lansdale JFK assassination connection, I just had to include this info re Drs Dan Burisch Crain and Marcia McDowell Crain & the Railroad Man. Sorry, the above is NOT organized. Rose]

This pdf includes this image folder w related images & also good image of my Friend — the one w dark midsection & crazy white wings.


End the Lie Radio with Madison Ruppert and guests, Winston Shrout and Keith Francis Scott, the two technical people working with Neil Keenan and others to bring down financial tyranny through a ground breaking lawsuit and other methods.

Published on Apr 28, 2012 by 

MP3 Link


Hard hat man” also appears in slides of the assassination taken by Phil Willis and Wilma Bond, showing him strolling down to the Umbrella Man and the radio …



165. Dr. Soekanto has further agreed and has confirmed that he holds the “full secret Book of Codes (Maklumat Book) and Ledgers and all Records of the Accounts as delivered” to him and that, upon their request, he will “deliver or cause delivery of the originals of such books for presentment to any court determined to have such jurisdiction” and “for any other purpose” KEENAN may require or need the Books. KEENAN and others under his direction are presently in custody of certified copies of said Book of Codes (Maklumat Book) and Ledgers with the authorizations to use them when needed.

166. These Books and Ledgers define the information that is held in the Federal Reserve screen system. They contain the secret code cyphers and data on legal decisions, treaties and other arrangements. Upon information and belief, they provide information pertaining to all the accounts and sub-accounts that contain the gold and other assets, as well as information pertaining to the financial instruments issued against the gold. Further, they specify and provide the factual information as to what is in the Global Accounts, such as who owns the gold and the source of its ownership. The protection and security of these Books is, therefore, of the utmost importance and central to the authentication and verification process.


Background information on the problems with the global financial system

By Neil Keenan and Keith Scott.

The entire cause of the problem.

The United States is a private corporation owned by the British Crown (Rothchilds), the Bank of England (Rothchilds) and the Vatican (Rothchilds again). It was previously called the Virginia Company until 3/9/33 when it was dissolved by Roosevelt under the Emergency Banking Act. On 5/5/33 Congress elected to dissolve the Gold Standard and Sovereign Authority of the U.S. and all of its official capacities including government offices, departments and officers. The U.S. is a corporation, not a nation. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor a Reserve. It is a private counterfeiting organization run by Jewish bankers who lend the money they print out of thin air at interest while we keep on paying these criminals to fleece the People.

[Me: “a private counterfeiting organization run by Jewish bankers” – This is unfortunate. Surely not ALL of these criminals are Jewish. If you listen to Kerry Cassidy interviewing Keith Scott, then you’ll hear him speak of chemTrails and how we must fight back! Do Scott and Keenan honestly believe it is only Jews who are spraying us?! Those who would deceive us are comprised of ALL bloodlines, ALL religions and some are not of this Earth.]

That technology of theft and deception that has been exported from the United States through their promotion of this fraud as the paradigm of global finance is an obscenity that has set the seeds of its own destruction.

This has been compounded by the refusal of ordinary people to realize, know and understand that it is the duplicity of Governments and the deceit and endless greed of bankers that combined to simply fleece them like the apathetic sheep they are. Apathy and ignorance of the truth, creates belief in the lie. The truth is self-evident, but most people choose to neither hear it nor understand it. The debts of the Federal Reserve are the debts of a private corporation that is robbing the people of the United States.

The United States Dollar is a Federal Reserve Note and the obligations against the currency are the obligations of the Federal Reserve, not the people of the United States.

Understanding the History


14. In recent weeks we have come into possession of the books and records of the late President Soekarno, and all the codes and ledgers of the Global Accounts. The size of these accounts can be seen by reviewing the Collective Agreement between the Garuda Memorial Hilton Indonesia and the Green Memorial Hilton Geneva, established, structured and made operational between 1961 and final signature in 1972. Under this Agreement the assets of the international collateral combined were established and brought forward, then, within a short period of time misused to change the operating systems of banks.

15. Reviewing these books, we can now see that Banks set aside the notion of operating under the Charters they hold as banks, instead of being Banks they became like very poor casino operators and traders, selling what they do not own. The records in our possession, signed and registered by the receiving and managing commercial bank, show the underlying funds in numbers and amounts that stagger the imagination. The Green Hilton and Garuda Memorial Agreements demonstrate clearly the value of the global account system.

a) Gold and Platinum Deposits ran into millions of tons.

b) 1934 series Federal Reserve System Bonds, Notes issued in 1928 , Kennedy Bonds ran into Quadrillions of US Dollars, Dragon Bonds are all recorded and acknowledged within the Green Hilton and Memorial Hilton Collective Agreements. Both Assets in the form of Bullion surrendered to the Global Accounts through the United States Government and then entrusted to a private corporation, the Federal Reserve System.


With so many figures involved directly with both the Nazi and the Japanese treasures, such an event as the Lockheed bribery cannot be dismissed as mere happenstance. However, the intrigue does not stop there. Marcos, Kodama, and Singlaub were all members of the World Anti-Communist League, a right wing extremist group populated with known war criminals and fascists. Under the Reagan administration, the World Anti-Communist League was granted tax-exempt status. That raises the possibility that the World Anti-Communist League was being used as a front for the CIA. Moreover, the intrigue continues. Guyatt goes on to claim that a letter from Henry Kissinger was sent to Marcos on Trilateral notepaper. Kissinger demanded that Marcos sell “63,321 tons of gold to 2000 US and European banks admittedly controlled by the Trilateral.” The letter was dated February 21, 1986. Marcos refused and was overthrown as a result of his refusal. Imelda Marcos, however, chose to sell the gold to avoid criminal charges, and the gold was transferred aboard the US Eisenhower to the United States. 


guyatt kissinger nixon lansdale oss santy luzon pepsico dallas umbrella prouty cia philippines assassination mafia mongoose

Sterling and Peggy Seagrave Gold Warriors David Guyatt keenan v …

Mongoose had access to the CIA’s best “hit men” in the business and … friends at PEPSICO he could easily have gotten Nixon into Dallas, … was the intermediary in giving the assassination job to the Mafia. … … of the war loot recovered by Santy and Lansdale in Luzon.


The Americans viewed this money as a War prize, and every American president from Harry Truman to George W. Bush has used the slush funds for various purposes.

Truman, through a number of his top aides close to the Harrimans and the Rockefellers, set up the Black Eagle Trust Fund to fight communism.

General MacArthur set up the Yotsuya Fund to finance Japan’s yakuza underworld, and one of his aides set up the M-Fund to help reconstruct Japan and turn it into an economic powerhouse.

Eisenhower used the M-Fund to help create Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party in 1956, and in 1960, Vice President Richard Nixon turned over M-Fund over to Japan’s Prime Minister, Kishi Nobosuke, in return for kickbacks Nixon used to help finance his presidential campaign.

Carter, Reagan, Clinton and both Bushes were complicit, using Golden Lily slush fund money to buy elections in nations all around the world.

George W. got into the act in March 2001, sending Navy SEAL commandos to the Philippines to recover a portion of General Ya-mashita’s gold.

Bush was privately in the market to buy some of the bullion that was being recovered.

His representative was William S. Parish, his nominee as ambassador to Great Britain, and the manager of his blind trust.


Bulgarian Link in USD 1 T Lawsuit against ‘Global Financial Tyranny’

Crime | January 4, 2012, Wednesday

In February 2010 Keenan gathered several close business associates and friends for a routine meeting/luncheon in the VIP Room on the 5th floor at the Hilton Zurich. The guests included the Bulgarian nationals Vasil Ganov, Ognyan Marinov (a retired Intelligence officer), Nikolay Raykov, presented as a Canadian national, as well as German Walter Berens.

At one point, Dal Bosco, who presents himself as the Vatican’s’ banker, arranged to place a telephone call via speaker phone to a man whom he identified as Giancarlo Bruno. Bosco indicated to those present that the call was intended for Keenan’s ears only but that they could listen to the call. During the course of the call, the man who was identified as Bruno stated that he could arrange to “put USD 100 M into Keenan’s hands if Keenan agreed to it”.

In a private discussion with Bosco in a hallway outside the meeting room, Raykov expressed concern and doubt that the man whose voice was heard on the speaker phone was actually the important financial expert from the United States.

In the complaint Keenan claims that as the conspiracy continued to unfold, various high level officials repeatedly offered him a bribe of USD100 million to “release” the instruments without disclosing their theft to the Dragon family, and to allow the instruments to be converted to a so-called UN “Sovereign Program” wholly under the auspices, protection and umbrella of the sovereign immunity enjoyed by the defendants.



Surveillance of Dal Bosco in turn led to David Sale and Giancarlo Bruno of the Davos World Forum. According to one official involved in the … ”

I think the Keenan issue just started out with David Sale and Dal Bosco planning to steal the Bonds. There is no doubt in my mind that … ”


Keith Scott to Dr Dam ?

For Most Urgent Attention of Dr. Dam

Dear Ray,


Knowing Keenan was going after OITC, he colluded with Daniele Del Bosco who colluded with Gian Carlo Bruno, the overall plan being that … ”


If you listen to Kerry Cassidy interviewing Keith Scott, then you’ll hear him speak of chemTrails and how we must fight back! Remember, this is ALL about fighting evil deceivers & drying up their money supply.

05/02/2012 Wednesday – Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy’s very special guest was Keith Scott.


UPDATES 9 & 10 (in full)


Late to the Party As Usual

I’m a relative newcomer to this story, so each time I stumble upon something which I hope enlightens, I add an UPDATE. This is a real court case with a real judge, who apparently has insider ties to Obama. The resignation of former judge is highly suspect. IMO adding your energies to the many who are watching this case unfold is well worth your time. Rose


The ultimate defendants in this legal action are believed to be the same cabal behind the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy and many other major international crimes.

This particular lawsuit was triggered by the illegal detainment of two Japanese citizens, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe, as well as the seizure of $134.5 billion in bonds they were holding in Italy on June 3, 2009.

After the bonds were stolen, self-described 33rd degree Freemason Leo Zagami contacted this writer and said the Montecarlo P2 masonic lodge could cash the bonds with the help of Vatican banker Daniel Dal Bosco.

This writer forwarded the information, via a member of the UK Royal family, to the dragon family who entrusted a further $1 trillion worth of similar bonds to the plaintiff Neil Keenan.

Keenan then, after much negotiation, entrusted the bonds to Dal Bosco.

Dal Bosco subsequently absconded with the bonds and was followed 24-hours a day by various intelligence service agents to see what he would do with them.

The Dal Bosco trail led to the Davos World forum, the UN, the Italian government and the Vatican, among other places.

Following this, Keenan was approached by a who’s who of powerful figures including top Vatican officials, Wall Street bankers, European nobles and former US presidents, most offering him astronomical bribes to go away.

He was also poisoned with ricin and nearly killed.

Sun perturbed by Dark Star (Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis) ?


Rose Rosetta!/rosettasister!/blessedistruth


Picasa Web Albums – Sister Rosetta

Friend DragonFly Points to Dark Star


68 Responses to “Sterling and Peggy Seagrave Gold Warriors David Guyatt keenan v. bosco et al Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty 1954 UFO ET funding CIA use of stolen WWII Gold”

  1. rosettasister Says:


    Seagrave Gold Warriors David Guyatt keenan v bosco Secret #Bilderberg #Gold Treaty 1954 #UFO #ET #CIA stolen #WWII Gold

  2. rosettasister Says:

    05/18/2012 Friday – Sean brings you a Strange Universe of information and fun. Sean reports live from the Mt. Shasta Event.

    [audio src="" /]

    05/15/2012 Tuesday – Sean brings you a Strange Universe of information and fun.

    [audio src="" /]

    05/16/2012 Wednesday – Kerry’s very special guest tonight was Rebecca Jernigan.

    [audio src="" /]

    05/14/2012 Friday – Roxy’s special guest was Rosalind Peterson.

    [audio src="" /]

  3. rosettasister Says:

    [audio src="" /]

  4. rosettasister Says:

  5. rosettasister Says:


    I needed more information in order to be comfortable with posting these liens. Keenan’s top expert on Admiralty Law, Winston Shrout, agreed to take all my questions in an interview.

    I did my best to let the man speak, knowing that I could not possibly keep track of everything he was saying in real time. I look forward to reading the transcript and absorbing all this new information.

    The last third of the interview is where we hit a ‘stride’ where I felt fairly confident in being able to follow what he was telling me.

    Nonetheless, we have a massive new body of information now to sort through and consider.

    Here is the link to that interview. Simply download this ZIP file, open it and decide where you want your MP3s to go. It’s that simple.



    DW: What do you expect to get out of this?

    NK: Recognition, first of all. Everyone must recognize how they have worked.

    They kept the money amongst themselves, and have excluded everyone else — even the owners — from one cent of it for 60-plus years now.

    This is outright robbery. Now it is time to recover what belongs to others, and to look at the damage done to our own systems as well.

    Secondly, let’s repair what needs fixing if it is at all possible.

    Third, many humanitarian projects throughout the world will no longer be funneling into the pockets of private interests, but can actually do what they are intended to do.

    There is so much more to look at. It can go on forever.

  6. rosettasister Says:

  7. rosettasister Says:

    David Wilcock 5-1-12 ARREST WARRANTS Article…”MP3s of the Winston Shrout Interview” (small and easy to download)

  8. rosettasister Says:

    lansdale umbrella prouty bush “bay of pigs” yale dulles krulak kennedy burke bundy diem jcs cabell zapata b-26 cuba lemnitzer

  9. rosettasister Says:

    “umbrella group of eight anti-Castro organizations”

    Matrix for Assassination: The JFK Conspiracy – Google Books…
    Richard Gilbride – 2009 – History – 484 pages
    … views soon propelled him to the top of the United Organization for the Liberation of Cuba, a 40000-strong umbrella group of eight anti-Castro organizations.

    621 – 791 – He finally had to face the music for owning the .000-strong umbrella group of eight anti-Castro organizations. 128-130 “a small scar”: WC …

  10. rosettasister Says:

    Uploaded by blackopradio on Jan 26, 2012

    Len Osanic interviews David Ratcliffe to discuss his book “Understanding Special Operations” Book available at

  11. rosettasister Says:

    “Hard hat man” also appears in slides of the assassination taken by Phil Willis and Wilma Bond, showing him strolling down to the Umbrella Man and the radio …

  12. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 2

    “Hard hat man” also appears in slides of the assassination taken by Phil Willis and Wilma Bond, showing him strolling down to the Umbrella Man and the radio …

  13. rosettasister Says:

    One of the most inter­est­ing and impor­tant of the avenues of inves­ti­ga­tion opened by the Sea­graves in their remark­able book con­cerns the alleged use of Golden Lily loot to pre­cip­i­tate the rap­proche­ment between the US and China.

    The Sea­graves relate that (allegedly) some of the Philip­pines loot was used to shore up the fal­ter­ing econ­omy of the Peo­ples Repub­lic of China, staving off the pos­si­bil­ity of war with the US and lead­ing to Nixon’s China Mandate—the resump­tion of diplo­matic rela­tions between the US and China.

    “One deal said to have resulted is the so-called China Man­date.

    Our Mar­cos fam­ily source insists that in 1972 Pres­i­dent Nixon and Henry Kissinger made a secret deal with Pre­mier Chou En-lai to keep China out of con­flict with the United States over Tai­wan, in return for access to a large quan­tity of gold pro­vided by Mar­cos.

    We have not been able to con­firm the polit­i­cal details.

    How­ever, bank doc­u­ments that have sur­faced over the years clearly demon­strate that large quan­ti­ties of gold bul­lion were moved into Chi­nese main­land banks dur­ing this period, includ­ing bul­lion accounts in the names of Santa Romana, Fer­di­nand and Imelda Mar­cos, and other mem­bers of their fam­ily and cir­cle of rich cronies.

    Since all these peo­ple were loudly anti-communist, there is no plau­si­ble rea­son for them to trans­fer gold bul­lion to Chi­nese banks in the midst of the Cold War.

    For that rea­son alone, the story may well be true.”

  14. rosettasister Says:

    Click to access 001-20111123.pdf

    165. Dr. Soekanto has further agreed and has confirmed that he holds the “full secret Book of Codes (Maklumat Book) and Ledgers and all Records of the Accounts as delivered” to him and that, upon their request, he will “deliver or cause delivery of the originals of such books for presentment to any court determined to have such jurisdiction” and “for any other purpose” KEENAN may require or need the Books. KEENAN and others under his direction are
    presently in custody of certified copies of said Book of Codes (Maklumat Book) and Ledgers with the authorizations to use them when needed.

    166. These Books and Ledgers define the information that is held in the Federal Reserve screen system. They contain the secret code cyphers and data on legal decisions, treaties and other arrangements. Upon information and belief, they provide
    information pertaining to all the accounts and sub-accounts that contain the gold and other assets, as well as information pertaining to the financial instruments issued against the gold. Further, they specify and provide the factual information as to what is in the Global Accounts, such as who owns the gold and the source of its ownership. The protection and security of these Books is, therefore, of the utmost importance and central to the authentication and verification process.

  15. rosettasister Says:

    Background information on the problems with the global financial system

    By Neil Keenan and Keith Scott.

    The entire cause of the problem.

    The United States is a private corporation owned by the British Crown (Rothchilds), the Bank of England (Rothchilds) and the Vatican (Rothchilds again). It was previously called the Virginia Company until 3/9/33 when it was dissolved by Roosevelt under the Emergency Banking Act. On 5/5/33 Congress elected to dissolve the Gold Standard and Sovereign Authority of the U.S. and all of its official capacities including government offices, departments and officers. The U.S. is a corporation, not a nation. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor a Reserve. It is a private counterfeiting organization run by Jewish bankers who lend the money they print out of thin air at interest while we keep on paying these criminals to fleece the People.

    That technology of theft and deception that has been exported from the United States through their promotion of this fraud as the paradigm of global finance is an obscenity that has set the seeds of its own destruction.

    This has been compounded by the refusal of ordinary people to realize, know and understand that it is the duplicity of Governments and the deceit and endless greed of bankers that combined to simply fleece them like the apathetic sheep they are. Apathy and ignorance of the truth, creates belief in the lie. The truth is self-evident, but most people choose to neither hear it nor understand it. The debts of the Federal Reserve are the debts of a private corporation that is robbing the people of the United States.

    The United States Dollar is a Federal Reserve Note and the obligations against the currency are the obligations of the Federal Reserve, not the people of the United States.

    Understanding the History


    14. In recent weeks we have come into possession of the books and records of the late President Soekarno, and all the codes and ledgers of the Global Accounts. The size of these accounts can be seen by reviewing the Collective Agreement between the Garuda Memorial Hilton Indonesia and the Green Memorial Hilton Geneva, established, structured and made operational between 1961 and final signature in 1972. Under this Agreement the assets of the international collateral combined were established and brought forward, then, within a short period of time misused to change the operating systems of banks.

    15. Reviewing these books, we can now see that Banks set aside the notion of operating under the Charters they hold as banks, instead of being Banks they became like very poor casino operators and traders, selling what they do not own. The records in our possession, signed and registered by the receiving and managing commercial bank, show the underlying funds in numbers and amounts that stagger the imagination. The Green Hilton and Garuda Memorial Agreements demonstrate clearly the value of the global account system.

    a) Gold and Platinum Deposits ran into millions of tons.

    b) 1934 series Federal Reserve System Bonds, Notes issued in 1928 , Kennedy Bonds ran into Quadrillions of US Dollars, Dragon Bonds are all recorded and acknowledged within the Green Hilton and Memorial Hilton Collective Agreements. Both Assets in the form of Bullion surrendered to the Global Accounts through the United States Government and then entrusted to a private corporation, the Federal Reserve System.

  16. rosettasister Says:

    [Me: “a private counterfeiting organization run by Jewish bankers” – This is unfortunate. Surely not ALL of these criminals are Jewish. If you listen to Kerry Cassidy interviewing Keith Scott, then you’ll hear him speak of chemTrails and how we must fight back! Do Scott and Keenan honestly believe it is only Jews who are spraying us?! Those who would deceive us are comprised of ALL bloodlines, ALL religions and some are not of this Earth.]

  17. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 5

    With so many figures involved directly with both the Nazi and the Japanese treasures, such an event as the Lockheed bribery cannot be dismissed as mere happenstance. However, the intrigue does not stop there. Marcos, Kodama, and Singlaub were all members of the World Anti-Communist League, a right wing extremist group populated with known war criminals and fascists. Under the Reagan administration, the World Anti-Communist League was granted tax-exempt status. That raises the possibility that the World Anti-Communist League was being used as a front for the CIA. Moreover, the intrigue continues. Guyatt goes on to claim that a letter from Henry Kissinger was sent to Marcos on Trilateral notepaper. Kissinger demanded that Marcos sell “63,321 tons of gold to 2000 US and European banks admittedly controlled by the Trilateral.” The letter was dated February 21, 1986. Marcos refused and was overthrown as a result of his refusal. Imelda Marcos, however, chose to sell the gold to avoid criminal charges, and the gold was transferred aboard the US Eisenhower to the United States.

  18. rosettasister Says:

    guyatt kissinger nixon lansdale oss santy luzon pepsico dallas umbrella prouty cia philippines assassination mafia mongoose

    Sterling and Peggy Seagrave Gold Warriors David Guyatt keenan v …

    Sterling and Peggy Seagrave Gold Warriors David Guyatt keenan v. bosco et al Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty 1954 UFO ET funding CIA use of stolen WWII Gold

    Mongoose had access to the CIA’s best “hit men” in the business and … friends at PEPSICO he could easily have gotten Nixon into Dallas, … was the intermediary in giving the assassination job to the Mafia. … … of the war loot recovered by Santy and Lansdale in Luzon.

  19. rosettasister Says:


    #kissinger #nixon #lansdale #oss #luzon #pepsico #dallas #prouty #cia #philippines #assassination #mafia #mongoose Au

  20. rosettasister Says:

    I’ve added several updates. Thanks for your time. Sister Rose


    #kissinger #nixon #lansdale #oss #luzon #pepsico #dallas #prouty #cia #philippines #assassination #mafia #mongoose Au

  21. rosettasister Says:

    “It’s a very, very interesting subject. I wish I could answer it. I don’t know how to answer it. I’m sure the picture is Lansdale; others are sure it’s Lansdale, and I have”

  22. rosettasister Says:

    Click to access review_gw_mp.pdf

    According to the Seagraves, as late as March 2001-in the early weeks of the newly-minted George W. Bush
    administration, associates of the Bush family were evidently deeply involved in the treasure-hunting and in efforts to profit
    from the sale and transfer of the recovered treasure. And what is of particular note is that, so say the Seagraves, two U.S.
    Navy ships were being utilized in the effort.

  23. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 7

    Click to access review_gw_dv.pdf

    The Americans viewed this money as a War prize, and every American president from Harry Truman to George W. Bush
    has used the slush funds for various purposes.

    Truman, through a number of his top aides close to the Harrimans and the Rockefellers, set up the Black Eagle Trust Fund to fight communism.

    General MacArthur set up the Yotsuya Fund to finance Japan’s yakuza underworld, and one of his aides set up the M-Fund to help reconstruct Japan and turn it into an economic powerhouse.

    Eisenhower used the M-Fund to help create Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party in 1956, and in 1960, Vice President Richard Nixon turned over M-Fund over to Japan’s Prime Minister, Kishi Nobosuke, in return for kickbacks Nixon used to help finance his presidential campaign.

    Carter, Reagan, Clinton and both Bushes were complicit,
    using Golden Lily slush fund money to buy elections in nations all around the world.

    George W. got into the act in March 2001, sending Navy SEAL commandos to the Philippines to recover a portion of General Ya-mashita’s gold.

    Bush was privately in the market to buy some of the bullion that was being recovered.

    His representative was William S. Parish, his nominee as ambassador to Great Britain, and the manager of his blind trust.

  24. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 8

    Bulgarian Link in USD 1 T Lawsuit against ‘Global Financial Tyranny’

    Crime | January 4, 2012, Wednesday

    Bulgarian nationals have been involved in what has been touted as the unraveling of a shocking global scheme for stealing USD 1 trillion, a federal complaint filed in November last year shows.

    The plaintiff Neil Keenan, who claims to shed light on the depth and breadth of control of the global economy by an elite and powerful group of people, mentions the names of a few Bulgarians and dedicates to them about ten pages in his complaint.

    In the 111-page federal complaint the plaintiff claims he was entrusted in 2009 with the financial instruments – which included U.S. Federal Reserve notes worth 4.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of billion, and one U.S. “Kennedy” bond with a face value of billion – by an entity called the Dragon Family, which is a group of several wealthy and secretive Asian families.

    In February 2010 Keenan gathered several close business associates and friends for a routine meeting/luncheon in the VIP Room on the 5th floor at the Hilton Zurich. The guests included the Bulgarian nationals Vasil Ganov, Ognyan Marinov (a retired Intelligence officer), Nikolay Raykov, presented as a Canadian national, as well as German Walter Berens.

    At one point, Dal Bosco, who presents himself as the Vatican’s’ banker, arranged to place a telephone call via speaker phone to a man whom he identified as Giancarlo Bruno. Bosco indicated to those present that the call was intended for Keenan’s ears only but that they could listen to the call. During the course of the call, the man who was identified as Bruno stated that he could arrange to “put USD 100 M into Keenan’s hands if Keenan agreed to it”.

    In a private discussion with Bosco in a hallway outside the meeting room, Raykov expressed concern and doubt that the man whose voice was heard on the speaker phone was actually the important financial expert from the United States.

    In the complaint Keenan claims that as the conspiracy continued to unfold, various high level officials repeatedly offered him a bribe of USD100 million to “release” the instruments without disclosing their theft to the Dragon family, and to allow the instruments to be converted to a so-called UN “Sovereign Program” wholly under the auspices, protection and umbrella of the sovereign immunity enjoyed by the defendants.

    Neil Keenan claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Italian government and other prestigious institution conspired with a host of others to steal more than USD 1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.

    Tags: Giancarlo Bruno, Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, American, Bulgaria, Neil Keenan, United Nations, World Economic Forum, Italian government, Dragon Family, UN, General Secretary, Ban Ki-moon, Ognyan Marinov, Vasil Ganov, Nikolay Raykov, Dal Bosco

  25. rosettasister Says:

    Keenan v. Bosco Et Al – Dragon-docket

    NOTICE OF CASE REASSIGNMENT to Judge Jesse M. Furman. Judge Richard J. Holwell is no longer assigned to the case.

  26. rosettasister Says:

  27. rosettasister Says:

  28. rosettasister Says:

    The Spratly Islands Dispute: Order-Building on China’s terms …

    Aug 18, 2011 – Both China and Vietnam have recently been building more structures, including armed bunkers, on some of the islands they occupy. Because …

  29. rosettasister Says:

    District Judge Jesse M. Furman 2012 Barack Obama

    4 Richard Holwell Resignation February 7, 2012 N/A N/A

  30. rosettasister Says:

    So Much for Yes We Can — No He Can’t Change

    Keenan v Bosco Judge Is Obama Economic Advisor Brother


    District Judge Jesse M. Furman 2012 Barack Obama

    4 Richard Holwell Resignation February 7, 2012 N/A N/A


    UPDATE 7

    Click to access review_gw_dv.pdf

    The Americans viewed this money as a War prize, and every American president from Harry Truman to George W. Bush
    has used the slush funds for various purposes.

    Truman, through a number of his top aides close to the Harrimans and the Rockefellers, set up the Black Eagle Trust Fund to fight communism.

    General MacArthur set up the Yotsuya Fund to finance Japan’s yakuza underworld, and one of his aides set up the M-Fund to help reconstruct Japan and turn it into an economic powerhouse.

    Eisenhower used the M-Fund to help create Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party in 1956, and in 1960, Vice President Richard Nixon turned over M-Fund over to Japan’s Prime Minister, Kishi Nobosuke, in return for kickbacks Nixon used to help finance his presidential campaign.

    Carter, Reagan, Clinton and both Bushes were complicit,
    using Golden Lily slush fund money to buy elections in nations all around the world.

    George W. got into the act in March 2001, sending Navy SEAL commandos to the Philippines to recover a portion of General Ya-mashita’s gold.

    Bush was privately in the market to buy some of the bullion that was being recovered.

    His representative was William S. Parish, his nominee as ambassador to Great Britain, and the manager of his blind trust.


    UPDATE 8

    Bulgarian Link in USD 1 T Lawsuit against ‘Global Financial Tyranny’

    Crime | January 4, 2012, Wednesday

    Bulgarian nationals have been involved in what has been touted as the unraveling of a shocking global scheme for stealing USD 1 trillion, a federal complaint filed in November last year shows.

    The plaintiff Neil Keenan, who claims to shed light on the depth and breadth of control of the global economy by an elite and powerful group of people, mentions the names of a few Bulgarians and dedicates to them about ten pages in his complaint.

    In the 111-page federal complaint the plaintiff claims he was entrusted in 2009 with the financial instruments – which included U.S. Federal Reserve notes worth 4.5 billion, two Japanese government bonds with a combined face value of billion, and one U.S. “Kennedy” bond with a face value of billion – by an entity called the Dragon Family, which is a group of several wealthy and secretive Asian families.

    In February 2010 Keenan gathered several close business associates and friends for a routine meeting/luncheon in the VIP Room on the 5th floor at the Hilton Zurich. The guests included the Bulgarian nationals Vasil Ganov, Ognyan Marinov (a retired Intelligence officer), Nikolay Raykov, presented as a Canadian national, as well as German Walter Berens.

    At one point, Dal Bosco, who presents himself as the Vatican’s’ banker, arranged to place a telephone call via speaker phone to a man whom he identified as Giancarlo Bruno. Bosco indicated to those present that the call was intended for Keenan’s ears only but that they could listen to the call. During the course of the call, the man who was identified as Bruno stated that he could arrange to “put USD 100 M into Keenan’s hands if Keenan agreed to it”.

    In a private discussion with Bosco in a hallway outside the meeting room, Raykov expressed concern and doubt that the man whose voice was heard on the speaker phone was actually the important financial expert from the United States.

    In the complaint Keenan claims that as the conspiracy continued to unfold, various high level officials repeatedly offered him a bribe of USD100 million to “release” the instruments without disclosing their theft to the Dragon family, and to allow the instruments to be converted to a so-called UN “Sovereign Program” wholly under the auspices, protection and umbrella of the sovereign immunity enjoyed by the defendants.

    Neil Keenan claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Italian government and other prestigious institution conspired with a host of others to steal more than USD 1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.

    Tags: Giancarlo Bruno, Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, American, Bulgaria, Neil Keenan, United Nations, World Economic Forum, Italian government, Dragon Family, UN, General Secretary, Ban Ki-moon, Ognyan Marinov, Vasil Ganov, Nikolay Raykov, Dal Bosco


    Please see also:

    Sterling and Peggy Seagrave Gold Warriors David Guyatt keenan v. bosco et al Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty 1954 UFO ET funding CIA use of stolen WWII Gold

    [Me: I keep adding UPDATES to this blog post. I see a Part Two coming.]

  31. rosettasister Says:

    Keenan v Bosco Judge Is Obama Economic Advisor Brother

  32. rosettasister Says:


    Keenan v Bosco Judge Obama Economic Advisor Brother #tcot #tpot #teaparty #greta #barackobama #mittromney #jfk #nwo #Au

  33. rosettasister Says:

    Contact Information

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  34. rosettasister Says:

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  35. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 9


    A long awaited lawsuit involving a multi-trillion dollar theft is going to be a trigger mechanism that will result in the arrest of at least 750 prominent European and US citizens, according to a senior CIA source. According to the 187 page lawsuit’s RICO (organized crime) indictment, Daniel Dal Bosco, Giancarlo Bruno of the Davos World Forum, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and others will be charged with the theft of trillions of dollars from several Asian royal families as well as from the German, Austrian and Japanese governments. The money was going to be used to set up a fascist world government controlled by a group of Plutocrats involved in the Davos World Forum, according to the indictment. Over 8 different government agencies worldwide have been involved in the investigation, according to law-enforcement officials in Europe, the US and Japan.

    The case briefly entered the public arena in June, 2009 when two Japanese citizens carrying diplomatic passports were illegally detained by Italian Treasury police who seized $134.5 billion worth of financial instruments they were carrying. Following that theft, the Italian Freemason P2 Lodge contacted this writer promising they would cash these bonds for the owners so they could be used for humanitarian purposes. This writer introduced them to a member of the British Royal Family who in turn introduced them to a Mr. Neil Keenan. The P2 Lodge then introduced him to what they described as a Vatican banker by the name of Daniel Dal Bosco. Keenan then asked Dal Bosco to cash an additional $1 trillion in financial instruments. However, instead of cashing the bonds or “putting them into a program,” on behalf of the owners, Dal Bosco stole the bonds. Surveillance of Dal Bosco in turn led to David Sale and Giancarlo Bruno of the Davos World Forum.

    According to one official involved in the case:

    “I think the Keenan issue just started out with David Sale and Dal Bosco planning to steal the Bonds. There is no doubt in my mind that Giancarlo Bruno was eventually the person who planned everything. First they tried to scare Keenan off. That did not work, so they tried to buy him off. That has not worked either and Dal Bosco, and Sale are now on the run and Bruno will surely be trying to cover his tracks, but frankly, I think Keenan has too much on all of them.”

    According to Keenan criminal charges have already been filed against David Sale who is now on the run from authorities.

    More from the same source, who is close to R.C. Dam, the head of an organization known as the International Office of Treasury Control:

    “Bruno was the one who arranged for the Bonds to be placed into a Sovereign Program through the United Nations, all the evidence Neil Keenan now has clearly points to this. Sale and Dal Bosco did not have the contacts to people like Ban Ki Moon and they do not have the brains needed to plan this out, so it seems to me that they were just lackeys in the overall plan set up by Bruno and apparently organized and constructed by him.

    Then, not satisfied with a trillion dollar heist, they planned to place the blame for the loss of the Bonds on Dr. Dam who is the signatory of the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts and then have him removed as controller of those accounts and bring the accounts under the control of the World Economic Forum, possibly with Bruno as signatory or Sale as a puppet signatory. Both Keenan and I

    believe they planned to have Dr, Dam murdered and it was Keenan who contacted high level people in the United States that brought all that to an end.

    Bruno had Sale send out letters to all Asian countries, sworn by Sale and attested to by David Crayford (Whistleblower) to say that I was a criminal claiming to be an officer of OITC and that I had resigned from OITC in 2008 (which is a lie and which they know is a lie) and that I was trying to cheat people in those countries and indeed, I was trying to cheat the Government itself. They also wrote to newspapers making similar claims. This was intended to eliminate me from blocking Sale from taking control of OITC and moving it under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum.”

    For those us, including this writer, who are unfamiliar with the esoteric world of high finance, I will quote more from this source who has been vetted as reliable by sources in both MI6 and the CIA:

    “Let me explain how the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts (IPRA) work. There are many account holders who are in fact the holders of nationalized assets. These accounts are owned by the Holders and they hold vast amounts of funds and assets from cash, securities such as mortgages etc., gold, silver, nickel, copper, diamonds etc. etc. These account holders include the Dragon Family, the Soekarno accounts in many names, the Marcos accounts in many names, and the nations that own these assets irrevocably contributed them into the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts in the Bank for International Settlements. So the money sits in the accounts of the Holders who are actually only Trustees of the accounts, no matter how much they wish to claim ownership of the value. The Bonds represent the value of the accounts, but the value is owned by the IPRA. From that Value, the Family Heritance Guarantee belongs to the Trustee/Holder and the Bonds he holds are the proof of that entitlement. To remove those Bonds from the Holder is a denial of his lawful rights and therefore is an act of theft.

    To understand the IPRA, one must understand that the United States Dollar is not a United States of America Dollar. The US$ is a Federal Reserve Note and that Federal Reserve Note is the Global currency and is therefore beyond the capacity of the United States of America taxpayer to sustain. All Governments contribute their overbalance accounts into the International Collateral Combined and this in turn underpins the US$. The International Collateral Combined forms the IPRA. The United States of America domestic taxpayer is not the sole underwriter of the currency, the primary underwriter being the IPRA. To ensure proper management of these accounts, a sole arbiter is the means decided in 1930 as the most appropriate and therefore, after the term of the Tripartite Gold Commission would expire, provision was made in 1930 for the establishment of a sole arbiter who is the signatory of the accounts. That signatory is Dr. Ray C. Dam. Like a finance minister who owns a national bank, these accounts assume Dr. Dam is the owner, but this is clearly understood that this ownership is actually a trust position as it is executed under legal decadency to the heir. (a legal construction)

    In order to legally utilize that account, and please take note that I said “Legally” use it, the proper procedure is to do so on approval of the Sole Arbiter who is the account signatory. This process has been side stepped by collusion between banks and their regulators and Governments and the United Nations since 1996 (when the Tripartite Gold Commission was wound up), that in turn has allowed the illegal use of the assets in order to avoid payments back to the Holders. In other words there is an established order, but because of the illegal use of the assets, the rights of the Holders are abused and and in doing so, the banks trapped themselves into a situation that because their use of the assets was illegal they themselves had to cover positions they had taken by mirroring institutional accounts as their own. They could not call the underwriting funds as they had no legal right to access those funds because they had bypassed the proper system and so many of them went belly up.

    It is very easy to see what happened. Dal Bosco simply stole the Bonds, then looked around to see what he could do with them. He went to Bruno and to Berlusconi (according to my understanding, both members of the P2 Lodge) I think it was Berlusconi who brought in Bruno and from thereon it is clear from the irrefutable evidence that Keenan has, that Bruno became the mastermind. Sale supported them because underneath all his public praises of Dr. Dam, Sale actually despises him as he considers Dr. Dam to be a lesser man than he. Sale would have also seen the possibility and would have been assured by Bruno that he would become the new Treasury Controller, and so became complicit in the whole sorry affair. The matter went from stealing Hundreds of Billions in Bonds to furtively and through whatever foul means, including murder, take control of the hundreds of Trillions in the IPRA accounts. The planner was Bruno and he had the approval and support of Ban Ki Moon and others and would execute these crimes under the immunity banner of the United Nations.

    Sale forged Dr. Dam’s signature on papers and provided these forged papers to Dal Bosco and Bruno. They then used other manufactured papers to incriminate Dr. Dam and have him arrested, then segregated into a separate area where both Keenan and I understood from conversations we are aware of involving Sale, Bruno and Dal Bosco, that Dr. Dam would be killed. It was Keenan who saved Dr. Dam’s life. We know Sale was also an instigator in the proposed killing of Dr. Dam as he was with Bruno when Bruno boasted that Dam would never leave jail alive. After Keenan’s intervention through US authorities, Dr. Dam was removed from jail and is now under the protection of Cambodia’s Prime Minister. The Cambodian police now know that the reasons Dam was arrested were based on effecting a coup against him, that they were lied to and misled by Sale and are now looking for him as are the Thai Police. If the Cambodian Police get Sale, then even I would feel sorry for him, as they are not well known for being gentle with crooks, especially those who have used the police wrongly.

    I am supporting Keenan’s actions. He was wronged and cheated by Sale and others. In my view, Keenan’s dogged efforts to correct wrongs has done OITC a great service. Keenan is not a scattergun hitting everyone in range, but he has targeted accurately those who are responsible.” End of quote

  36. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 10

    Keith Scott to Dr Dam ?

    For Most Urgent Attention of Dr. Dam

    Dear Ray,

    Firstly I am hoping you are OK. I know you have been badly mistreated and I worry all the time about you. I have been working for some time trying to head this problem off. I cannot do anything about the ARP-OITC situation as whatever it is, as you know, I know nothing about it. I also hope that the boys have managed to get my communications with Keenan to you

    What triggered everything was David Sale. Knowing Keenan was going after OITC, he colluded with Daniele Del Bosco who colluded with Gian Carlo Bruno, the overall plan being that they would steal the Bonds entrusted to Keenan and then blame you. In doing so we believe Sale forged papers with your signature on it and used this in giving Del Bosco the excuse he needed to run with the bonds he was holding for Keenan. Dal Bosco feigned fear to Keenan but it was never fear, it was a well thought out plan between Dal Bosco, Bruno and Sale. At that time they were after only Keenan’s bonds but when they saw Keenan fighting OITC and causing many problems their idea became more grandiose that being OITC as well.

    It was Keenan who forwarded some of the information to the Cambodian Police that Sale sent to him relating to the business in ARP-OITC and explained to Keenan how he could nail you through this. Sale also verified and substantiated that information and has been telling the Cambodian Police and newspapers everything he can to bury you. Also Sale did everything possible to make sure Keenan received the information sent information to Dal Bosco, who recruited Bruno, and they managed to find ways to get Keenan all the information necessary to wreak havoc.

    I have sent Jorge a letter from Keenan that confirms these facts to me. Sale hates you more than he hates me.
    Since around October 2009, Bruno, Del Bosco and Sale have been planning to steal Keenan’s bonds. From July/August OITC also became a target to bring under the World Economic Forum. This is confirmed by recent postings by David Sale on the internet where he repudiates all appointments made by yourself prior to December 21, 2010.

    I have sent you Keenan’s letter to me. I have been working carefully to get him to back off on the RICO charges he was filing against you. This is not a light matter as it involves people in very high places, It involves the horrific murder of Joe Bendana, it involves the theft of 140 Billion Dollars in Bonds.

    Behind it all is that worthless, treacherous sack of shit, David Sale.

    I have established a good relationship with Keenan, who after hearing everything realizes you did not know what Sale was doing and that any knowledge you had was after the fact. I will stay on track with Keenan because if I do not, this RICO thing is going to bury you forever. Keenan has agreed to accept that you had no idea what Sale was really doing and that it was Sale, Bruno and Del Bosco that set you up. But I need to prove that you did not know. My working with Keenan has headed off even worse problems than you have now, because if you go down in the US system there is no way to get you out. If we can keep this a strictly local affair as far as you are concerned, we can eventually get you out and Keenan is a decent guy and now has some pity for you and will help me with that. He does not forgive you for allowing Sale to do what he did and then not putting matters right. But he realizes as I do that you were not involved in the scamming by Sale, because you were the real target and would only have known what Sale wanted you to know.

    We can nail Sale with your confirmation that you did not sign or issue any Cease and Desist to Neil Keenan. With this we can block all his treachery and lying and bring him to account, but we need to do it before he leaves Thailand as it is the Thai authorities who can arrest and detain him. The authorities have told Keenan that Sale is planning on taking over the OITC and moving his address to Europe thereby working with Bruno, Dal Bosco and others under the World Economic Forum’s umbrella.

    I have prepared a letter for you to sign, and this letter merely confirms that you did not have any idea what Sale was planning prior to the theft of the Bonds and that you did not issue any Cease and Desist letter to Keenan, and you did not sign any such letter.

    I want to nail Sale for his treachery and for what he has done to you. If I have this letter, it will become the evidence that not only helps us to nail Sale, but it also gets you out of a whollot of problems you do not need now.

    I have told Keenan that I will do nothing against you and I will also do whatever I need to do to help you. I need you to sign and have your attorneys witness the accompanying letter. This is the only way Sale can be stopped.

    Please keep well. I am working hard to do all I can to help.

    Always remember the prophecy.

    Love and regards,

  37. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 9


    “Surveillance of Dal Bosco in turn led to David Sale and Giancarlo Bruno of the Davos World Forum. According to one official involved in the … ”

    “I think the Keenan issue just started out with David Sale and Dal Bosco planning to steal the Bonds. There is no doubt in my mind that … ”

    UPDATE 10

    Keith Scott to Dr Dam ?

    For Most Urgent Attention of Dr. Dam

    Dear Ray,


    “Knowing Keenan was going after OITC, he colluded with Daniele Del Bosco who colluded with Gian Carlo Bruno, the overall plan being that … ”


    If you listen to Kerry Cassidy interviewing Keith Scott, then you’ll hear him speak of chemTrails and how we must fight back! Remember, this is ALL about fighting evil deceivers & drying up their money supply.

    05/02/2012 Wednesday – Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy’s very special guest was Keith Scott.

    [audio src="" /]

  38. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 9


    “Surveillance of Dal Bosco in turn led to David Sale and Giancarlo Bruno of the Davos World Forum. According to one official involved in the … ”

    “I think the Keenan issue just started out with David Sale and Dal Bosco planning to steal the Bonds. There is no doubt in my mind that … ”

    UPDATE 10

    Keith Scott to Dr Dam ?

    For Most Urgent Attention of Dr. Dam

    Dear Ray,


    “Knowing Keenan was going after OITC, he colluded with Daniele Del Bosco who colluded with Gian Carlo Bruno, the overall plan being that … ”


    If you listen to Kerry Cassidy interviewing Keith Scott, then you’ll hear him speak of chemTrails and how we must fight back! Remember, this is ALL about fighting evil deceivers & drying up their money supply.

    05/02/2012 Wednesday – Project Camelot Kerry Cassidy’s very special guest was Keith Scott.

    [audio src="" /]


    UPDATES 9 & 10 (in full)


    Late to the Party As Usual

    I’m a relative newcomer to this story, so each time I stumble upon something which I hope enlightens, I add an UPDATE. This is a real court case with a real judge, who apparently has insider ties to Obama. The resignation of former judge is highly suspect. IMO adding your energies to the many who are watching this case unfold is well worth your time. Rose

  39. rosettasister Says:


    keenan v bosco Resignation former judge highly suspect #tcot #tpot #teaparty #greta #barackobama #mittromney #jfk #nwo

  40. rosettasister Says:

    Benevolent or Malevolent ?

    Dear Benjamin,

    I talked to Daniele a couple of times and I am under the impression there is no intention from the elite to reform the present monetary sistem just like you said and like I told you last year over and over again in Japan.

    But dear Benjamin im also sure that this person called Neil is a disinfo agent regarding the info he is giving you about Dal Bosco who is definetely not involved to my knowledge in such a scam or any illegal activity.

    In any case Im not involved and I wish to stay out of it because me and my associates are busy with much more serious issues at the moment,

    we are preparing for civil unrest,global chaos and war and we dont believe is possible to save the present civilization with the reform of the monetary sistem or any other reform

    but we believe in laying the foundations of a new Empire FREE OF THE VATICAN SATAN that we will destroy with the help of our Cosmic Brothers


    in the end of times coming up soon.

    We are dealing for a long time in secret with these beings from other parts of the universe arriving to us through dimensional portals only known to the Secret Chiefs,we are dealing with the ones who are not working with the Jesuits of course the Angelic realm.


    You are free to believe this or not dear Benjamin but you should come and visit the reincarnation of Elia the Prophet inside the body of Giorgio Bongiovanni the stigmatized guy who is currentely heading the Cosmic Brotherhood we started in Sicily many years ago with Eugenio Siracusa.

    Last year in the mountains of Switzerland some key members of the Swiss illuminati including Daniele Dal Bosco met with the Alien beings near the town of Stein

    to seal the deal that will destroy the papacy and instal the Kingdom of the Space Gods under the One God

    I hope we can now introduce you to some more serious topics then the rubbish of this guy called Neil who is a slave of the system

    a puppet who thinks he can go after people who are protected at the highest level

    but as I told you earlier I dont want to be involved

    but if you want I can finaly introduce you to the real illuminati who are getting rea


    dy for 2013 when the sistem will finaly crack under the preSsure of the solar storm combined with civil unrest,famine,pestilence and war.


    Regards yours,


    Leo Lyon Zagami 33o AASR


    The Grand Master of the OIU

    [My interpretation — This Zagami character & others like him, incl those who spray us w chemTrails — have aligned themselves w Malevolents, have chosen poorly.]

  41. rosettasister Says:

    UPDATE 11

    The ultimate defendants in this legal action are believed to be the same cabal behind the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy and many other major international crimes.

    This particular lawsuit was triggered by the illegal detainment of two Japanese citizens, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe, as well as the seizure of $134.5 billion in bonds they were holding in Italy on June 3, 2009.

    After the bonds were stolen, self-described 33rd degree Freemason Leo Zagami contacted this writer and said the Montecarlo P2 masonic lodge could cash the bonds with the help of Vatican banker Daniel Dal Bosco.

    This writer forwarded the information, via a member of the UK Royal family, to the dragon family who entrusted a further $1 trillion worth of similar bonds to the plaintiff Neil Keenan.

    Keenan then, after much negotiation, entrusted the bonds to Dal Bosco.

    Dal Bosco subsequently absconded with the bonds and was followed 24-hours a day by various intelligence service agents to see what he would do with them.

    The Dal Bosco trail led to the Davos World forum, the UN, the Italian government and the Vatican, among other places.

    Following this, Keenan was approached by a who’s who of powerful figures including top Vatican officials, Wall Street bankers, European nobles and former US presidents, most offering him astronomical bribes to go away.

    He was also poisoned with ricin and nearly killed.

  42. rosettasister Says:

    ginger sazely wash dc

  43. rosettasister Says:



  44. rosettasister Says:

    Ginger Savely, DNP

    Washington, DC
    Certified Family Nurse Practitioner with a Doctorate in Nursing Practice. Dr. Savely has medically managed over 300 Morgellons patients in her medical practice.
    Topic: “Examining the Morgellons Patient”

  45. rosettasister Says:

    List of Clinics in the United States
    Offering Alternative Therapies


    BioImmune (formerly Arnold Takemoto, President (888) 663-8844 or (480) 778-1618. They really aren’t a clinic, but they provide protocols to use at home. They can also recommend clinics that are using their protocols. We have heard they have a good protocol for leukemia.

    The First Resort in Green Valley, AZ is run by Bryan McConnell, ND. It is mostly a general practice, but he does treat cancer using a variety of approaches. He uses IV vit C, IPT, diet, exercise, colon hydrotherapy, detox, cleansing, chelation, EDTA, trained in Gerson and other diet programs, juicing, classical homeopathy, darkfield microscope, hoxsey, essiac, bio-oxidative therapies, constitutional hydrotherapy, hydrazine sulfate, Poly MVA for cancer cytotoxic action, DMSO, and dry sauna similar to Hubbard protocol. Call 877- 399-9212 or 520 399-9212.

    Integrative Health Care, PC, in Scottsdale AZ, is run by Alan Christianson, ND treats almost any type of cancer, even later stage cancers. They use metabolic therapies for those not undergoing conventional care. For those doing conventional treatments, they use intravenous nutrition and botanical meds to prevent side effects and help efficacy of chemo/radiation. Call (480) 657-0003 or go to their website at


    New Hope Medical Center in Scottsdale uses alternative methods to treat immune deficient illnesses such as cancer. Dr. Fredda Branyon, Director, and Dr. Mario Galaburri, NMD, agree that a physician should never just treat the symptoms of the illness, but treat the individual as a whole. Dr. Ronald Peters, MD, MPH, has also joined the New Hope team, reinforcing New Hope Medical Center’s commitment to offer its patients an aggressive, non-invasive approach to the treatment of cancer and other auto-immune diseases. Dr. Peters has 15 years of experience in integrative medicine and nutritional biochemistry, with special emphasis in the treatment and prevention of chronic disease. Phone (480) 556-0182, toll free: (888) 518-7788, or go to their website at

    Dr. Michael Uzik, ND. works with Arizona Naturopathic Physicians in Tucson AZ treats a wide range of conditions, including HIV, cancer, MS, chrones, etc. using nutritional IVs, mistletoe, ambrozile (oleander), copper reduction therapy for anti-angiogenesis, chelation, diet, herbs, heavy metal detox, etc. He is also an ND for Southern AZ AIDS Foundation. He only sees patients if they are under the care of an oncologist. 520-546-2321.

    Dr. Joe Brown, Naturopathic Doctor, Natural Health Medical Centers 2055 E. Southern Ave., Suite B, Tempe, Arizona 85282, (602) 421-2613

  46. rosettasister Says:

    Contact Murray Susser, MD

    (310) 479-8909 [Los Angeles]
    (480) 240-2600 [Scottsdale]


    (310) 479-8916 [Los Angeles]


    2211 Corinth Avenue
    Suite 204
    Los Angeles, CA 90064

    Additional Location:

    9328 Raintree Drive
    Scottsdale, AZ 85260

  47. rosettasister Says:

    New Scientific Study Provides Evidence that Morgellons is a Physical Illness

    Scientists Find Connection between Infectious Disease afflicting Cattle and Humans

    AUSTIN, Texas (May 16, 2012)

    The controversial illness known as Morgellons disease has a physiologic basis, according to a new research report, Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study published in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research.

    Corresponding author:

    Raphael B. Stricker, MD
    450 Sutter Street, Suite 1504
    San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
    Tel: (415)399-1035
    Fax: (415) 399-1057

  48. rosettasister Says:

  49. rosettasister Says:

  50. rosettasister Says:

    May 16, 2012

    FBI Agent Fleeing Massive Manhunt Warns “They’re All Insane”

    A bizarre Foreign Ministry report circulating in the Kremlin today states that this Friday past (11 May) Russian Envoy Vladimir Vinokurov, the Consulate General of San Francisco, was approached near his hotel room during a visit to Los Angles by an agent of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) indentifying himself as Stephen Ivens [photo top left] who warned that he and a former FBI agent named Donald Sachtleben had uncovered evidence of an impending terror attack on US soil stating that those behind the attack were “all insane.”

    Before Ivens was able to finish his “message,” this report says, the three American Diplomatic Security (DS) agents, who trail all Russian diplomats in the US, began to “surge” towards Ivens causing him to flee.

    According to US news sources, Special Agent Ivens, after leaving downtown Los Angeles, returned to his home in Burbank whereupon he then fled into the rugged Verdugo Mountains after which a massive manhunt for him ensued involving 100 FBI agents, 40 sheriff’s department rescuers and a dozen local police officers.

    FBI officials stated to the local media that Ivens was “distraught” and “might be suicidal” adding that they believed he had in his possession his service weapon. At no time, however, did anyone ever state as to why Ivens would be in such a state.


    Even more bizarre about this case, this report continues, is that the retired FBI agent named Donald Sachtleben mentioned by Ivens, who also knew about this impending “plot,” was arrested within hours of Ivens disappearing and charged with trading child pornography.

    Most important to note about Sachtleben was, aside from his being an over 25-year veteran of the FBI, he was a special agent bomb technician before retiring in 2008 who specialized in counterterrorism and bombing investigations and whose most important case was the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York City.

    According to US news reports about Sachtleben’s arrest, this most knowledgeable of FBI agents openly traded child porn using the e-mail address ‘’ in an act so stupid for one of the United States most highly trained intelligence agents it defies belief.

    [Me: Don’t know, but I doubt we’ll get a straight story from any public official.]

  51. rosettasister Says:

    Russia Is Massing Troops On Iran’s Northern Border And Waiting For A Western Attack

    F. Michael Maloof

    April 09, 2012

    The Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to move Russian troops through neighboring Georgia to stage in Armenia, which borders on the Islamic republic, according to informed Russian sources.

    Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters has prepared an action plan in the event of an attack on Iran.

    Dmitry Rogozin, who recently was the Russian ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, warned against an attack on Iran.

    “Iran is our neighbor,” Rogozin said. “If Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our security.” Rogozin now is the deputy Russian prime minister and is regarded as anti-Western. He oversees Russia’s defense sector.

    Russian Defense Ministry sources say that the Russian military doesn’t believe that Israel has sufficient military assets to defeat Iranian defenses and further believes that U.S. military action will be necessary.

    The implication of preparing to move Russian troops not only is to protect its own vital regional interests but possibly to assist Iran in the event of such an attack. Sources add that a Russian military buildup in the region could result in the Russian military potentially engaging Israeli forces, U.S. forces, or both.

    Informed sources say that the Russians have warned of “unpredictable consequences” in the event Iran is attacked, with some Russians saying that the Russian military will take part in the possible war because it would threaten its vital interests in the region.

    The influential Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper has quoted a Russian military source as saying that the situation forming around Syria and Iran “causes Russia to expedite the course of improvement of its military groups in the South Caucasus, the Caspian, Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.”

    This latest information comes from a series of reports and leaks from official Russian spokesmen and government news agencies who say that an Israeli attack is all but certain by the summer.

    Because of the impact on Russian vital interests in the region, sources say that Russian preparations for such an attack began two years ago when Russian Military Base 102 in Gyumri, Armenia, was modernized. It is said to occupy a major geopolitical position in the region.

    Families of Russian servicemen from the Russian base at Gyumri in Armenia close to the borders of Georgia and Turkey already have been evacuated, Russian sources say.

  52. rosettasister Says:

    Same Sheet of Music for War, Different Tune?

    By Kate Gould

    When Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, the former chief of staff for Secretary Colin Powell, and I were visiting with members of Congress and their staff to jointly oppose a resolution that would lower the threshold for war with Iran (H.Res. 568), he warned that “this resolution reads like the same sheet of music that got us into the Iraq war”.

    Lieberman Resolution on Iran Means War: Top Military, Intelligence Officials

    Posted: 04/11/2012

  53. rosettasister Says:

    Vote 2: Iran and nuclear weapons: The House has passed a resolution (H.Res. 568), sponsored by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., to express the sense of the House that the U.S. should apply continued and increasing economic and diplomatic pressure to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability. Ros-Lehtinen said that if Iran obtained that capability, it “would be able to intimidate its neighbors and engage in even more threatening actions by reminding us that they could develop nuclear weapons anytime the regime wanted.” An opponent, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, said “this resolution contains broad and dangerous language that would undermine any diplomatic solution regarding Iran’s nuclear program” and potentially lead the U.S. into a war with Iran. The vote Thursday was 401 yeas to 11 nays.

    (“RED LINES” FOR WAR WITH IRAN) S. Res. 380: On 5/17/12, Sen. Corker (R-TN) raised concerns about S. Res. 380 (in the context of the debate over new Iran sanctions – see Section 4, below, for details). In response, Senator Lieberman (R-, I mean I-CT), a primary sponsor of S. Res. 380, finally clarified that the resolution is not intended as an authorization of use of force. In addition, the other primary sponsor of the resolution, Senator Graham (R-SC) – who prior to the introduction of S. Res, 380 reportedly rebuffed efforts to add a line stating that the resolution is not an authorization of use of force – said on the Senate floor that he would now gladly add such a sentence.

    But Paul, who has been a critic of U.S. involvement in both Iraq and Afghanistan, doesn’t want to take any chances. His amendment would make clear that nothing in the bill “shall be construed as a declaration of war or an authorization of use of force against Iran or Syria.”


    A US Senate Committee is poised to discuss a bill that will give Israel one of the largest aid package ever received.

    The United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012

    A similar bill has already been passed by the House of Representatives earlier this month, despite the opposition of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, who called it “another piece of one-sided and counter-productive foreign policy legislation”.

    “This bill will not help the United States, it will not help Israel, and it will not help the Middle East,” he addressed the House. “It will implicitly authorize much more US interventionism in the region at a time when we cannot afford the foreign commitments we already have. It more likely will lead to war against Syria, Iran, or both.”

  54. rosettasister Says:

    A baffling tale: Millions of Kg of Asian gold, mysterious bonds, the Dragon Family Keenan lawsuit, Admiralty Law liens on the Federal Reserve & the end of fascist banksterism

    Submitted by HongPong on Thu, 2012-05-17

  55. rosettasister Says:

  56. rosettasister Says:

    New to me, perhaps you’re aware of these gentlemen.


    Due to overwhelming requests, Steve Quayle will be our special guest on a special edition of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at a special time – from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern time

    to offer his advice and guidance on what we need to do to prepare for what is coming.

  57. rosettasister Says:

    WARNING!!! I don’t know anything about this guy! So a large grain of salt.


    The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style

    The Obama administration, including his czars and along with his closest Progressive supporters, are planning a manufactured insurgency against America.

    By Douglas J. Hagmann

  58. rosettasister Says:

    Wild ‘n Wacky Radio Wednesday

    Roxy Lopez

    05/21/2012 Monday – Roxy’s special guests were Jesse Beltran and Lars Drudgaard.

    [audio src="" /]

    Sean David Morton

    05/22/2012 Tuesday – Sean brings you a Strange Universe of information and fun. Please excuse the first 7 1/2 minutes of the second hour as Sean was having Skype difficulties. We re-connected him at the point where he says hello and that cleared it up.

    [audio src="" /]

    Dr Hildegarde Staninger

    Wednesday, May 23, 2012 – 1:00-3:00PM Pacific (2-4pm Mountain; 3-5pm Central, 4-6pm Eastern)

    CLICK HERE to Listen Live:–dr-hildy-reality-begins-with-consciousness

    (The show will be archived at this link after showtime)

    Kerry Cassidy

    Wed 7-9pm Pacific Time


    May 23, 2012

    Douglas Hagmann

    Due to overwhelming requests, Steve Quayle will be our special guest on a special edition of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at a special time – from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Eastern time (6 – 8 Pacific)

    to offer his advice and guidance on what we need to do to prepare for what is coming.


  59. rosettasister Says:

    “No NATO, No War”: U.S. Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit

  60. rosettasister Says:

    James Gilliland

    Healing Unseen Negative Influences

    Many have asked for this healing technique during these amazing shifts of energy
    where the veils between worlds get thinner and thinner. Practice and do them
    until you feel clear. If you dont like what you are feeling, do a healing.

    Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of
    consciousness. You must have self – authority and maintain control.If you are
    experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental
    concepts,psychic bonds or discarnate entities(lost souls) in need of healing.
    They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibrational attitudes and
    emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate or control.Love heals.
    Casting out only sends them to another place, another personal . IN all
    healings, remember that god is love. It is the power of love that heals and
    lifts., We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

    1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.

    2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it
    Jesus,Buddha,Babaji,Mary,Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful
    Many Christed Ones.

    3.Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.(repeat
    is you feel it is needed)

    4.Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the
    Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available)

    5.Ask that your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place and
    highest expression.

    6.Ask that all negative thought forms, and limiting mental concepts be
    dissolved, and lifted into the light of truth.

    7.Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit
    of the highest vibration.

    Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to
    do. Remember that your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level
    manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It
    creates a clear and safe environment and it also lifts the one who is doing the
    healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law!

    Hope this helps, please share with your family and friends.
    If you are interested further, I encourage you to order
    James books through our website.

  61. rosettasister Says:

    Mehran Keshe – Iran’s Flying Saucer & Plasma Reactor Technology

    June 9, 2011

  62. rosettasister Says:

    Interview with NATO protest organizer Joe Iosbaker
    “The people are more powerful than the cops, the mayor, or NATO”

    Interview by Staff | May 23, 2012

    Fight Back! interviews Joe Iosbaker, the Chicago spokesperson for the United National Antiwar Coalition and a leader in the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War and Poverty Agenda, on the massive May 20 protest at the NATO Summit.

    Fight Back!: What is the story on arrests ahead of the summit?


    On Wednesday night, May 17, cops broke down the doors of the apartment of two of the leaders of Occupy Chicago, Zoe Sigman and Bill Vassilakis, without even a search warrant.

    After beating up the Occupy folks from around the country who were staying there, they shackled them, and then held them in secret for 40 hours, despite the efforts of the National Lawyers Guild to locate them.

    The authorities later charged three of the young people with terrorism charges, claiming they were conspiring to make Molotov cocktails.

    Even FOX news recognizes this as a clumsy effort of entrapment.

    FOX interviewed a retired judge who said these charges will be thrown out of court.

    Of course, the purpose of these raids, and other raids and police violence that occurred in the days leading up to Sunday, was to frighten people away from the protest.

    If not for these, we are confident the march would have been even larger.

  63. rosettasister Says:

  64. rosettasister Says:

  65. rosettasister Says:

    Thru the GrapeVine for Friday 05 25 12

    05/23/2012 Wednesday – Kerry’s very special guest tonight was Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

    [audio src="" /]

    05/24/2012 Thursday – Sean brings you a Strange Universe of information and fun.

    [audio src="" /]


    Buckle Up For June, Changes in the Wind

    By James Gilliland

    It has been an interesting May with the Solar Eclipse and the alignment with the
    Pleiades, Alcyon. Several CMEs coronal mass ejections have also shifted the
    energies. We are seeing another major time compression where days seem like
    hours, weeks like days and months like weeks. Many are reporting contacts with
    Angelic realms, Ascended Masters, spiritually and technologically advanced off
    worlders, our ancient ancestors, as well as some of what was thought to be
    mythical Gods of old. In meditations people are seeing visions of Poseidon, now
    Prometheus, Egyptian Gods in what seems to be a great reunion. Prometheus the
    God of fire might just be warning us about the upcoming Solar Flares just as
    Poseidon warned us about the tsunamis in the past.

    On a more scientific note Solar Cycle 24 has fully kicked in and according to
    NASA it is expected to be 50% stronger than 23; which unleashed monumental
    flares. I would not have any expectations for the electrical and communication
    grid to go unaffected or even go down now and then possibly for months. The GPS
    equipment and cell phones are already having problems along the equator due to
    massive energy bands forming which seem to reverse direction wreaking havoc on
    airlines and other modalities of travel depending on GPS for navigation.
    Earthquakes in areas never before seen in are unfolding and with these flares
    will come and increase in erratic weather, tornadoes, hurricanes, quakes and
    volcanic activity.

    There will also be major social and economic changes as well as personal
    relationship changes all having to do with this process. The Earth is ascending,
    raising her frequencies, people and institutions that do not align with the
    Earth’s evolution and are not frequency specific will not be able to maintain
    with these new energies. We are getting overwhelmed with emails from people
    going through their dark night of the soul, trying to hold on to the past and
    refusing to let go of their comfort zones and embrace the changes gracefully. We
    are doing our best to help those in transition yet we are also having our own
    challenges and will continue to send out personal healing practices empowering
    people to heal themselves as well as knowledge about these changes to help in
    the transition. It is good to know you are not alone in these challenges and the
    greatest healer you will ever encounter is within. We also acknowledge there is
    a time to assist as we are assisted thus we offer various modalities of healing
    at the Ranch.

    June we will have a full moon lunar eclipse on the 4th followed by a Venus
    transit. We do live in an electric universe, the Moon and Venus will bridge
    other cosmic and solar energies to Earth. It seems the whole timeless multiverse
    with all of its Gods and ultradimensional beings are coming to the party. The
    multidimensional light and energy ships are being seen around the world with
    major cities observing large motherships and in some cases fleets. Those who are
    spiritual advanced and sensitive are fully aware of this phenomena. Looks like
    SETI members, debunkers and disinformation folks are jumping ship and don’t want
    to be caught with egg on there faces. Local news stations are covering these
    events yet national news is still following the corporate agenda holding tight
    to the powers that were agenda. This will not last much longer.

    As Baba ji said, ” It is time to lovingly and joyously prepare, physically,
    mentally and emotionally.” Do not forget all aspects in preparation because
    those who prepare physically and do not release the past preparing mentally,
    emotionally and spiritually will not endure or be frequency specific to the
    Earth’s evolution. It is also good to remember Confucius, ” Man with head in
    clouds, stumble in ditch.” Get in touch with the Earth, put in your gardens,
    get access for fresh water, set aside some supplies for any disruptions and work
    together in the days to come. You cannot eat your paper money or your plastic
    especially if the gird goes down. Also remember gas and water pumps wont work
    not to mention sewage that needs to be pumped. Not a good note to end this

    It is imperative you do not get into fear, do not fall for the feel good
    prophets promoting a false sense of security that will tell you everything will
    continue uninterrupted due to saviors or those who tell you the Earth is
    finished along with all of its inhabitants. She will go on and on yet we have to
    be realistic. We all are involved in a major cycle, she is expanding, growing,
    shifting, shaking and cleansing. If you look at what has been done to the air,
    water, land, forests, oceans it is inevitable a major cleansing is necessary for
    her to continue to be the platform for life and support us in our own cleansing
    and healing process. What if on the other side of this process was a polluted,
    desolate planet? We all have to flow with these changes, release the past, let
    go of our comfort zones establishing and acting on our own inner guidance. Do
    not be a lemming of social consciousness or follow the herd of the cliff of
    social, economic and environmental collapse. Discontinue any action that is not
    in the highest and best good of Humanity and the Earth. Your TV is not going to
    tell you what you need to know in the days to come. Between now and November we
    are going to go through what would have taken a thousand years in months. Be
    well, be safe, tune in and act.

    Permission to pass this message far and wide, granted.

    James Gilliland


    to be continued …

  66. rosettasister Says:

    Looks like I got banned from

    So we move on …

    These are my first two attempts at PhotoBucket

    Saturday Cinco de Mayo — Heavy chemTrail Day

    Images from most recent YT

    Kerry Cassidy interviewed Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

    [audio src="" /]

    Kerry and Laura discuss the “Feathered Serpent” & I wonder if that is what I’ve been imaging.

    For a long time now, I’ve been calling it the one w the dark midsection and the crazy white wings.

    I’ve seen it phase in and out & change shape. I believe this entity is the same one I’ve been calling my Mary Plane.

    It can be tiny or huge & it appears to change shape, but is almost always indigo blue & white.


  67. rosettasister Says:

    Sorry, PhotoBucket is a little glitchy, hope these 2 links work better.

    These are my first two attempts at PhotoBucket

    Saturday Cinco de Mayo — Heavy chemTrail Day

    Images from most recent YT

  68. rosettasister Says:

    Please click “Recent Albums”


    I’m over here!

    Morgellons Disease fibers are composed of keratin produced by damaged keratinocytes – A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study by Marianne J. Middelveen, Elizabeth H. Rasmussen, Douglas G. Kahn and Raphael B. Stricker

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