








Sedona, Arizona


Michelle Obama Chief Editor Korir African Press International API

438 Responses to “Spiritlands”

  1. indy500 Says:

    jonathanwrightesq Says:

    November 21, 2008 at 10:40 pm
    cyndi it is pretty widely known that Obama himself ignored race throughout his campaign except for that one speech.


    Clinging to religion and guns in re: to PA. Then the jackarse Murtha called his people racist and rednecks. I think us original PA people would disagree with your assertion O is color blind.

  2. Cyndi Says:

    Does anyone remember the site that gives all cases filed against Obama.

  3. Troy Says:

    America’s Right keeps up with them….you can find archived posts on the righthand side as you scroll down

  4. indy500 Says:

    Of course it was written by Ayres but is attributed to O: Reference: On page 229 in his book “Dreams of My Father.”

    Barack Obama writes, “there were no cigar chomping crackers like Beau Connor (ph) out there.”

  5. Mia Says:

    Wow… Sedona and Oak Creek – one of my favorite places in the whole world! That’s a beautiful pic, but it’s hard to take a bad pic in Sedona, eh? So many memories. Don’t get up there much lately, and I’m a little disappointed in how commercial it’s gotten over the last few years, but get off the beaten track, and it’s still totally awesome. My husband and I renewed our vows on Bell Rock at sunrise a few years back. Thanks, Rose, for giving me the warm fuzzies.


  6. Cyndi Says:

    Troy was it you earlier that something to the effect that you didn’t believe the Global Warming issue?

    A new satellite predicts at least 23 years of global cooling.


  7. wndawmn666 Says:

    Hi All,

    First time poster here. Just wanted to give the link for America Must Know. They are keeping tabs on all of the lawsuits.


  8. Cyndi Says:

    Thank you kindly Troy and wndawmn.

  9. indy500 Says:

    obama’s book The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream was inspired by a sermon by Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. The Chicago congregation has ‘non-negotiable commitment’ to the ‘mother continent’.

  10. calli Says:

    Hi Rosetta,
    You have been busy as a bee!! I haven’t posted here in a while!! I just wanted to know if you are going to buy Larry’s book!! He’s keeping everyone in suspense!!
    Hope you and your family have a great weekend!!!

  11. dixieinflorida Says:

    wndawmn666 Says:
    November 21, 2008 at 11:41 pm

    Hi All,

    First time poster here. Just wanted to give the link for America Must Know. They are keeping tabs on all of the lawsuits.

    Thanks that sure saves a lot of time

  12. rosettasister Says:

    calli Says:
    November 21, 2008 at 11:46 pm

    Hi Rosetta,

    You have been busy as a bee!! I haven’t posted here in a while!! I just wanted to know if you are going to buy Larry’s book!! He’s keeping everyone in suspense!!

    Hope you and your family have a great weekend!!!


    calli! good to hear from you!

    buy Larry’s book?!

    I’m not sure what he’s got up his sleeve.

    I used to think Larry’s story might be worth something (monetarily) IF Obama won.

    Now I’m not so sure.

    Truth doesn’t matter.

    It’s only when people pay attention to the truth that it matters.

    (This is the cynic in me talking.)

    Larry might be wise to wait until Obama’s honeymoon period is over.

    If Obama governs wisely, that may never happen.

    Hope you like the music, calli!


  13. indy500 Says:

    Barack Obama Racist Comments Against Asian People:


  14. Troy Says:

    Cyndi Says:

    November 21, 2008 at 11:41 pm
    Troy was it you earlier that something to the effect that you didn’t believe the Global Warming issue?

    A new satellite predicts at least 23 years of global cooling.

    No, but global warming is a NATURAL cycle than CAN be accelerated by ozone depletion….The cycle isn’t fully understood by most people….First polar ice cap and glacial melt will occur from increased temps….That leads to the desalinization of north Atlantic….In turn, this causes the slowing of the gulf stream conveyer (current)….The conveyer regulates the earths temps and weather in general….As the conveyer continues to slow down the beginnings of a new “little ice age” appear…..Thus global warming translates into new “little ice age”…..It’s a cycle that has been taking place since day one, but as I said before it can and has been accelerated.

  15. Stacy Says:


    No one has commented??

    Listen to this Detroit WRIF radio interview from today of His Excellency Kenya Ambassador Peter Ogego, who admits Obama was born in Kenya and says the birth site is well-known and there will be a monument built there. His remarks are at the 12:30 minute mark.


    Here is a video of Ambassador Ogego speaking (so you can tell it is the same voice). Ogego’s introduction and speech begins at the 18:00 minute mark.


  16. indy500 Says:

    Obama admits he thinks different races of people will always be MENACING ALIEN AND APART:


  17. Troy Says:

    that’s probably the most intellegent thing he has ever said

  18. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    hello everyone…..

  19. Troy Says:

    Yes, I have listened to it and it’s great….It’s another person to
    verify what his grangmother already said

  20. thinkingmom11 Says:

    Hello again everyone.

    So polarik didn’t post his findings today…I hope he gets it up tomorrow…

    I think if that BC is proven a fake that would create SERIOUS problems for him especially if the Selective service registration is a forgery. I think that if those are proven forged and American’s don’t get outraged – then it is all over for the US.

  21. Troy Says:

    Hi Cindy

  22. Troy Says:

    He was in contact today and said he WILL post tomorrow

  23. Troy Says:

    Andy Martin’s case was tossed on grounds of “Standing”…no big surprise at all

  24. thinkingmom11 Says:

    Hey Cindy – how was Twilight?

  25. thinkingmom11 Says:

    Troy – polarik didn’t use the word “soon” did he??? LOL

  26. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    The obama sheep really don’t want to hear anything bad about him…. Even if 100% proof is right in front of their face they will claim it is right-wing propaganda.

  27. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    It was good,. not fantastic….. I love when a movie actually follows a book but with this one it made it too predictable

  28. Troy Says:

    thinkingmom11 Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 12:32 am
    Troy – polarik didn’t use the word “soon” did he??? LOL
    no, he said it’s finished and that he just needs to finished writing the summary….he said he WILL post tomorrow

  29. thinkingmom11 Says:

    aww cindy – can’t ya just leave me an itty bitty bit of hope instead of cruelly crushing it into teeny tiny bits to small to see even with a microscope? Come on, surely you have a little bit of sunshine you can blow my way – dontcha?? DONTCHA!?

  30. thinkingmom11 Says:

    talking about the sheep right there – not Twilight – sorry

  31. thinkingmom11 Says:

    Thanks Troy. i am looking forward to seeing what he has to say.

  32. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    lol,… for the fans of the novels they will love that they followed the book so closely 🙂
    Left out parts (minor) expectedly, but what was filmed was pretty dead on

  33. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    lol…… saw your post too late

  34. thinkingmom11 Says:

    no prob – but glad to know about the movie too 🙂

  35. dixieinflorida Says:

    Andy Martin case








    What???? There is certainly public interest.

  36. indy500 Says:

    thinkingmom11 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 12:29 am:

    I think that if those are proven forged and American’s don’t get outraged – then it is all over for the US.

    From my little corner of the world – That’s the way it will be. Hope you’re ready.

  37. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    I have a friend that is a retired Priest,.. he is very pro-obama.
    At the birthday dinner I went to Sunday, my hubby made an Obama joke, and Ron (the priest) squirmed like crazy and jumped in to champion OB. wasn’t a heated discussion….. but you could tell he was completely blind to anything being said…… even true facts like OB’s voting record

  38. thinkingmom11 Says:

    OK – now that just BLOWS….if we knew that PUBLIC INTEREST was a possible avenue to force the release of this information we would have bombarded them with demands and requests!!

  39. Troy Says:

    ****BREAKING NEWS****

    The true identity of Barack Obama revealed today!!!


  40. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    They CAN’T show his BC because he is a ROBOT…
    then we are all wrong…… he was Made in CHINA!!….lol

  41. thinkingmom11 Says:

    OK Indy – I guess that I am one of those old fashioned love-America, love our Constitution kind of folks. I am going to have to buy more black for my mourning period…oh well

  42. Troy Says:


  43. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    don’t give up all hope,…if it can make it to the brain wash media (CNN, MSNBC etc)
    we might have a chance

  44. gatorsmom Says:

    dixieinflorida Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 12:43 am

    Not only does it make no sense to say that there is insufficient public interest, it makes me so angry that they are referring to him as “President Obama.” Not yet, technically not even President-Elect yet!

  45. Troy Says:

    gatorsmom Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 12:57 am
    dixieinflorida Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 12:43 am

    Not only does it make no sense to say that there is insufficient public interest, it makes me so angry that they are referring to him as “President Obama.” Not yet, technically not even President-Elect yet!
    Actually if that’s the way it was written then it’s null and void and will have to be rewritten

  46. Troy Says:

    He gave up his senate seat and currently his is just Mr. Obama or as I like to call hi, Obamalama Ding-Dong.

  47. calli Says:

    Hi Rosetta,
    I do like the music!! You always have a good variety!! How about some Bob marley??
    Did you read my post to you about the 9yr old child and the homeless??

  48. thinkingmom11 Says:

    Awww I’m alright…I just get a little frustrated sometimes.

    I have a dinner tonight for my son’s football team so I better run get ready. Should be a fun evening – they had a good season this year finished 7-2. Looking forward to someone else cooking for a change, too!

  49. indy500 Says:

    thinkingmom11 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 12:52 am:

    I am too. I just get sick and tired of hearing “It’s only because I’m black” -“It’s only because I’m gay” – “It’s only because I have a 3 inch bar sticking out of my nose” – “I’m gonna sue you” – “I have a right” – Etc….

    It’s just the constant drone of BS that I hear almost every night that gets me down.

  50. Stacy Says:


    Check this out above.

    Here’s the relevant excerpt:

    “The Kenyan envoy and the Kenyan government must know to date that the Illinois senator was born by a Kenyan father which entitled him to visit and say whatever he wanted. He is a US citizen who is entitled to be a Kenyan citizen from his father.”

  51. dixieinflorida Says:

    Now that picture is too funny

  52. dixieinflorida Says:

    Yes I caught the President thing to. They will have to amend it.

    Here is a petition you can sign


  53. gatorsmom Says:

    That’s true Troy!!! I can’t even muster a mister for him either. So I’ll stick with Obamalama-Ding-Dong. 🙂

  54. thinkingmom11 Says:

    You all have a nice evening – I will check in again tomorrow and maybe we can all discuss polarik’s new findings!

  55. dixieinflorida Says:

    Where is this blog located? It’s 8:10 EST where I am


  56. ddlew Says:




    Really? No public interest in avoiding a Constitutional crisis?

    Pardon me but the judge is a retard.

  57. indy500 Says:

    dixieinflorida Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 1:06 am

    Now that picture is too funny:

    I once had a dude with his socks off in a public place, his big toe in his mouth and a pile of toenails by his side say, “if I was white you wouldn’t be harassing me”.

    Keep your powder dry because we are in for a wild ride.

  58. sliderblaze Says:

    i concur…..he/she needs an email off all the blogs, all the websites, all the links to youtube…etc.

  59. dixieinflorida Says:

    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 1:25 am

    i concur…..he/she needs an email off all the blogs, all the websites, all the links to youtube…etc.

    Sign the petition


  60. sliderblaze Says:

    already signed hun, i had that signed at like 8900, whats it at now?

  61. ddlew Says:

    There is another petition on World Net Daily…………..Go sign that one.

  62. sliderblaze Says:


  63. dixieinflorida Says:

    # sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 1:33 am

    already signed hun, i had that signed at like 8900, whats it at now?

    over 111,000
    # ddlew Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 1:36 am

    There is another petition on World Net Daily…………..Go sign that one.
    I did and sent out emails to both

  64. sliderblaze Says:

    daaaaaaaaamn 111000, well, i guess thats not an outcry and since when does it have to be a public outcry for a case to be heard….?

  65. Cyndi Says:


    Is the judicial system flippin’ nuts, this is ridiculous. Oh for now on I will tell everyone that would like to see a my birth certificate “Oh sorry I would rather preserve my confidentiality of my vital health record”.
    And the President part grabbed my attention immediately. They are already partial but I guess as judges they can do that.

  66. sliderblaze Says:


    seen this on overnightam’s site

  67. Cyndi Says:

    Besides the smaller courts don’t want to touch this case with a 10 foot pole.

  68. sliderblaze Says:

    i cant imagine why in that decision about the public interests, first, if they have a computer and googled obamas birth certificate, they’d eat crow, and what does that matter? 99% of all the cases everheard the public doesnt know a damn thing about

  69. Cyndi Says:

    link please.

  70. sliderblaze Says:


  71. sliderblaze Says:

    show starts at 10est

  72. Cyndi Says:

    tyvm slider

  73. sliderblaze Says:

    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo problem

  74. Cyndi Says:

    Didn’t Leo say no more shows or is this an announcement from radio host

  75. sliderblaze Says:

    yes he did, thats why it struckmy interest

  76. dixieinflorida Says:

    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 1:44 am

    daaaaaaaaamn 111000, well, i guess thats not an outcry and since when does it have to be a public outcry for a case to be heard….?
    If we keep passing the word about it maybe somebody will pay attention

  77. Cyndi Says:

    slider that sends me to google then when I click on any of the links it says IE is unable to connect weird I am able to get to other sites

  78. Troy Says:


    link not working

  79. Cyndi Says:

    OMG what am I gonna do I can’t get to link….. that’s pretty pitiful but would love to hear

  80. Troy Says:

    I’ll find it

  81. sliderblaze Says:

    hmmmm….workn for me, the link that is

  82. Cyndi Says:

    link to patriot brigade radio not working either

  83. sliderblaze Says:

    i’m listening to plains radio right now tho, he said leo will be on too

  84. Cyndi Says:

    Oh no you don’t think the brownshirts have carried them off somewhere

  85. sliderblaze Says:


  86. Troy Says:

    I would appear that google got him too.

    google -> lanlamphere.com and see what happens

  87. dixieinflorida Says:


    It’s working I’m on it now in another tab. I’m using Firefox

  88. Cyndi Says:

    This is just too weird or am i too paranoid

  89. Cyndi Says:

    what is firefox

  90. dixieinflorida Says:

    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:08 am

    i’m listening to plains radio right now tho, he said leo will be on too
    He interviewed him this morning.

  91. dixieinflorida Says:

    Cyndi Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:12 am

    what is firefox
    A better browser than IE

    Try this link


  92. sliderblaze Says:

    firefox is the best webbrowser out there imho

  93. dixieinflorida Says:

    It’s working in IE though also. Just tried it

  94. Cyndi Says:

    I was able to go to Plains but not to patriot brigade weird…

  95. Ksinde. Says:


  96. Tenacity Says:

    The interesting part of the radio phone call to Ogego was that the talking heads were casual to the point of being goofy. They kept congratulating Kenya for becoming the 51st state. The Honarable Ambassador was quite happy to be having fun and fell right into admitting that BO’s birth site had already been made into a monument. All the law suit and investigators trying to get information and 3 wacked out radio heads just call up Kenya and get a confession. It was like they hardly new what they had done and totally failed to stretch the call to get solid confirmation. Fortunately one of the radio heads had the good sense to make the statement and get the Ambassodor to agree. It was like it almost didn’t happen before they hung up.

  97. dixieinflorida Says:

    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:14 am

    firefox is the best webbrowser out there imho
    IMO also and a lot faster

  98. Ksinde. Says:


    i thought the same thing about the call. they were brillant, without tryinging…lmao… it couldn’thave went any better!

  99. sliderblaze Says:

    is that admisable in court?

  100. Troy Says:

    Good grief, Ed Hale is such a dufus….He just called Leo, Leo Delefonte

  101. dixieinflorida Says:

    Tenacity Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:19 am

    The interesting part of the radio phone call to Ogego was that the talking heads were casual to the point of being goofy. They kept congratulating Kenya for becoming the 51st state. The Honarable Ambassador was quite happy to be having fun and fell right into admitting that BO’s birth site had already been made into a monument. All the law suit and investigators trying to get information and 3 wacked out radio heads just call up Kenya and get a confession. It was like they hardly new what they had done and totally failed to stretch the call to get solid confirmation. Fortunately one of the radio heads had the good sense to make the statement and get the Ambassodor to agree. It was like it almost didn’t happen before they hung up.
    I agree and wished they had went a little further with it but the Ambassador did mention the grandmother

  102. Tenacity Says:

    Well it certainly adds to the circumstantial evidence. Ogego knew he was on the radio, but was not under oath.

  103. Ksinde. Says:

    In egards to the phone call

    IMO you can’t argue or spin what he said because he said it and then confirmed it to the DJ. But you could say that it is his opinion and just said it to get tourists there and attention…to kenyans BO is there rockstar

  104. Troy Says:

    My God Hale is an embarrassment to Texas

  105. Ksinde. Says:

    When Leo comes on, someone call in and ask WHO has standing if not the american people.

  106. Cyndi Says:

    firefox is the best webbrowser out there imho
    IMO also and a lot faster

    Thank You!!!Both!!

  107. Tenacity Says:

    It would have been helpful if one of the DJs had ask if Ogego was referring to Coastal Hospital in Mombassa.

  108. Ksinde. Says:

    Troy…lmao…My God Hale is an embarrassment to man kind. He sounds like such a hokey

  109. Tenacity Says:

    I don’t believe Leo is on live tonight…is he. Last night Leo stated explicitly that he was not doing any more interviews until after December 5th.

  110. Ksinde. Says:

    Tena, I think they were just so shocked they didn’t know what to do. There compliments were great, about 51st state and always winning marathons…lol…they were just brillant in their approach

  111. Ksinde. Says:

    he is suppose to have an important announcement.

  112. Ksinde. Says:

    i just wnet to plains chat and they are saying he is live

  113. dixieinflorida Says:

    Cyndi Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:28 am

    firefox is the best webbrowser out there imho
    IMO also and a lot faster

    Thank You!!!Both!!
    Tenacity Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:30 am

    I don’t believe Leo is on live tonight…is he. Last night Leo stated explicitly that he was not doing any more interviews until after December 5th.
    He told Ed he would be on Lamphere tonight

  114. Ksinde. Says:

    Tena, just asked in plains radio chat, yes he will be on live in a few minutes then on Lan later tonight

  115. Tenacity Says:

    It seemed like dumb luck. If they had really been after a disclosure, they would have kept him on and got more detail. It worked out slick, but they could have gotten a lot more if they had been focused at all toward the end.

  116. Troy Says:

    Is Lan going to be on Patriot Brigade Radio?

  117. Ksinde. Says:


    Leo on now

  118. Ksinde. Says:


    Leo on lan tonight, patriot brigade

  119. Troy Says:

    Hey Ed, you fat sack of crap!!!…I’m a Texan and I can talk..Don’t blame it on Texas you blowhole

  120. Ksinde. Says:

    leo is on plains radio right now


  121. Troy Says:


  122. sliderblaze Says:

    troy, got your thong on too tight…lol

    he does sound like a dbag

  123. Ksinde. Says:

    why is posts with links going into moderation?

  124. sliderblaze Says:

    just cut out the www in front

  125. Ksinde. Says:

    slider, i figured that part out, but why

  126. Troy Says:

    sliderblaze Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 2:38 am
    troy, got your thong on too tight…lol

    he does sound like a dbag
    Lmaooo….It’s guys like him gim that make people think Texans are a bunch of hicks…Grrrrr

  127. Troy Says:

    gim??…Lmao…ok, I’m guilty also

  128. dixieinflorida Says:

    This is the one he just talked about


  129. dixieinflorida Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:45 am

    sliderblaze Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 2:38 am
    troy, got your thong on too tight…lol

    he does sound like a dbag
    Lmaooo….It’s guys like him gim that make people think Texans are a bunch of hicks…Grrrrr
    I’m Texas born and raised there and he really sounds awful

  130. Troy Says:

    Go Leo Go!!!!

  131. Troy Says:

    Yeah, Leo….no spies allowed

  132. dixieinflorida Says:

    This is what my SOS said when I sent a petition to him

    Thank you for inquiring about the determination of a candidate’s eligibility to run for President of United States. The Florida Department of State does not have investigative or enforcement authority to ensure that major partiesʼ Presidential candidates are properly qualified to be President of the United States. The U.S. Constitution establishes the qualifying requirements for President. Under Florida law, the way in which a major party’s candidate is placed on the ballot is that the state executive committee of each political party submits its slate of presidential electors for its candidate before September 1st of each presidential election year; then, by law, the names of candidates are printed on the ballot. Those candidates are not required to provide any documents to the State that they meet the qualifications for office.

    The Florida Secretary of State performs only a ministerial function. So, the Secretary has no authority or responsibility to look beyond the filing documents to determine if a candidate is eligible. If a candidate (or the party in the case of a major political party nominating someone as a Presidential candidate) files the necessary paperwork, which papers are complete on their face, the Secretary must qualify the candidate.

    Any challenge to the qualifications of a U.S. Presidential candidate should be made in a court of competent jurisdiction. The Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., may also be a resource for information or inquiry on this matter. Contact information for the Department of Justice is: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov.; phone: 202-514-2000; and U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20530-0001.

    I hope you find this information helpful.

    Charlotte Wheeler

    General Counsel Office

    R.A. Gray Building

    500 S. Bronough St

    Tallahassee FL 32399

    (850) 245-6536


  133. dixieinflorida Says:

    Shoot we know our Judicial System is crooked

  134. Tenacity Says:

    I have only had a couple of people in my life that I would have said are “My Hero”. Leo Donofrio is right on the verge of qualifying as “My Hero.” If he can prove judicial misconduct and obstruction of justice, do know what that will do? I believe it may wake up other judges and clerks. The running from this case may stop.

  135. Troy Says:

    When someone connects to Patriot Brigade Radio, can you post a link here?

  136. Tenacity Says:

    Are you believing that that dumb a** Hale stopped Leo from talking to tell him about someone volunteering to type for him? What a yahoo

  137. dixieinflorida Says:

    He will be on 11:00 EST


  138. Troy Says:

    Tenacity Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 3:05 am
    Are you believing that that dumb a** Hale stopped Leo from talking to tell him about someone volunteering to type for him? What a yahoo
    and then the blowhole tries to play cupid and get Leo a date

  139. Troy Says:

    Thanks Dixie

  140. justanamericancindy4 Says:



  141. dixieinflorida Says:

    I wish they would get on with the rest of the interview on plains

  142. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    lol…… Lan

    they are playing the interview with Ogego

  143. dixieinflorida Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:07 am

    Thanks Dixie
    Your welcome

  144. Troy Says:

    Ed is such a lying sack of poop!!!

  145. dixieinflorida Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:20 am

    Ed is such a lying sack of poop!!!
    About his listeners? Yes he is

  146. Ksinde. Says:

    what is the link to the dj interview?

  147. dixieinflorida Says:

    Oh wow anybody got a link to what he just said?

  148. dixieinflorida Says:


  149. Ksinde. Says:

    does anyone know that link to the dj interview with kenya amb

  150. dixieinflorida Says:

    Leo said his website but said it so fast I didn’t catch it

  151. Troy Says:



  152. Troy Says:

    Leo’s website


  153. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:30 am

    does anyone know that link to the dj interview with kenya amb
    no sorry I didn’t bookmark it

  154. dixieinflorida Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:34 am

    Leo’s website


  155. Troy Says:

    Ksinde. Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 3:30 am
    does anyone know that link to the dj interview with kenya amb

  156. dixieinflorida Says:

    He must getting a lot of hits it won’t load

  157. Troy Says:

    Ksinde. Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 3:30 am
    does anyone know that link to the dj interview with kenya amb


    scroll to top of page and click “Play Here”

  158. Troy Says:

    dixieinflorida Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 3:39 am
    He must getting a lot of hits it won’t load

    his site loads slowwwww

  159. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:30 am

    does anyone know that link to the dj interview with kenya amb
    I remembered where I posted it


  160. Troy Says:

    I’ll bet the SCOTUS Justices have been expecting this case for quite some time now and here it finally is…..They like most have known about Obama’s dual citizenship issue….I’m sure it was no surprise at all to them

  161. Tenacity Says:

    Hale probably attacked Leo’s site to get him to post on his site.

  162. dixieinflorida Says:

    LOL ok it isn’t just us on the website–John just said it’s the Obama people doing it

  163. sliderblaze Says:


    “the cat is outta the bag”

  164. Troy Says:

    Joe the Plumber and Leo the Lawyer…Lmaooo…let the attacks begin

  165. sliderblaze Says:

    obama people doing what?

  166. Tenacity Says:

    Keep in mind that there are 4 esqs on the SCOTUS.

  167. Troy Says:

    Ed has a boner on for Phil Berg

  168. Tenacity Says:

    We need 100% of the rational, open minds on the SCOTUS to be on board.

  169. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    Ok tried a new fudge recipe…….. WOW…rapid death by chocolate!!!!!!!

  170. Ksinde. Says:

    ty for link

  171. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    from Lan’s radio program

    huh,…… woman are naturally socialist?……. idiot

  172. Stacy Says:

    Original radio interview from this morning:


    Video of Ambassador Peter Ogego (start at 18:00):


  173. dixieinflorida Says:

    He must like to talk if he’s supposed to be on the Lan show at 11:00 EST

  174. ddlew Says:

    Leo is on with Ed Hale?

    He’s got a couple of minutes before he’s supposed to be on with Lan.

  175. sliderblaze Says:

    he’s fired up….glad to hear

  176. Stacy Says:

    Radio show…


  177. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    My hubby says…

    I gotta make momma happy,
    because if mamma isn’t happy
    I’ll have to be happy with half my stuff


  178. dixieinflorida Says:

    Tenacity Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:48 am

    Keep in mind that there are 4 esqs on the SCOTUS.
    9 but 4 have to agree to move forward with it

  179. ddlew Says:

    justanamericancindy4 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:57 am

    from Lan’s radio program

    huh,…… woman are naturally socialist?……. idiot


    Truth hurts huh Cindy?


  180. dixieinflorida Says:

    ddlew Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:59 am

    Leo is on with Ed Hale?

    He’s got a couple of minutes before he’s supposed to be on with Lan.
    Yes he’s on with Ed right now

  181. Goferit Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:03 am

    link not working


  182. Goferit Says:

    Sorry Rossetta, I put in the full link.
    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:03 am

    link not working


  183. Goferit Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 2:03 am

    link not working


  184. dixieinflorida Says:


  185. Ksinde. Says:

    lan is taking forever to load

  186. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    everybody must be listening

  187. Tenacity Says:

    I’m afraid you missed my point. 9 Justices – 5 rational open minds

  188. sliderblaze Says:

    grrrr….firefox just crashed…..first time ever

    and yeah, loading up like, not at all

  189. dixieinflorida Says:

    Leo isn’t on there yet

  190. dixieinflorida Says:

    Tenacity Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 4:14 am

    I’m afraid you missed my point. 9 Justices – 5 rational open minds
    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 4:14 am

    grrrr….firefox just crashed…..first time ever

    and yeah, loading up like, not at all
    I switched to IE and it loaded

  191. dixieinflorida Says:

    Tenacity Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 4:14 am

    I’m afraid you missed my point. 9 Justices – 5 rational open minds
    OK gotcha

  192. Tenacity Says:

    Is anyone else having trouble getting Patriot Brigade to open?

  193. sba1872 Says:

    Leo’s on. If anyone is still having trouble, try this page first, then click through: lanlamphere.com/public/listen-live/

    P.S. Hate the word “feminazi.” It’s so 90s.

  194. sliderblaze Says:

    nope, nada

  195. dixieinflorida Says:

    Guess Leo needed a break after running so long with Ed………he’s not on Lan yet

  196. dixieinflorida Says:

    I couldn’t get it to load with FF but it’s ok with IE

  197. Troy Says:

    sliderblaze Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 4:14 am
    grrrr….firefox just crashed…..first time ever

    and yeah, loading up like, not at all

    same here

  198. sliderblaze Says:

    ituned it

  199. Troy Says:

    chit…I can’t get it to load on either IE of FF

  200. sliderblaze Says:

    scroll down to
    Any one of these programs that stream MP3/OGG audio over the Internet

    pick a player

  201. Cyndi Says:

    I and Troy both tried earlier to no avail

  202. dixieinflorida Says:

    Chances are that you already have everything you need to listen to all the programs found on the Patriot Brigade Talk Radio network but lets be sure. Consider the following a check list with options to get the trusted programs that stream the online audio feed directly to your computer, phone or portable device.

    The simplest way to listen to the live audio stream is to visit the
    Patriot Brigade Radio Network Page Player

    * You must have Flash 8.0 ( or greater ) installed on your computer.
    Get it from Adobe.com

    1. RECIVA – Digital Internet Radio Users – Search for – USA-News,Talk
    2. Renegade Talk Radio Network

    What you need:

    1. CTA Digital Global Internet Radio – Or Other Internet Radio Device, or–
    2. Computer
    3. Sounds card installed and working on your computer.
    4. Speakers hooked up and working on your computer.
    5. Internet connection (56Kbps or greater)

    Any one of these programs that stream MP3/OGG audio over the Internet.

    * Winamp ( Windows users only )
    * VLC Player (Linux/*UNix/Mac/Windows Experienced Users)
    * iTunes
    * Realplayer ( It will work on later releases )


  203. ddlew Says:

    Cyndi Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 4:29 am

    I and Troy both tried earlier to no avail


    From Lan’s actual webpage, click “listen Live”

    Then click on
    The simplest way to listen to the live audio stream is to visit the
    Patriot Brigade Radio Network Page Player

    And it will play automatically through ITUNES…..Provided you have itunes loaded on your system.

  204. sliderblaze Says:

    i really would like to see leo do an interview with fox, thats a sure fire way to get face time with a national audiance, like it or not, that’ll do wonders

  205. dixieinflorida Says:

    2. Renegade Talk Radio Network

    Click on that link and then pick the player you have

    IE has media player and it’s working fine for me. I just updated my flash player also today

  206. sliderblaze Says:

    still cant get on blogtext tho

  207. dixieinflorida Says:

    ddlew Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 4:33 am

    From Lan’s actual webpage, click “listen Live”

    Do you have a link to that as this link


    has been hacked or something

  208. dixieinflorida Says:

    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 4:36 am

    i really would like to see leo do an interview with fox, thats a sure fire way to get face time with a national audiance, like it or not, that’ll do wonders
    That’s for sure

  209. sliderblaze Says:

    damn straight

  210. dixieinflorida Says:

    Leo still isn’t on Lan, Maybe he’s been re-scheduled for 12:00

  211. sliderblaze Says:

    um, leo’s on……

  212. ddlew Says:


  213. sliderblaze Says:

    uh….i hope leo’s packin some heat and stuffs cus, he could be public enemy number one

  214. sba1872 Says:

    They’re dicking with his docket again.

  215. Ksinde. Says:

    i still can’t get lan to load

  216. Ksinde. Says:

    who is dicking

  217. ddlew Says:

    Has anyone noticed that the thread being posted on over at API is a “protected” thread?

    Interesting to see some of the names that are allowed to post in that thread.

    See recent posts down the right hand side.

  218. sliderblaze Says:

    lol, fired up

  219. sba1872 Says:

    The NJ Appellate Division Judge Sabatino.

  220. Ksinde. Says:

    what is he saying?

  221. sliderblaze Says:

    LEW, i seen that, i keep getn an error on that crap

  222. Troy Says:

    Ksinde. Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 4:50 am
    i still can’t get lan to load

    don’t feel bad…I can’t get it either on IE or FF

  223. ddlew Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 4:50 am

    who is dicking


    Thats kind of a personal question isn’t it?

  224. Ksinde. Says:

    never happened to me before…it always loaded for me

  225. Ksinde. Says:

    lol…yes it is

  226. ddlew Says:

    Basically the lower court is trying to sabotage the SCOTUS case.

  227. sliderblaze Says:

    Ksinde, he’s pissed off thats for sure all kinds of shady shananagans going on

  228. Troy Says:

    Ksinde. Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 4:52 am
    never happened to me before…it always loaded for me

    same here……grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  229. Ksinde. Says:

    it is protected…. ignorant!!! I guess it is for the people that gave their personal info, well i am still not giving my personal info.

  230. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    lol… I can almost hear that growl when you do that

  231. Tenacity Says:

    I’ve listen to this same site the last 2 nights. The listen live page is up, but no audio

  232. ddlew Says:

    The lower court….PA Supreme Court….has mis-filed his original case as a different sort of “stay” instead of the proper say.

    It isn’t even showing as a case in the lower case. That means that when SCOTUS requests the doclet from the lower court……..it doesn’t exist.

    WOW! How far down this rabbit hole will the court system go to keep this guy “president elect”. (lower case on purpose)

  233. sliderblaze Says:

    Ksinde, if thats the case on API, the clowns who said that he’s a fraud, signed up for that frauds website….irony is thick

  234. Troy Says:

    they can jamb their Patriot Brigade Radio in their arses..grrrr

  235. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    Not sure,…….. when all the comments were locked before… it showed everyone that posted last in protected rooms

  236. sliderblaze Says:

    good thing he has that 200 money order….

  237. Ksinde. Says:

    cindy, can u get into the protected thread at api…go there and ook at the recent comments and click on one of them and see if you can get in

  238. ddlew Says:

    ….and I am half asleep….please forgive the typos…

  239. Ksinde. Says:

    yeah but is says protected

  240. Ksinde. Says:


  241. dixieinflorida Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 4:51 am

    Ksinde. Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 4:50 am
    i still can’t get lan to load

    don’t feel bad…I can’t get it either on IE or FF
    Have you tried to reboot

  242. ddlew Says:


  243. Tenacity Says:

    After about 10 tries…finally

  244. Ksinde. Says:

    they better not be listening to the flipping tape

  245. ddlew Says:


  246. Ksinde. Says:

    ok…whi is in the good graces of api… i am banned

  247. ddlew Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:00 am

    they better not be listening to the flipping tape


    What tape? 😉

  248. Troy Says:

    don’t feel bad…I can’t get it either on IE or FF
    Have you tried to reboot
    my computer?

  249. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    No I can’t……. but it also shows you in a protected area..
    Why I think it is only showing that because of the lock down

  250. Ksinde. Says:

    ddlew, keeps saying connecting

  251. ddlew Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:01 am

    ok…whi is in the good graces of api… i am banned


    I can access the site but I can’t post.

    I think he is only allowing those that gave him their personal information to post.

  252. Ksinde. Says:

    yes i rebooted 2 times

  253. sba1872 Says:

    I’m going to cut and paste the notes I was taking, so if it’s got a lot of errors, sorry. Plus I had a phone call. Anyway, there’s a commercial on now, so here’s the beginning of what he said:

    I got a shock today when I called NJ App Div to see what they had on the record as I imagine there’s at least a change that the US Sup Ct may ask the App Div what records they have.

    Today I forwarded official allegations of obstruction of justice against NJ App Div Judge Sabatino. In the App Div I am alleging that JS purposely tried through improper ex parte communications through law clerk to instruct me how to file an improper lawsuit.

    I found out today that they did not include motion for sj and 19-pg brief. They have it characterized a Motion for Leave to Appeal which was denied. There is a huge difference….

    The earliest I could have brought it was 9/22 when SOS said the candidates were eligible by statute.

    An action in lieu of prerogative writ. 2:2-3(a)(2), against a State official or State agency can be brought to App Div a sof right (no need to file a motion for leave). I am entitled by right. I went for an emergency application. Each week there’s a different judge on duty. You must talk to the law clerk first and then you fill out a 3-page form. Fact Sheet for Emergency Relief. You have to state your case in that form. Judge Sabatino’s clerk said we can’t accept as you haven’t stated the case in sufficient clarity. We are denying emergency review, but you don’t have to stick to the sheet. Go ahead and write a letter instead and get it to us right away, the 27th. They’re interested but aren’t ready to take it right away. I wrote a letter on the 27th. A few hours later and unbeknownst to me, they accepted it the night of the 27th. They did not advise me of this until 9:45 AM the next day and said all paper work has to be in by 4PM. Then the law clerk said you have to file a motion and app brief. I told him I did not need to do so. I want to file a comlaint in lieu of prerogative writ. The clerk said you have to follow the judge’s instructions. Now I have to do a motion and brief and have it filed by 4PM. 4:61 says as long as I put the words on it, that’s what it is. So I put on the notice of motion and on that I wrote, “Complaint in Lieu of Prerogative Writ.”

    First of all, that communication was improper. A judge is there to take your pleadings and decide on them. It is improper for them to tell you what kind of pleadings to file. I’m not supposed to get special instructions from the judge as to what kind of papers to file. The judge may lay down a timeline. But the judge doews not tell you here’s the case I want you to file before me. That’s not right. I had never filed a lawsuit against my life. I wasn’t sure that this was right, but I said no, the lawsuit I wanted to file was an action in lieu of prerogative writ. But I got it there and I got it filed. My points were: the candidate were not eligible as not natural born. Another point the SOS had a duty to protect the ballot and she should be compelled to compel that duty. The first rule is 4:69-1 says if you write a complaint in lieu to compel ministerial duty. Then R. 4:69-2 says after filing a complaint in lieu of prerogative writ, you have a write to file a motion for summary judgment.

    On the 30th, I call judge’s chambers and I say let me make you aware of Roger Colero. I must move to amend the complaint to add him and the clerk says we’ll get back to you. They call me back, improper, ex parte, and instruct him to call up the SOS Elections Office. This is improper. He should have told me to call the atty for elections division. He tells me to call them and tell them to remove Colero from the ballot. I called the defendant’s atty, the DAG, and told him what I was doing. He said ok but we’ll have to object to that. Then they call back and say your motion will be denied. Here’s the kicker. They send me a 4-pg order by the judge. He has characterized my direct appeal as a motion for leave to appeal, which is an interlocutory motion. I was entitled to bring an appeal, a direct appeal. “The judge decided to treat your case as a motion for leave to appeal so we are returning your $200 to you.” This is important because he was improperly preventing me from having the right to go to the Supreme Court.

    At least now I have proof I gave it to them. But if the US Supreme Court asks for the record of this case it will not reflect that I brought an action in lieu of prerogative writ.

  254. Ksinde. Says:

    cindy, i don’t understand what u r saying

  255. ddlew Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:02 am

    ddlew, keeps saying connecting


    Did you type the h t t p : / / in front?

  256. Cyndi Says:

    Back again!! I have listened to Lan before but for some reason I can’t get on tonight when I put addy in it sends me to google for lan sites I click on them and get IE cannot display the webpage on anything I click from the google page that I am sent to

  257. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    thought about giving personal info for chits and giggles…… he already has my email……. and my magic jack number…… only thing else he wants is my name….. plenty of people with my last name

  258. dixieinflorida Says:

    Well he isn’t on Lan……….he said he couldn’t get him on the phone, but is going to keep trying

  259. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    at API it shows you in a protected area..
    I think the only reason is because of the comment lock down….. like before when he closed all comments before WP shut him down

  260. ddlew Says:

    sba1872 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:04 am


    Are you looking for a job?

    Nice recap!

  261. Cyndi Says:

    Something’s fishy here…..

  262. sba1872 Says:


    Thanks for forgiving my typing errors.

  263. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    he does finally get him on the phone

  264. dixieinflorida Says:

    Well for those that didn’t hear the Ed Hale show you can hear it here


    Click on the Caren and Ed show for Friday

    Lan is still trying to call Leo

  265. Ksinde. Says:

    thanks SBA!!!! great notes!!

  266. ddlew Says:

    dixieinflorida Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:06 am

    Well he isn’t on Lan……….he said he couldn’t get him on the phone, but is going to keep trying


    Wow! Your feed is waaaaayyy behind but listen from their because he’s about to get him on the line from where you are on the feed.

  267. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ok he’s on now

  268. dixieinflorida Says:

    ddlew Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:10 am


    Wow! Your feed is waaaaayyy behind but listen from their because he’s about to get him on the line from where you are on the feed.
    OH is that what it is………I thought you were listening to Ed Hale

  269. Ksinde. Says:

    wtf… on api i am in the recent comments and i did not make a comment

  270. Troy Says:

    Cyndi Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 5:05 am
    Back again!! I have listened to Lan before but for some reason I can’t get on tonight when I put addy in it sends me to google for lan sites I click on them and get IE cannot display the webpage on anything I click from the google page that I am sent to

    I went thru all that same nonsense….finally get and the mutha won’t play…I have listened to Patriot Brigade plenty times before……grrrrrrrrrrrrr

  271. Cyndi Says:

    I think the judicial misconduct is gonna get somebody in big trouble.

  272. ddlew Says:

    Leo just said that his site is down because it’s being attacked. Lan told him to send info to Devy Kidd’s site and to Lan’s site.

  273. Ksinde. Says:

    it is my Ksinde (without a period behind my name), i use the Ksinde with a period

  274. sliderblaze Says:

    ksinde, email korir?

  275. dixieinflorida Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:12 am

    I went thru all that same nonsense….finally get and the mutha won’t play…I have listened to Patriot Brigade plenty times before……grrrrrrrrrrrrr
    He’s saying the same thing he said on Ed’s show

  276. ddlew Says:

    Oh yeah!! I forgot that Rush Limbaugh mentioned Leo’s case today!

  277. Troy Says:

    Ksinde. Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 5:14 am
    it is my Ksinde (without a period behind my name), i use the Ksinde with a period

    attack of the cloners

  278. Cyndi Says:

    So sorry about our luck Troy at least you were successful enough to get the page to load. Where’s a computer guru? I think someone had already said the Judges name but could someone please tell me again so I don’t have to go back through the posts.

  279. sba1872 Says:

    Leo says all of blogtext.org is down. He says we should check if that’s true.

  280. Ksinde. Says:

    u know what…no one can comment..looks like the site is being cleaned up…remember when he was deleting messages…that is what is happening

  281. sliderblaze Says:

    it’s true

  282. sba1872 Says:

    Lan is going to set up a website for Leo!

  283. Ksinde. Says:

    ddlew…what did rush say..missed his show today…

    i am mad at drudge…he hasn’t posted anything about leo yet.

  284. dixieinflorida Says:

    sba1872 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:18 am

    Leo says all of blogtext.org is down. He says we should check if that’s true.
    It’s down, probably been hacked

  285. Ksinde. Says:

    makes me sick…hackers

  286. ddlew Says:

    This what they are talking about on API’s site it seems.


  287. Cyndi Says:

    Someone must be afraid of the truth getting out.

  288. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:12 am

    wtf… on api i am in the recent comments and i did not make a comment
    Well you sure are having a hot chat going on over there LOL

  289. Ksinde. Says:


    do you know what is going on with the letter bob sent to FBI to Korir from BO?

  290. ddlew Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:19 am

    ddlew…what did rush say..missed his show today…

    i am mad at drudge…he hasn’t posted anything about leo yet.


    He mentioned the case and said that it was due to be heard by SCOTUS on December 5.

    I listen to Rush every day, except for today, so my buddy told me he said this on his show today. I have been keeping him up-to-date (buddy) on the Donofrio and Berg cases. He’s not much into the internet.

  291. Ksinde. Says:

    looks like api is cleaning up site and deleting comments…so as they delete, comments are being moved up

  292. Cyndi Says:

    If it wasn’t for the internet just think of really how ignorant we would be to all of this because media will not touch OB.

  293. Troy Says:

    I hope leo doesn’t end up sleeping with the fishes

  294. ddlew Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:12 am

    wtf… on api i am in the recent comments and i did not make a comment



    There is an announcement (left hand side) that states all posts will be held in moderation till Monday November 24.

    They must be emptying out their “pending moderation” box. That’s why posts that are old, are just now being posted.

  295. Ksinde. Says:

    troy…soap in your mouth

  296. Troy Says:

    Cyndi Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 5:27 am
    If it wasn’t for the internet just think of really how ignorant we would be to all of this because media will not touch OB.

    Lordy….we would be just like the rest of America….grrrrrrrrr

  297. ddlew Says:

    API suspends receiving of comments temporarily. Will resume when all things are under full control, probably by Monday the 24th.

  298. Ksinde. Says:

    ddlew…you are on recent comments now too at api

  299. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:23 am


    do you know what is going on with the letter bob sent to FBI to Korir from BO?
    No and I’m thinking that is something fake on the right side as you have a link in your name that goes nowhere and Korir has a link in his name that goes nowhere that used to go back to the home page

  300. Ksinde. Says:

    cyndi, i was just thinking that today… we would be so in the dark!!! also like what did we do before cell phones??? lost without it now

  301. dixieinflorida Says:

    And everyone of the comments are gone from the other topics that had comments like the poem one

  302. Cyndi Says:

    DVDs, Hollywood’s Profit Source, Are Sagging
    well now isn’t that sad. NOT!! I am starting to think of boycotting the Hollywood Mafia

  303. Ksinde. Says:


    no…lol… i meant do you know what is going on with bob’s letter in real life, not on api site… i saw his post on MS. i haven’t been over to MS lurking ecently and wanted to know if bob (aka honest american) posted anything else about it

  304. Cyndi Says:

    I remember the days of the 3 foot curly phone cords with the rotary dial on the wall in the kitchen where you had to stand up for a long time and being on a party line with everyone on the road. Boy now do I feel old.

  305. sba1872 Says:

    Well my realplayer cut out twice and I was able to reload to hear the show. Now it just says “This clip cannot be played. It contains unexpected data and may be corrupt.” Yeah, corrupt.

  306. sliderblaze Says:

    yeah, i’m blacked out too…..grrrrrr

  307. Ksinde. Says:

    Cyndi, don’t even get me started about hollywood…what a selfish bunch of people…. they only support dems for selfish reasons… don’t people ever wonder why hollywood supports a party that favors higher taxes on the rich???

  308. Tenacity Says:

    Lamphere just announced that they have about 5 audio servers down… He believes they are being attacked.

  309. Cyndi Says:

    Ksinde are you saying there is a letter to Korir from OB, sorry I am lost.

  310. ddlew Says:

    Lan just announced that two of his servers are down because THEY ARE UNDER ATTACK!

    that’s why no one can get on to listen to the show.

    I was listening through ITUNES and it just went dead. Now I am listening from patriot brigade.

  311. sliderblaze Says:

    aaaaaand it’s back

  312. Cyndi Says:

    Wow this is like Big Brother coming into your home and telling you what you can watch.

  313. Ksinde. Says:

    Tenacity Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 5:37 am

    uugghh…makes me want to Denny Crane…Lock n Load…lol…

    that saying is so funny…someone reminded me of it tonight on the plains radio blog… too funny

  314. sliderblaze Says:

    i hope leo get some protective custody

  315. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:34 am


    no…lol… i meant do you know what is going on with bob’s letter in real life, not on api site… i saw his post on MS. i haven’t been over to MS lurking ecently and wanted to know if bob (aka honest american) posted anything else about it
    Oh I’m sorry. Last I read he had notified them, been over here mostly

    I see API has removed the topic where he posted all the comments from MS. I would think that would violate TOS

    Anyway Leo sure can talk

  316. Cyndi Says:

    Hollywood with their worthier than thou attitude.

  317. Troy Says:

    Cyndi Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 5:36 am
    I remember the days of the 3 foot curly phone cords with the rotary dial on the wall in the kitchen where you had to stand up for a long time and being on a party line with everyone on the road. Boy now do I feel old.
    People out here where I live still have to climb to the top of the phone poll to make a call….You know like on Green Acres…LOL

  318. dixieinflorida Says:

    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:40 am

    i hope leo get some protective custody
    Me too

  319. Ksinde. Says:

    cyndi, yes letter BO to Korir

    Go to this link and then click on the Bob Vernon’s Wends. Show (Guests > Leo & Gary) Once the player comes up go to around 29 min 30 sec.
    What do you make of this?


  320. Cyndi Says:

    wow where r u Troy

  321. Ksinde. Says:

    cyndi, yes letter BO to Korir

    Go to this link and then click on the Bob Vernon’s Wends. Show (Guests > Leo & Gary) Once the player comes up go to around 29 min 30 sec.


  322. Troy Says:

    Dueling Banjo country

  323. Cyndi Says:

    Hey anyone know how much this inaguration is going to cost and who is paying for this?

  324. Tenacity Says:

    They are going on break right now. Lan told Leo that many people were afraid for his life. Lan also said he had heard that the FBI was following Leo to protect him. Leo was not aware but had felt for several days that he was being followed. Leo said he would not live in fear and that the chips could fall where they may…break

  325. Troy Says:

    Leo the Hero

  326. Cyndi Says:

    Ok thank you Ksinde gonna check it out now, thx.

  327. Tenacity Says:

    The inaugaration will cost us our lifestyle…our freedom…America as we know it.

  328. Ksinde. Says:

    right on Tena!

  329. Troy Says:

    I just tried to log on Leo’s site,,,,no dice

  330. Ksinde. Says:

    wow…leo feels like he is being followed…do u really think the FBI would follow him and who would order the FBI to do that????

  331. Cyndi Says:

    Tenacity that is really sad but true….

  332. Troy Says:

    Ksinde. Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 5:50 am
    wow…leo feels like he is being followed…do u really think the FBI would follow him and who would order the FBI to do that????
    Believe me if he is being followed it isn’t to protect him!!!!

  333. Ksinde. Says:

    troy… fbi is under GW right now…not BO yet…. i know yes i am naive

  334. Troy Says:

    I sure hope someone mirrored Leo’s site before it got hit

  335. Troy Says:

    The FBI under BO, now there’s a scary thought

  336. Troy Says:

    Leo should be able to get a very lucritive book deal out of this when it’s all said and done

  337. dixieinflorida Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:51 am

    Ksinde. Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 5:50 am
    wow…leo feels like he is being followed…do u really think the FBI would follow him and who would order the FBI to do that????
    Believe me if he is being followed it isn’t to protect him!!!!

    OK now let’s not be playing detectives. If something happened to him right now it wouldn’t do bama any good but fuel the fires

  338. dixieinflorida Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:53 am

    I sure hope someone mirrored Leo’s site before it got hit
    surly he made a backup of it

  339. Troy Says:

    OMG…..five black sedans just pulled up infront of my house….LOL

  340. ddlew Says:

    h t t p : / /

  341. ddlew Says:

    Troy Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 5:58 am

    OMG…..five black sedans just pulled up infront of my house….LOL



    It was only one and it’s dark gray! I have a 12 pack with me….Come on out!

  342. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    good interview,….. but like someone else said…. Leo sure can talk

  343. Tenacity Says:

    Lan asks for prayer for Leo’s safety.

    7 minutes remaining in show

    Leo believe most in government are good people. It is a rogue element that are sabotours. Lan believes Justice Department is blocking people like Leo.

    Leo says some rogue people in govt are criminal…like the judge and office he filed at in NJ. Judge put his carrier in jeopardy to handle Leo’s case the way he did. Most would have not known their case was being obstructed and was being screen by his law clerk. Leo will not buy the most in government are against the people. Lan says its hard to know who your enemies are any more. How do you weed out those that need to be brought to justice. Leo says it requires a clear cogent argument, not loose allegations. Americans must take back the power. People need to know that they can investigate when they are on a grand jury. Leo knows that there are sabotours in the government. Lan signing off. Lan says Leo needs to broadcast his blog on this…press release to get out so it cannot be blocked. Lan is offering to help Leo get on more shows to educate people to what the hell is going on…especially in this case, but more. This story cannot get buried and it will if it is not broadcast. Leo says what could stop the case is a faulty report from the lower court. Leo is trying to find out if he can submit more of the paperwork to the SCOTUS. He is asking for help from any attorney with knowledge and experience with SCOTUS submittal. Leo confirms Blocktext still down. Lan says their servers are back up. Show ends.

  344. sba1872 Says:

    Leo said he did not have a backup of his site, but someone called in to Lan and said he had. He will send it to Lan.

  345. dixieinflorida Says:

    He’s wrong about the SOS. Here is what my secretary of state emailed me when I filed a complaint.

    Thank you for inquiring about the determination of a candidate’s eligibility to run for President of United States. The Florida Department of State does not have investigative or enforcement authority to ensure that major partiesʼ Presidential candidates are properly qualified to be President of the United States. The U.S. Constitution establishes the qualifying requirements for President. Under Florida law, the way in which a major party’s candidate is placed on the ballot is that the state executive committee of each political party submits its slate of presidential electors for its candidate before September 1st of each presidential election year; then, by law, the names of candidates are printed on the ballot. Those candidates are not required to provide any documents to the State that they meet the qualifications for office.

    The Florida Secretary of State performs only a ministerial function. So, the Secretary has no authority or responsibility to look beyond the filing documents to determine if a candidate is eligible. If a candidate (or the party in the case of a major political party nominating someone as a Presidential candidate) files the necessary paperwork, which papers are complete on their face, the Secretary must qualify the candidate.

    Any challenge to the qualifications of a U.S. Presidential candidate should be made in a court of competent jurisdiction. The Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., may also be a resource for information or inquiry on this matter. Contact information for the Department of Justice is: AskDOJ@usdoj.gov.; phone: 202-514-2000; and U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20530-0001.

  346. sba1872 Says:

    Okay. How many “he’s” were in that? What I meant to say is that Leo doesn’t have a backup, but a radio caller does. The caller will send it to Lan and Lan will help Leo to get up a new independent site, not on blogtext.org.

  347. sliderblaze Says:

    dixie, from what he said is that other guy on the ballot in other states, the SOS kicked him off, the fella from nicaruaga…..how did the sos determine that fact? and if the sos couldnt do it, how did she/he accomplish that?

  348. Tenacity Says:

    I thought you got kicked off so I tried to pick up your baton. I am no where as good as you but did the best I could.

  349. ddlew Says:

    Tenacity Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:06 am

    I thought you got kicked off so I tried to pick up your baton. I am no where as good as you but did the best I could.


    That shows quite a bit of Tenacity on your part! lol! 🙂

  350. Troy Says:

    It’s just freakin amazing that Leo and Lan were both attacked….Just goes to show you they are watching Leo like a hawk, because they knew has was to be on Lan’s show tonight.
    The level and extent of the corruption is mind boggling

  351. sba1872 Says:


    You did great! I did get kicked off, but I’m stubborn so kept trying. Don’t know if I’m as tenacious as you are, though.

  352. dixieinflorida Says:

    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:05 am

    dixie, from what he said is that other guy on the ballot in other states, the SOS kicked him off, the fella from nicaruaga…..how did the sos determine that fact? and if the sos couldnt do it, how did she/he accomplish that?
    I have no idea, maybe nobody nominated him

  353. Ksinde. Says:

    ty tena!

  354. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    Each state has it own consititution so the SOS powers may be different from state to state…..

  355. ddlew Says:

    I’m not an attorney so I don’t have any idea if Donofrio’s case is a good as I hope or think it is.

    I just hope Leo isn’t one of those guys that talks a good game but, when it comes down to it, there’s no substance.

    I don’t know. I hope I’m not putting too much hope in his case.

  356. sliderblaze Says:

    maybe, but if he’s from nicarauga, then who can he be on the ballot in NJ…if he’s not a natural born citizen, someone somewhere is not doing their job and one would think that would be the sos

  357. Tenacity Says:

    Its funny to try and type fast and then look back at what you typed. Embarrassing actually.

  358. Ksinde. Says:

    ddlew, this is the first case that got any real attention from the SC… i have hope

  359. ddlew Says:

    Arianna Huffington looks set to cement her position as the Queen of Capitol Hill in the next few days.

    The Times has learnt that the Huffington Post, her influential political website, will confirm within the next week that it has completed a $15 million (£10 million) fundraising from investors.

    The money will finance the expansion of HuffPo, as it is known, into the provision of local news across the United States and into more investigative journalism. And it will ensure that Ms Huffington’s influence continues to spread across the US political scene.

    She is a close friend of Barack Obama, the President-elect – who, with Hillary Clinton, has posted on her site – and, at a dinner in London on Wednesday night, joked: “I only text three people – my two teenage children and Barack Obama.”


  360. Cyndi Says:

    Maybe some states laws are different.

  361. sba1872 Says:

    Tenacity Says:

    “Its funny to try and type fast and then look back at what you typed. Embarrassing actually.”

    Yeah, tell me about it.

  362. Troy Says:

    ddlew Says:

    November 22, 2008 at 6:11 am
    I’m not an attorney so I don’t have any idea if Donofrio’s case is a good as I hope or think it is.

    I just hope Leo isn’t one of those guys that talks a good game but, when it comes down to it, there’s no substance.

    I don’t know. I hope I’m not putting too much hope in his case.
    His case is great because it forces the SCOTUS to define what “natural born citizen” means and that has never been done before

  363. sliderblaze Says:

    ok people, sleepage is needed, nite all

  364. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    going to go spend time with the hubby……. night everyone

  365. Cyndi Says:

    Leo thinks this case has merit and it was very rare that the judges would even have conference on it so apparently Judge Thomas also sees that it has merit as well.

  366. Ksinde. Says:

    check this pic of Leo out… i didn’t picture him looking like this. He looks younger then 42 doesn’t he?


  367. ddlew Says:

    sliderblaze Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:15 am

    ok people, sleepage is needed, nite all


    What a WIMP! It’s Friday night!

  368. Cyndi Says:

    awww goodnight slider

  369. sliderblaze Says:

    hey, my son has a basketball clinic tomorrow at 8 am til 12, first one of the season….andi’m pooped, it’s almost 130

  370. dixieinflorida Says:

    justanamericancindy4 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:11 am


    Each state has it own consititution so the SOS powers may be different from state to state…..
    That could be

  371. ddlew Says:

    Cyndi Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:16 am

    Leo thinks this case has merit and it was very rare that the judges would even have conference on it so apparently Judge Thomas also sees that it has merit as well.


    I was thinking the same thing. I don’t think Justice Thomas would further the case if he didn’t at least support the premise. It looks to me like he will only need to convince three other Justices to go along with him. That shouldn’t be too difficult. I believe this case will make it to a full review. I’m just not sure how it will be decided.

  372. Ksinde. Says:

    Slider, get use to staying up now, practice for when baby get here….tick tock

  373. sba1872 Says:


    “I’m not an attorney so I don’t have any idea if Donofrio’s case is a good as I hope or think it is.”


    The fact that the case has gone to conference with the Supreme Court says something. This is extraordinary, just the fact that it is being considered. And the fact that Judge Sabatino tried to sabotage it says something, too.

  374. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:16 am

    check this pic of Leo out… i didn’t picture him looking like this. He looks younger then 42 doesn’t he?

    Is part of your link missing? I’m getting nothing

  375. Ksinde. Says:

    add www

  376. Cyndi Says:

    I think he was saying to all those ppl laughing at this case, for it to have gotten the attention of 1 justice that it had merit and this was very big

  377. dixieinflorida Says:

    Think the Justices might be all bamabots

  378. Tenacity Says:

    The Lan Lamphere show is rebroadcasting now. Leo will not be on for a while however.

  379. ddlew Says:


  380. Ksinde. Says:

    Leo’s suit is the only case that has taken a positive step forwarded.. Until know, everything has been shot down.

    That speaks volumes to me!

  381. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:21 am

    add www
    ok I have that bookmarked and when I saw him he certainly doesn’t look as smart as he talks

  382. Ksinde. Says:

    geez…now i can hear the Lan show…go figure

  383. dixieinflorida Says:

    I’m still running behind on Lan, I think I paused it is why. If the servers are only able to handle 30,000 they are probably just over loaded, contrary to the conspiracy theory

  384. Ksinde. Says:

    dixie, lol…no he doesn’t, i expected clean cut and a little on the heavy side and in a suit…lol

  385. sba1872 Says:

    It looks like Judge Sabatino was appointed by Whitman so he must be a Republican.


  386. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:25 am

    geez…now i can hear the Lan show…go figure
    I really think the servers were just overloaded. Those that listened to the Ed Hale show heard him say he was going to be on Lan tonight so no telling how many people were trying to log onto it

  387. Ksinde. Says:

    i agree dixie… overloaded

  388. Tenacity Says:

    Was I dreaming or did I read or hear somewhere today that Souter has referred the Berg case to the panel conference in a similar way that Thomas referred Donofrio’s case? If I am correct, this represents a significant change on Souter’s part. If I am correct, Souter stated that it was not based upon Berg’s standing but rather due to the importance of the constitutional question to the public as a whole.

  389. dixieinflorida Says:

    sba1872 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:28 am

    It looks like Judge Sabatino was appointed by Whitman so he must be a Republican.

    Well I certainly hope he gets those 4 Justices. I don’t see how the MSM can continue to ignore this.

  390. Ksinde. Says:

    Tena, yes i read that 2 here i think.

  391. dixieinflorida Says:

    Tenacity Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:31 am

    Was I dreaming or did I read or hear somewhere today that Souter has referred the Berg case to the panel conference in a similar way that Thomas referred Donofrio’s case? If I am correct, this represents a significant change on Souter’s part. If I am correct, Souter stated that it was not based upon Berg’s standing but rather due to the importance of the constitutional question to the public as a whole.
    Oh wow will have to research that.

  392. ddlew Says:

    I’m telling you guys.

    Obama will be the president because that’s what the globalists want.

    They all take their orders from the International Banking Community.

    The Bilderbergers are real. Just like the once denied Trilateral Commission and the once denied Council on Foreign Relations.

  393. dixieinflorida Says:

    Nothing new on the docket

    No. 08-570
    Philip J. Berg, Petitioner
    Barack Obama, et al.
    Docketed: October 31, 2008
    Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
    Case Nos.: (08-4340)
    Rule 11

    ~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Oct 30 2008 Petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment filed. (Response due December 1, 2008)
    Oct 31 2008 Application (08A391) for an injunction pending disposition of the petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
    Nov 3 2008 Supplemental brief of applicant Philip J. Berg filed.
    Nov 3 2008 Application (08A391) denied by Justice Souter.
    Nov 18 2008 Waiver of right of respondents Federal Election Commission, et al. to respond filed.

  394. ddlew Says:

    # dixieinflorida Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:29 am

    Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:25 am

    geez…now i can hear the Lan show…go figure
    I really think the servers were just overloaded. Those that listened to the Ed Hale show heard him say he was going to be on Lan tonight so no telling how many people were trying to log onto it
    # Ksinde. Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 6:31 am

    i agree dixie… overloaded

    Dang guys! Come on. It’s more fun to believe they were under attack! As far as I am concerned…………they were attacked.

    Now where did I put my secret decoder ring? hhmmmm

  395. Ksinde. Says:

    tena, americarights or obamacrimes don’t have it posted though. jeff is pretty good about updating his site with updates, it could be just a rumor

  396. ddlew Says:

    Hey the “All Women Are Commies” guy is on Lamphere right now. lol

  397. Ksinde. Says:

    my post just got shot out to cyberspace

    night all, hagn

  398. dixieinflorida Says:

    If you want to keep up with what’s going on go here and type in the case #
    Berg’s is 08-570 and Leo’s is 08A407

    Everything they do has to go on the docket


  399. Cyndi Says:

    Yeah dixie I posted about it this morning I could go find the post.

  400. Cyndi Says:

    Supreme court ruling on Obama’s eligibility for presidency
    Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:15

    Supreme court ruling on Obama’s eligibility for presidency
    By Janitsar on Nov 18th, 2008

    Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS) Justice David Souter has agreed that a review of the federal lawsuit filed by attorney Phil Berg against Barack Hussein Obama II, et al., which was subsequently dismissed for lack of standing is warranted. SCOTUS Docket No. 08-570 contains the details.

    A review of that docket and the Rule 10 of the Supreme Court makes abundantly clear that Justice Souter’s granting of a review on the Writ of Certiorari is not a right entitled to citizen Phil Berg, but rather is a matter of judcial discretion based upon a compelling reason. That compelling reason is the Constitutional requirement that “No person except a natural born citizen …

  401. Tenacity Says:

    I believe I saw the Berg referral in a Freerepublic article early afternoon.

  402. dixieinflorida Says:

    Ok well that is the last entry on the docket.

    Justice David Souter is probably thinking they will throw it out then the wolf will be off his back. By them waving their rights they are thinking the same thing will happen. We can always hope that it doesn’t.

  403. dixieinflorida Says:

    Night all that are still up. It’s been a nice chat tonight

  404. Cyndi Says:

    Good night everyone. God Bless and sleep well.

  405. Tenacity Says:

    If you are still on here, Thank you for reposting the Berg update.

  406. jjones35811 Says:

    Anyone awake?

  407. amy Says:

    gm…..Cyndi.. Could you post a link to that info about nov 18, on APEN, by janitsar.. I have the docket right here in front of me.. It doesnt say that on the last entry which was for nov 18.. The last entry is about the FEC waiver.. Are you sure that APEN site isnt one of those hoax sites that makes comedy out of everything??

  408. thinkingmom11 Says:

    Sorry rosetta I committed a double sin – the www. PLUS I wasn’t logged in under my reg. username



    here is that link – you just need the http stuff not a www for it

    I don’t *Think* it is a spoof site but there is a pretty funny spoof of Obama’s birth cerificate on there. That said I also don’t know how reliable the site is either – just posting it because you asked 🙂

  409. thinkingmom11 Says:



    here is that link – you just need the http stuff not a www for it

    I don’t *Think* it is a spoof site but there is a pretty funny spoof of Obama’s birth cerificate on there. That said I also don’t know how reliable the site is either – just posting it because you asked

  410. thinkingmom11 Says:

    BTW – good morning, Amy and jj – just got here myself

  411. jjones35811 Says:

    I was on my way into work yesterday listening to talk radio, like I always do, and the topic was about the BC issue and the donofio case ! … One step close to it becoming more widely known 🙂

  412. dixieinflorida Says:

    GM all

    If you haven’t been to newsbusters.org for some great laughs at the videos on there you need to check it out.

  413. thinkingmom11 Says:

    That is good JJ -cuz I was talking to my husband about it the other day and he thought I might be hanging with some crazies so he decided to check it out. He just about hit the floor when he saw that it was going before the Supreme Court! Now he is telling everyone! But he had not heard it on any of the various media he listens to.

    I kinda think it is a dangerous game the media are playing with this. If the Supreme Court makes a “surprise” decision to “overthrow” the election (and you know that is what O supporters are going to say) the uninformed public is going to FREAK OUT! I think this needs to be discussed in the open so that if something wild does happen people aren’t taken by surprise. It is a very dangerous game the media plays – they may be guilty of starting a very ugly situation by their lack of coverage.

  414. jjones35811 Says:

    I’ve told several people I work with about his birth being questionable, of course, they think I’m some right-wingnut. hence the avatar 😉

  415. dixieinflorida Says:

    Stop the Presses! AP’s Important Story: Obama Had Corned Beef Sandwich for Lunch

    There are wars and rumors of wars, disasters and relief efforts and historic decisions will soon be made. But no decision is so important, as the AP dutifully tells us, than the one of what the president elect had for lunch. The shocking, heartwarming and resolute decision the leader of the free world… no the leader of all mankind… made for his lunch was apparently a corned beef sandwich.


  416. sliderblaze Says:

    well, leo and lan said yesterday, they’re gonna be i the medias face for now on. so, i think the shunning of fox news is no longer on the table

  417. thinkingmom11 Says:

    That newsbusters site is a HOOT! I had to grab a barf bag for the renaming mountains and schools for this dolt – don’t they know they are just encouraging him.

    Feeds right into his pathological narcissist disorder!! “Don’t feed the Bears!”

  418. jjones35811 Says:

    the host I listened to yesterday was not completely informed about the topic. I e-mailed him with a few links and my opinion of course. I’m not sure that he will even read it let alone follow the links, but hey, it’s worth a shot

  419. thinkingmom11 Says:

    Well, slider I hope SOMEONE big starts getting this out there – maybe nothing comes of it but I can’t imagine how ugly it could be if Leo is successful and O and McCain are both considered ineligible and people are taken by surprise…

    Those bozos interviewed by Zogby won’t be able to figure out what is going on

  420. Melissa Says:

    Hi Everyone,

    Not sure if this has been brought up on any other threads.

    Has anyone taken a look at Amendment 14 of the Constitution? Particularly the 3rd paragraph? http://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_Am14.html

    It says that Congress, by way of a 2/3 vote, can remove any Constitutional ‘disability’ regarding citizenship. I’m sure this is why the Dems are fighting tooth and nail for all the seats in the House they can muster.

    I am hoping that I’m reading something wrong…

  421. thinkingmom11 Says:

    good job, jj

    i think we all should be getting the info out to as many people as we can

    I am going to send it to my ULTRA liberal family that I will be seeing on Thanksgiving – doubt they will pay much attention to it but MAYBE we can have an informed conversation about it – otherwise I’d just as soon be talking to the turkey…

  422. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    Morning everyone

  423. thinkingmom11 Says:

    Good Morning, Miss Cindy

  424. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    I heard no matter what happens,. the electors have to pick from the ballot,
    So a Biden/Palin is plausable if OB and McCain is tossed off..

    Biden/Palin or Palin/Biden……. that would be a hoot

  425. wndawmn666 Says:

    Hi Everyone,

    I tried to post this a few minutes ago but realized I wasn’t logged in so the comment was/is in moderation.

    Not sure if this has been brought up on any other threads.

    Has anyone taken a look at Amendment 14 of the Constitution? Particularly the 3rd paragraph? http://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_Am14.html

    It says that Congress, by way of a 2/3 vote, can remove any Constitutional ‘disability’ regarding citizenship. I’m sure this is why the Dems are fighting tooth and nail for all the seats in the House they can muster.

    I am hoping that I’m reading something wrong…

  426. thinkingmom11 Says:

    From what I read in the Constitution I think that is correct. The electors will have to choose from eligible, balloted candidates. Whoever gets the most electoral votes would be pres and the next vote getter would be vice pres. That would make for an interesting 4 years!

  427. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    My mother is old school, very democrat…. she doesn’t like OB but will stand behind of her party mentality..
    I also have a few other scattered Hard core Dems in my family… the rest are Rep that knows what is going on with the BC etc……. it is going to be an interesting Thanksgiving

  428. wndawmn666 Says:

    Me again – okay, I think I answered my own question…

    The amendment says that if an individual has engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the US or given aid or comfort to an enemy, he would be ineligible to serve (in a national office).

    In that case, Congress could waive that disability by a 2/3 majority. Nothing in either amendment says the requirement for natural born citizenship can be waived by Congress.

    Phew. Sorry! 🙂

  429. justanamericancindy4 Says:


    Thanks for the info 🙂

  430. rosettasister Says:

    Good morning, America!

    How are you?!

    Total Views 11/21


    I just peeked and there were 427 comments on this thread

    so I will put up new post straight away and fill in later

    will let you know

    Have a wonderful Saturday and don’t forget to count your blessings!


  431. justanamericancindy4 Says:

    morning rose

  432. thinkingmom11 Says:

    I wonder wnda if that was to allow someone who may have lead a justified rebellion against a gov’t that had become oppressive to be allowed to become president of a newly “reformed” gov’t?

  433. thinkingmom11 Says:

    OOOoooo I found some interesting stuff!!! I have always been one to wonder what the “original intent” of the Founding Fathers was when looking at Constitutional Issues. I have not had as much time as I would like to look what the Father’s were referencing when they decided on the term “natural born citizen” until TODAY:


    This originally was a blog discussing McCain’s eligiblity but if talks about ORIGINAL INTENT based on the writings of Blackstone and then-current British law in order to figure out what the FF’s meant by natural born. It is very interesting and it may work out the McCain would be considered a natural born citizen but Obama would not (divided loyaties due to father’s citizenship!)

    Check out the link to the volokh link on there too….VERY INTERESTING – I wonder if Donofrio has seen this?

  434. tucker822 Says:

    lucianne.com and Forbes has touched on the BC now. It’s getting out there, slowly, but surely:



  435. dixieinflorida Says:

    thinkingmom11 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:07 pm

    That newsbusters site is a HOOT! I had to grab a barf bag for the renaming mountains and schools for this dolt – don’t they know they are just encouraging him.

    Feeds right into his pathological narcissist disorder!! “Don’t feed the Bears!”
    I love that site. Did you watch some of the videos?


  436. rosettasister Says:

    New Thread:

    Good Morning, America! How Are You?!

  437. dixieinflorida Says:

    ooops newsbusters.org

    wndawmn666 Says:
    November 22, 2008 at 3:23 pm

    Me again – okay, I think I answered my own question…
    post links without the www or http and then your comments won’t go into moderation

  438. wndawmn666 Says:

    Thanks, Dixie. 🙂

Comments are closed.