Blood clots protection: the best drinks for blood thinning are named-water, pomegranate and beetroot juices, as well as infusions from berries



The best drinks for blood thinning are water, pomegranate and beetroot juices, as well as infusions from berries. This was told to Moscow 24 by a nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences Margarita Koroleva.

First of all, for the prevention of thrombosis, the specialist advises drinking a sufficient amount of ordinary non-carbonated water. For every kilogram of body weight, there should be at least 33 milliliters of fluid, the nutritionist explained.

“Thick blood can increase the risk of thrombosis, and water supports the blood coagulation system, preventing the formation of blood clots. Water is a good activity of all fluid structures, good lymphatic drainage and natural detoxification of the body,” says Koroleva.

The specialist also recommends using pomegranate juice to thin the blood. It contains amino acids that are needed to maintain the cardiovascular system and normalize hematopoietic function. In addition, this product contains vitamin P and B vitamins.
Pomegranate juice can be very beneficial for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Pomegranate is especially indicated for people aged 50+, when some problems are already accumulating in the body. Margarita Koroleva dietitian, doctor of medical sciences

“Beetroot is also a good product. Beetroot juice promotes natural detoxification by removing heavy metal salts from the body and optimizing the lipid composition of the blood. That is, it promotes better blood rheology (fluidity. – Approx. ed.) With the participation of those substances that are in the composition this product,” says the nutritionist.

You can also drink infusions of blackcurrant or mountain ash. They contain vitamin C and vitamin P, which improve blood flow along the vascular wall and maintain its health, the specialist concluded.

Earlier, the Russians were reminded which foods increase the risk of blood clots. According to a dietitian, doctor of medical sciences, professor Mikhail Ginzburg, we are talking about sweets, red meat and food containing trans fats. In particular, chips and pastries.


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