The tragic death of Dr. Thomas Jendges (55) of Chemnitz Germany



Judge for yourself:


#Germany Chemnitz Dr.Thomas Jendges:”…I can only repeat that what is happening here has nothing , absolutely nothing to do with a virus. It is,worldwide, the introduction of a worldwide dictatorship…”



11/13/2021 5:06 PM  100,738

Big fuss about alleged farewell letter from Chemnitz clinic boss

Chemnitz – About two weeks ago, the tragic death of Dr. Thomas Jendges († 55) all of Chemnitz . According to TAG24 information, the head of the Chemnitz hospital fell from the hospital building on Flemmingstrasse. He died on the spot of his serious injuries. Now an alleged farewell letter is causing a stir on the internet.

Dr.  Thomas Jendges († 55) had only been the sole managing director of the Chemnitz Clinic since October 1, 2021.  About a month later he died after jumping off the clinic building.
Dr. Thomas Jendges († 55) had only been the sole managing director of the Chemnitz Clinic since October 1, 2021. About a month later he died after jumping off the clinic building. © Chemnitz Clinic

Reports of an alleged farewell letter have been roaming all online platforms for days .

The central statement: The deceased 55-year-old killed himself to set an example against the corona vaccinations . These are “bio-warfare agents”, so it is said in the postings. He is also said to have described the vaccine in his letter as genocide and a crime against humanity.

It is also alleged that Mayor Sven Schulze (50, SPD) threatened the clinic boss with a dismissal “if he should not vaccinate patients in the hospital”. In addition, the mayor is said to have prevented the publication of the farewell letter so far, it is said.

Chemnitz: More than 3100 vacancies: Employees are urgently needed in these industries

Chemnitz local More than 3100 vacancies: Employees are urgently needed in these industries

All wrong! Because there should not have been such a farewell letter. When asked by the dpa, a spokesman for the mayor confirmed this week: “No, we are not aware of any farewell letter.”

The police also confirmed this week that they are not aware of any suicide note.

3 Responses to “The tragic death of Dr. Thomas Jendges (55) of Chemnitz Germany”

  1. rosettasister Says:

  2. rosettasister Says:

    “Courage, anger, and a great heart … that’s what unifies us …”

  3. rosettasister Says:

    ”As a doctor, as a vaccinator, I can only repeat that what is happening here has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with a virus.

    “It is, worldwide, the introduction of a worldwide dictatorship…”

    “Last week in Spever,” says Dr Jendges, “I spoke before 1000 people. I’ve never spoken in front of people before; never dared to, never had the courage to.

    “What is happening at the moment in Germany … in the last month I have spent 1500 hours looking at the situation, because I knew it had nothing to with anything medical.

    “I couldn’t understand what is going on; there are such interconnected aims. They are all dancing to the same tune as each other … of course it is being disguised … of course it is happening gradually. Many people won’t notice it and they’ll ask what all the fuss is about.

    “Go onto the streets to protest for the reinstatement of our basic rights … our forefathers wrote these exact rights into our basic laws … courage, anger and a great heart, that is what unifies us.”

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