There’s No Such Thing As A Stupid Question. But If There Were Such A Thing, That Would Have Been One – Decoding Obama Birth Certificate Mystery (Polarik – TexasDarlin – Techdude – Pamela Geller)

Reading the following started me thinking (always a dangerous proposition): From koyaan’s blog: August 22, 2008 at 8:15 pm Elliewyatt said: “I imagine “Polarik” is thanking God for small favors tonite. He needn’t come back and post anymore at TD.” So, I posted this at TexasDarlin (TD): “Ellie or anyone: Could someone please explain to … Continue reading There’s No Such Thing As A Stupid Question. But If There Were Such A Thing, That Would Have Been One – Decoding Obama Birth Certificate Mystery (Polarik – TexasDarlin – Techdude – Pamela Geller)